
Friday 15 April 2016

Frostgrave Tokens

Since I'm about to go to Ireland to meet some of my WIPster buddies at Knavecon, I'd better get all my gaming accessories ready !
Since a good part of our reunion will revolve around Frostgrave I had to make some tokens. Good thing since tokens are usually handy on many games so I'm pretty sure I'll find a use for them outside Frostgrave.
Since these are just tokens and not "proper" models (I'm sure some will cringe reading this) I didn't really feel like spending too much time, energy nor money on them.

A quick look into my bits box informed me I'd have hard times making 6 treasure tokens...
Thing is, I actually found many interesting bits instead. That's how an evil plan formed in my evil mind.
What things do warbands need ? Gold sure, that's the easy one, but they also need to eat like any other guy, they need weapons and equipment, magic ingredients and all sort of stuff which they'd need to buy with the gold they find.
So why not make those things they need directly as tokens ?

That's how I came up with 6 ideas by grouping the bits I had :

Heroes will probably need protective scrolls, charms and other blessings of all sorts to help them in their quests so I built this little altar of blessings with purity seals, lucky charms and relics. These will surely help our heroes in their missions !

Wizards and their apprentices will surely be happy to put their hands on new spell scrolls and magic ingredients. An ever burning fire to make incantations and curses will also be appreciated I suppose so I gave this one a magical (still beating) heart, a scroll, a potion and a brazier.

Warriors, well you know how warriors are, they're all about combat... what they want is better weapons and armour to get better and become heroes ! That's exactly what they'll get on this token !

When the hearts of men are longing for soothing, there's nothing like the arms of a loved one, this can be very easily replaced with vast amounts of alcohol fortunately.

Of course the cold hearted ones will only care about gold, jewels and bling... you know the ones...

And of course there's nothing like a good meal to feel better and regain all your strength to fight another day ! Fresh preys and food will please any hero !

So here we are, not the best I've produced for sure but this was required so I tried to make it as time efficient as I could really !

Next ? Probably a sidekick for my Rogue trader, you always need someone to send towards traps first ! ;)


  1. You've made a great use of those bits. The tokens are efficient and at the same time each manage to tell a story on its own. Great job, mine are much simpler !

    1. Cheers, that was part of the intent yeah, it gives a bit more depth than just gold and it solved the problem I had (not to buy anything more ^^).

  2. They look great as usual JB, but the thing that stands out for me is your use of rounded lip bases. I don't like them for "minis" myself, but for token markers I think they work. They help create the distinction between the two different game elements. I know it's a bit of a strange observation, but there you go :)

    1. Cheers mate, as a matter of fact it's exactly why I used them. I don't like lipped bases for models as they draw too much attention and differentiate th emodel from the tabletop too much for me. Now when it comes to tokens I precisely want them to stand from the tabletop so I think they're great.

  3. Great stuff JB - nice to see a fresh perspective on this subject :-)

    1. Cheers, totally creativity and imagination speaking here, nothing to do with me being cheap and lazy... ^^'

  4. For quick, thrown-together models, they are well thought out and look great!

    1. And yet they've taken more time than I'd have wished, the barrel has little to no texture so I had to freehand wood on it to make it look acceptable. They'll play their parts anyway so I'm quite happy with them.

      Thanks !

  5. Toujours magnifiques sur une table de jeu, et ceux-ci sont particulièrement réussis!

    1. Merci, j'avoue que pour les accessoires de jeu je ne me foule pas comme sur une figurine par exemple mais ca vaut le coup de faire quelquechose qui rend bien sur la table.

  6. They are really nice, good use of the bits box!

  7. Nice and most effective.Well done.

    1. Cheers, it was all about time vs efficiency really !

  8. Those don't look thrown together at all A-Man, they are great. Little storytelling props, exactly what games need.

    I also dislike lipped 30mm bases but I was very tempted to use them for objective markers when I saw these. I didn't in the end, but I'm still unsure that I made the right decision.

    Can't wait to steal these from under your Elementalists nose ;)

    1. I Hope we're not reawakening your inner bully with all those braziers to kick and treasures to steal...

  9. These look fantastic. I have that same old Empire casket thingy as a treasure token, but I have yet to do proper bases for mine.

    1. The bases are essential the way I see it, with simple elements like those I used, they need définition.
      Have you had manu games already ?

  10. Good stuff JB. I like the way you thought all those through. The charms on the dead tree are especially.... charming? :P

    1. There's always room to overthink things you know ! I quite like the charms on the tree too, perhaps th emost mysterious token, of the 6.

      Thanks !

  11. Your tokens looks great ... blends/fits right in with the minis as they should do.

    1. Cheers, tried to make them look good together but still usable with other models.
