
Saturday 30 January 2016

LE1 Space orc

LE1 Space Orc 
Just don't ask why but amongst all the colony 87 models I suddenly felt the urge to paint old soft lead with blurry details... I mean I'm finishing painting resin masters that are without a doubt the most crisp and neat models I've had to paint and for some reason, I had to get my brushes on something at the opposite of the spectre.

As you might have figured out from the title, this is one of the numbered limited edition models (it's actually the very first).
Now I've painted other limited edition models from that range and all I can say so far is that the sculpts vary quite tremendously in quality. Don't mean no disrespect to Bob Naismith but this one is not the easiest of the bunch. Some details are blurry at best and some places are simply not finish (you can spot the blobs of Puuty that were meant to be blended but which never were).

That said, I wanted to paint something in that style precisely because I know I could just rush on it. I've opted for very rapid techniques and was more interested by getting the right "vibe" than the perfect blendings and all. The paintjob must have taken me under 2 hours (with work on other things which given my standards is pretty low.
Weathering techniques like stamping and sponging were on the menu and even the skin was rushed (details were very poor on that part)

The dark grey and blue parts might be too close visually to make the model readable but it'll do.
I quite like that his armour is very similar to the one wron by traditinal beakies (deisgned by Naismith too after all), it does set this model firmly in Rogue Trader.

I'll get back on my Colony 87 models now I promise. ^^'

While you're here, why not have a look at this very cool Kickstarter project initiated by some very nice and talented members of our community :

It's the occasion to fund some files to be printed on 3D printers to make an unlimited number of terrain and scenery bits for your fantasy tables !

The project shall be followed by a Sci-fi project which I'm very much looking forward to !
Go check the project which was funded in less than 2 days with the first stretch goals unlocked :


  1. Nice. How do you paint black? Yours always looks like a warm black. Are you mixing something in?

    1. I'm cheating, very few of my blacks are actual blacks (apart from my chaos renegades and a couple of other models) I'm usually starting from a german grey which is very dark. Depending on wether I want a dark result with stark contrast or not I highlight it before or after a good wash of black to tone it down, it makes transitions a little easier I find (cuz I'm of a lazy ass kind).

    2. I use German grey too. Maybe I'm just not as good as you :(

    3. Or maybe it's just the photos 😂

  2. Very cool. I've never seen his right side or back before. The weathered, looser approach to the paint suits the looser finish of the sculpt. A fine addition to the collection :)

    1. Cheers, I could have thought of checkers and all those but realy it was a question of going with the flow here. ^^.
      It's true we tend to know models only from some old black and white pictures in the catalogues. ^^

  3. Very nice JB - that's one goofy Ork, (sorry, Orc!), and you have certainly made the best of the situation :-)

    1. Well, there's room to add a fair amount of fancy things really but sometimes you just have to call a job done even if not perfect !
      Cheers !

  4. He's a mean looking character. I really like the gun axe. Are the tanks on his back purely piped into his mouth (Beer hat? Combat drugs?) or is it some power supply tubing to the armour/guns? Intriguing sculpt for sure.

    1. Quite undlear but I assumed the pipe coming at the back of his pack was the one coming into his mouth. It's one of those sculpts you just sculpt without too much overthinking. ^^

  5. An excellent gribbly looking creature. Will he be darkening a space dungeon soon?

    1. Are you seeing an orc fighter as I do ? Or maybe an orc boss... this guy definitely has a pass for space dungeoneering.

  6. I'm a fan of your weathering JB. I'll be giving it a bash soon on a bunch of unlikely miscreants.

    Even for a "rush job" he turned out cool :)

    Well done!

    1. Well, when it comes to weathering, I think you give the test ! I'll try and grab a fistful of those models that can be knocked in no time just to keep the flow.

      Cheers mate !

  7. Nice job on this one! You are a chameleon, mate! You can paint whatever it is on your table! Gork (or maybe Mork) is proud of your work!

    1. Aha ! Yeah sure !...
      I actually pick whatever I like and feel like I can paint ^^, I don't like to be let down by a model or to let it down myself so I'm a bit picky about what makes it on the table. ;)

  8. Nice subtle skin tones and he fits in nicely with the rogue trader orcs

    1. Cheers ! It's a bit straight to the point but fits with the others !

  9. Nice old model :) I like the weapon, part axe/part gun, reminiscent of old Renaissance mix yet very orcish in the design.
    I'm particularly fond of your weathering which remains sparse yet effective and not to overwhelming. :)

    1. Cheers, I just sponged the armour after painting it roughly. A firts step with a red brown and another with silver et voilà ! I also loe painting very rusted steel for some reason !

  10. Well, for all that you speak darkly regarding the quality of the sculpt, your finished result looks pretty darn good mate. Certainly worthy of standing next to other Orks of the RT era in a White Dwarf spread.

    1. I may have been pretty harsh on ths sculpt, it's far from bad really and even very nice in some palces, it just seems raw and unfinsihed in some places whuich makes som eparts tricky and awkward... That said I'm not fussed about that kind of thing and I 'd actually rather have such a model than an overdetailed one I don't kjnow what to do of.
      Thanks mate !
