
Tuesday 12 April 2016

2D to 3D - A rogue trader with panache !

This is a bit of an unusual model today. Not that the style, inspiration or genre are particularly original for me but it's just that I'm not used to base my whole work on a single illustration like I did here.
But why did I do that ? That's a fair question to ask.
Once again, it's because I was tempted by another of my WIPster colleagues namely Axiom. You might remember the excellent eldar pirate he built, based on an illustration from the Rogue Trader Rulebook. Well as soon as he had published it many of us decided to do exactly the same and that's how I ended up with the project of creating a Rogue Trader from scratch.

Gathering all the bits I needed for this one proved to be a long haul so after getting plastic bits from an online bits store (Just couldn't find proper lead donors and just couldn't get myself to chopping old lead either) I finally managed to get my hands on the perfect lizard thanks to my muse Christian B.

Just look at that guy colours clashing everywhere, eye-catching patterns and with his stupid fashion items. Even his pet lizard looks stupid.

Of course I had to adapt some elements and the padded jacket might have been an unfit choice to start from. I think the puffed shoulders work fine even though they're different and the long feather looks even more stupid than the original so that's all fine by me.  Funny thing is, I had to totally imagine the back of him so I went with something simple that carried a little more martial vibe that the original (who just looks like he's gonna crumble under his own weight).

So here's how it started (you might recognise the model on the far right from an earlier post).

The neck wasn't right though and I simply couldn't fit collar with the original design so I changed (and added )a few things :

You can see I'm no pro when it comes to pushing putty (not that I'm one with a brush but at least I'm a bit more confident) so I tried to keep things simple. The many additions meant that the sculpt was quite intricate which would make the painting stage... challenging (some lessons must be learnt the hard way).

For some reason I went with a bright red on the gas cannister when I could have chosen something a little more subtile but it felt a little more Rogue Trader to do things like that rather than rely on colour theory and good taste...
For some reason, I just find funny to portray him behaving in combat just like he's taking his lizard for a walk in the park. I like to think he's quite skilled but that he finds displaying his aptitude to be perfectly vulgar and without style (even though he will draw his pistols when the time has come).

I have a full post in mind to tell you all about this guy's backstory and character so I won't go into details right now, suffice to say he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and that he's kept some pretty good contacts that help him in his missions...

He may have to make allies where he can...

More about this guys soon then as I have a little something to give him yet, I'm trying to make the best of the little painting time I have right now.
Everything should be a little more comfortable after April though ^^'


  1. That's a superb conversion and paint-job, I love your painting style and your putty skills are impressive JB.

    He has quite an aloof demeanor, I could see him being quite foppish/dandyish wherever he roamed and whatever situation he finds himself in.

    1. Cheers Jonah but I'm afaraid my putty-fu is nowhere near yours ! I opted for a nervous and rapid paintjob instead of spending time blending things as I needed this model done for a gaming WE soon. I aimed for efficiency first. As my RPG character in an ongoing campaign , he's proven quite fun to play with thanks to his revolting condescending attitude and very loose manners... (a large difference from my goody two shoe paladin).

  2. Excellent work again here, JB. A rich vein of form methinks. Was looking forward to seeing how the trousers came out. Nice subtle striping effect there, as it as it should be!

    1. Those pants really drove me mental, I don't liek stripes for starters but with all the mess in front of them it was a chore to get those lines thin and parrallel enough...
      Anyway, he's done and looks reasonably good so i'm fine with it !
      Cheers Ed !

  3. Wow, very nice mini ! I had never seen this illustration and I have to recognize you did great putting it in 3D.
    I very much like the colors you chose, particularly the sleeves which colors I find very well chosen.

    1. Well I didn't really shoose any colour really, I just applied what was in the illustration ! ^^'
      I did opt for a slightly less yellowish brown for the leathers but other than that it's just replication !
      Thanks mec !

    2. I found your greyish purple very efficient and I found the red canister to be just perfect. :)

    3. teah, I cheated on this one too and desaturated the purple a little. The red canister doesn't make much sense if you consider colour harmony but it's precisely because of that that I chose it ! ^^

  4. The striped breeches are fantastic JB and the miniature is immediately recognisable.

    Great work, I'm looking forward to seeing it in hand.

    1. Believe me, I almost lost my sanity on those pants and they still don't look OK to me. They'll have to do though and the rest is pleasing enough fo rme to close my eyes on those stripes really. ^^
      It's going to be great to have that galactic piece of human turd on the table being his annoying, condescending twatish self.

