
Thursday 23 June 2016

Dark Vengeance - Chaos Space Marine Chosen

Ok, bit of change with those ! As always I'm getting to my first and true love : Chaos...
I hadn't really planned to paint those until a few weeks ago when a challenge was issued on a FB modelling page. The aim of this challenge was to make a point between white primers and black primers. 
Given that the person who initiated the challenge is a firm believer in black undercoats, he made the challenge about painting black marines (raven guard, deathwatch, black templars and so on...). As you can imagine, this choice wasn't influenced by any kind of bad will or any bias...
Well given that I am the proud owner of a black renegade force, I thought I could join and get some models painted !
 Thing is, I'm actually a grey undercoat fan but I usually resort to black undercoats when the models are 95% black so I think it was OK for me to enter this in the black undercoaters' side (you had to pick a side).

I have to say those Dark Vengeance Chaos space marines are incredible models. The only thing is they are totally not what I fancy painting. I'll explain a bit later but just bear in mind those were painted with SPEED in mind and nothing else so the standard displayed is obviously lower that what I'd want to display here.

The captain is a very cool model, well designed and broken in a number of pieces that make it very interesting and characterful. I love the backpack and its tentacles reloading the bolter on their own.

The chosen with power axe is another cool model with ribcage bones and a weird tongue, the balance between armour and organic texture is excellent and ver reminiscent of the Rogue Trader models. I tried to have a little fun with the power axe to have at least a couple of fancy parts in the squad ! ^^

Same thing once again, striking pose and very cool design, it's the only kind of horn I actually fancy on my chaos marines. The chainmail and clothing don't really make any sense but hey, it's chaos.

Now we're talking ! This helmet is totally how I like chaos marines, intricate armour and all. The legs one against the other kind of look like he wants to pee but it's a pretty cool model nonetheless.

Unfortunately, the only sculpt I don't reall fancy in thisgroup is th eone that comes in pair (or maybe I don't fancy it because there are 2 of it). As you can see I've avoided plenty of details once again. The basic idea is teh same as for all my renegades : to keep as many black thingsas I can to have a striking visual effect and make it look a bit Gigeresque.

So this is it, I really think those models are wonderful and well designed and they certainly look like chaos should look instead of vanilla marines with horns and spikes. 
One thing though made me feel annoyed when painting those. The level of detail is far beyond what's required for tabletop gaming in my opinion, that shouldn't be a problem but it means it requires more time to look good which can be counter productive. 
On the other side, if those were to be considered for painting and displaying only, they still suffer from huge drawbacks inherent to plastic models. Some edges are a bit soft and above all : the undercuts. I just cannot stand them, they really ruin a big part of the fun and they surely are the biggest reason why I rushed on those. Here's just a selection of some but the problem is on every model.

From what I've seen from more recent kits, GW seems to have addressed the issue as I haven't spotted as much of those on the admech stuff I have nor on the Hybrids from Deathwatck Overkill. there will still be some of course but not to that extent.
Everybody find his own place in this hobby and the one I'm enjoying is to paint models meant to be played but with a bit of effort so they can look alright when inspected from closer. These models as nice as they are aren't really the best material to achieve that and resin models even less.

Just because I found it fun i've got a few big old lead guys out to photograph with our new champion :


  1. Wow, what an awesome bunch àf dark and gritty bastards. You really nailed the 'gigeresque' look you're aiming to with those boys.
    While I'm a bit shocked to discover you've painted such a great amount àf 'recent' models ;), i have to recognize you did that with a great style and thanks to that, they don't break the line next to your older models, which is a great achievement !
    I have to agree, the amount of details on the recent pastic models doesn't fit a fast painting style, yet you dealt with this very well. I really like the dark and glooming look they all have (as opposed to the more cartoonesque and flashy colors those guys are often painted with these days).

    Will they see any battle soon ?

    1. I do hope they'll see a table soon enough ! ^^

      Cheers mec, I do like those model and I love many new things, I just usually painting the old ones more for the reasons given above !

  2. Bloody hell, these are a bit good! Great choice of miniatures to tie together with a lovely tonal scheme and limited palette with focal points of colour. Some of the best black highlighting I've seen too, sweet!

    1. Cheers Stuart, the black is my usual black recipe (deisgned for lazy people). I'm a bit tempted to paint the whole DV set (chaotic part I mean) now !

  3. You somehow manage to get the right balance between detail and sobriety, and that's the value of your Chaos troops. These minis are great, I've been tempted of getting them from time to time, you are not helping!

    1. Cheers, that was the intent to get that balance ! The models are great but there are so many around it's hard to resist !

  4. Well I'm in a hurry so can't leave a comment worthy of this post. But these are awesome! I actually might hack a few of your ideas here for my upcoming Ork Boyz. ;) Thanks JB for the inspiration!

    1. Oh I'm curious now ! Have you checked Goblin Lee's WWII spac orks as well ?

    2. I will go do that now! Thanks for the heads up

    3. I've also been toying with using the Tsarsgard IG army from WD 220 as inspiration as well. ;)

  5. Mmmm! Not you usual fare mate, but no less awesome :-) Can you share your 'black for lazy people' recipe please? I'm sure you have in the past, but I'm too lazy to look for it... (simultaneous request for information and proof of need... efficient!) ;-)

    1. Sure mate, here it is :

      Cheers ;)

  6. I prefer to prime grey also almost in all instances. Easier to highlight up from and shade to darken. Black is okay when I am in a rush and painting a mini "fast and dirty". White likewise for a wash/ink-fest.

    These marines are nicely painted. You say not well, but I'd say otherwise. I'm not a fan at all of the sculpts though and sold my own set a while back due to not being able to build up the energy to paint them.

    1. I bought them the day they were released so I totally understand what you mean about buildin the energy !
      I'm grey undercoat fan ow, wouldn't go for anything else unless the model is massively mono-coloured like here.
      Thanks a lot !

  7. Excellent - the colours are so simple yet effective across the whole squad. They don't really seem rushed at all.

    1. Well, look at the highlights on the clothes or flesh parts... ^^'
      I'm still liking the colour scheme though, I don't tire of black it seems.

      Cheers !

  8. These are impressive looking models no matter how you look at them I think.

    They may not be to everyones taste, but they are undeniably menacing.

    I like the sculpts and the speed that you fired these out at was enviable.

    Fab stuff all round.

    1. Cheers, having them painted brought a feeling of achievement I had underestimated I have to say.

  9. Oh man ... awesome work! :) I love these minis as I have them myself. Mine (the Dark Vengeance stuff not the Terminators) is a lame recreation of Four Champions of the four Gods of Chaos with only the Nurgle one finished so far.

    1. I had to paint black marines and you're actually the reason why I chose those.
      They're nowhere near what You dis on the nurgle guy but they're done !

  10. I am not sure if you see this since it is an old article but, do you anyone have a tutorial on how you painted these guys that go into detail. I really like it and I am thinking of painting my chaos warband like this.

    1. Hey, I actually did a tutorial on how I proceed with that black, it's pretty organicmethod rather than a real recipe, it's aimed at getting things done fast with a strong textural effect that suits chaos really well I find. Hope it helps !
