
Sunday 29 November 2015

Thank you my space Ashigaru ;) - Battle systems scenery

Quick post for today, I just wanted to let you people know that the little contest I took part in some time ago did came with a reward !
You can see HERE all the entries that were submitted and in all honesty I can consider myself lucky to have grabbed the 14th place out of 83 contestants if I'm correct. Out of the impressive lots available I managed to get some Battle systems scenery from their scifi project :

Two sheets of punchable pieces to build a mix of crates, consoles and cryotubes. Looks like the perfect way to add some decoration in an empty room.

Sorry for the shitty pic, only realised too late it was so blurry...

The real good point is that the pictures on both sides aren't exactly the same and you'll often be able to build a damaged version of each item to add some diversity (very good point in my book).

Pieces get out of their sheets with no problem although some care is still required on some more delicate pieces if you do not want to harm hem. (you do learn that with a certain dose of pain)

Now being the kind of guy I am, I felt like removing all those little marks on each piece before getting any further, just 'cause, you know...

I also cut down the little plug that I believe is meant to stick the pieceto the scenery. Since I do not have any of the scenery, it will only be a nuisance to me. I'll also have to find a way to change the balance of those pieces as they're not meant to stand on their own, a heavy piece of something glued at the bottom of each piece will easily fix that though.

I honestly thought it would take a little less time but if you things, you'd better do them right. I reinforced some pieces by adding a point of superglue here and there just for the sake of precaution. Building a whole set with all the buildings must be quite a task !

"- So you can se in sector 8-93 right here that the figures have dropped of 0,53% compared to last cycle, it's BLABLABLA
-Damn, I swear to the emperor if he doesn't shut his mouth I'm going to strangle him myself..."

Now of course I have models, I have a bit of scenery pieces and I will soon have mats along the few buildings I build for our French Oldhammer event. I really need to finish some buildings to have something complete to game, take photos and have general good fun.
This will probably mean you seeing a little les blue to white backdrops but I'm pretty sure you've grown sick of those after more than 25 years ;)

"- Get out of the cloning cuve : CHECK
- Get a rusted armour and some weapons : CHECK
- get some revenge and be super evil : IN PROGRESS"

The good thing about those bits is that they're pretty adaptable for many uses

" - Wow Duuude, DAT MUSIC! Sooo Good !
- You guys realise the concert hasn't started yet and I haven't even turned my turntables on right ? "

All in all I'd like to thank Morikun one last time for organising his contest and Battle systems for offering the lot, after all it takes a pretty col contest to get winning prizes even for the 14th ^^'.

What's coming next ? Well next week is my last week for the Rogue Quest project so I need to finish my entry, as well as finish a commission and possibly another model that's only lacking a good hour of work. Possibly 9 models to come, maybe just one, expect something in between ;).


  1. Hehe, very nice dude - great prize, and a nice bit of humour this poopy Sunday morning :-)

    1. Cheers, well it enlightened a feverish saturday with an angina for me ;)

  2. Merci mon Cher Asslessman ^^

    Je suis ravi que ton lot te plaise autant ^^

    J'ai hâte de voir quelques mises en situations réelles ^^



    1. Merci sincèrement à toi pour ce fabuleux concours qui a été une occasion de rencontrer d'autres peintres et d'autres styles, le petit cadeau à la fin est vraiment la cerise sur le gâteau.
      Je compte bien mettre ces lots à contribution dans un futur pas trop lointain ;)

      Domo Arigato

  3. Replies
    1. It does, now the lack of background is ever more painful !

  4. Congrats, first of all! I must confess at first I was a little bit sceptical about this card scenery, but everyone who has it only speaks wonders, so enjoy the prize!

    1. Don't get me wrong, they'll lose against well painted hand crafted scenery anytime but at tabletop distance and given the quality, I think they're a great help ! Being cardboard too makes them less prone to paint scratching and all kind of nuisances too and given their low weight there are plenty of advantages with those actually ;)

  5. Veeery nice ! I've always been sceptic about cardboard scenery, but I have to admit that Battle Systems does a great job ! Love the scenes you've put up :) Do you plan on using the scenery in a game ?

    1. I think they'll be a good and rpaid way to decorate interiors yes !

  6. I've got a few pieces from them at Salute earlier this year, very nice, I just wish I had enough money at the time to get a full box, still I got the Generator which is really useful, if ultra fiddly.....

    1. yep, some parts seem to be really nice and useful. Generator you say ? Aw, now I feel th eneed for a generator myself.

  7. Congrats man and yes they are indeed very nice pieces. Very nice to look at AND very functional.

    1. Cheers, only need to have the right scenery to use those and the models I've painted. Getting there, getting there !