  5. Haha, that's so great! :D Certainly a bon vivant, now he needs some proper servants!

    1. I'll write more about him soon as he's my RPG character but I'm working on his sidekick as we speak ;)
      Cheers amigo !

  6. That is a fantastic tribute to the illustration, lovely modelling and painting and he exudes a really snobby nature. Where did you get the little lizard miniature from?

    1. Cheers mate, the lizard comes from a lizard swarm for the lizardmen (don't know which edition but I guess early 2000's or something). None had the exact iguana look I was looking for but this one hits close enough for my needs.

  7. What a great conversion! I love this poncy nob with his pet Lizard. And I bet he is an artist with his pistols because only some one who is supremely skilled would dare walk around dressed like that.

    1. From our RPG sessions , he's actually proven to be quite a shot actually with a signature move being a double called shot to the crotch.
      Cheers ;)

  8. I think your assessment of your own GS skills is vastly underestimated JB. You've heard me whine about my GS ineptitude on many occasions, but I'll not hear you complain about yours when you can bang out mini conversions like this! He looks great! The green on the lizard scales turned out top notch too.

    I look forward to seeing more of your crappy GS work in the future buddy :p

    1. It really is basic stuff I'm doing it honestly but I have a RTB01 beakie in the pipes (it's been in it for a year now) that might get some more putty. I've aslo started a whole pantheon of RTed up chaos greater demons... I just don't enjoy pushing putty much but that's OK.
      Cheers buddy, can always use a good pat on the back ;)

    2. Yeah, I much prefer to convert & that order :)

      Being nice is overrated :)

  9. That's a fantastic realisation of the illustration! I like that it's not a slavish copy, but it does capture the spirit of the character wonderfully. Especially love the lizard!

    1. I wouldn't have been able nor willing to do a slavish copy really. The pose is dull and details wouldn't work ported to a 28mm scale. So I kept the essentials which I think works fine.
      The lizard didn't take much time but was very rewarding a sculpt.

      Thanks a lot !

  10. Oh, I've been waiting to see this guy for far too long, and he certainly doesn't dissapoint. Wonderful job mate, from top to bottom... love it!

    1. Cheers, glad you like him, it's true he's taken a bit of time but I couldn't be arsed pushing putty for a while. In the end it wasn't that painfull and got him done in a couple of sessions before painting.
      He's a fun dude i'll be happy to game with. ;)

  11. That is an impressive conversion, and one that leaps so well off of the pages of Rogue Trader. I am looking forward to seeing what you show us next!

    1. Cheers ! In the coming posts I should have some boring stuff but some slightly more interesting stuff since I have this guy's sidekick on the table right now ;)

  12. Just incredible! The conversion captures the essence of the character, and the painting is tremendous. I love how ridiculous and pompous he looks - it speaks volumes about his pumped up ego. A perfect scifi dandy!

    1. You know the character so it's nice you can see this added dimension I gave him ! I wanted a guy you love to despise and vice versa. ;)

      Thanks !

  13. Damn mate, that's a fine transition from old 980's image, to 3D model. And your GS skills are better than mine, so stop complaining. (Not that I'm any good mind.)

    Such a high born twit needs sycophants. I hope you have interesting characters planned for this?

    1. Aha thanks !
      I do have a sidekick on the table right now but to be honest (middle guy in the first WIP shot) but the conversion doesn't really do it, that was just a way to play. I am considering giving a proper retinue but I'll make sure every member is as strange looking as possible ;)

  14. Great conversion, and the paint job is excellent. I think my dad owns pants like that... and I like how the lizard looks very sullen on the end of his lead.

    1. Cheers, I had all the elements in the illustration so it was only a matter of following them as closely as possible while keeping things easy. The lizard isn't only here for decration I can tell you. ;)

  15. Sublime work here JB...all around top shelf!

    1. Cheers Chris, fun projects like these are always rewarding !

  16. Replies
    1. Oh et heureuse coïncidence, je suis né à Bourg en Bresse ! ;)

    2. Nooooooooooooooooon!
      Incroyable ça, surtout que mon était, habitude oblige, dans la langue de Shakespeare...Je reviendrai donc forcément flâner de ce côté, j'ai visionné quelques posts et c'est vraiment chouette...
      Ami bressan,

    3. mon 'commentaire'...fallait-il ire...

    4. Je suis basé à Grenoble maintenant mais qui sait ? ;)

      Merci à toi !

  17. Seriously dude (I know, I know, no ones says dude anymore) ... that's a fantastic combination of colours. Love it!

    1. The colours don't clash as badly as I would have thought. A fun exercise anyway.
      Thanks bro ;)
