
Monday 23 November 2015

Skullz Adeptus mechanicus familiar

Today will be a short post for a short model ! This model is an adeptus mechanicus familiar coming from the Skullz limited edition set.
It's one of those little models I adore because he's holding no weapons and is just meant to add some depth (well and carry books and purify blood for his master).
The set is described as sculpted as sculpted by the Perrys but I'd have sworn there was some Gary Morley amongst those...

The set is quite popular and goes for good money most of the times but I was lucky to benefit from the generosity of a fellow hobbyist who sent me one just because he's nice !

I have to say I'm not a huge fan of the servitors, they're a little too armoured for my taste. The techpriests though are quite nice and amongst all the models the lord with his gigantic staff and hat is definitely one I'd give the coin to get.

Pictures taken from Solegend

Small but with fine details without overdoing things, this is a very pleasant model as a break (painting a full unit for fantasy at the moment) and it is the first stone on which I'll build an admech force I've had in mind for a while now. This will of course heavily be insipred by this John Blanche classic :

So here I am, the end of the year is nearing and I'm getting near the 100 models milestone... Slow and steady ;)


  1. A great little model for lots of reasons.

    I'm pretty certain that they are Morley not Perry sculpts. It's a fun set.

    1. Well, the Perry's models do have recognisable faces which none of those have and the armour really looks like what Gary Morley would have done and actually has on plenty of other models... that said, they are great model nonetheless.
      Definitely the kind of models I enjoy painting

  2. As ever, a lovely new addition. The sculpt is really characterful - I love his tonsured head (thanks again for photographing the rear!).

    The colours are nice and sombre with splashes of vibrancy in the red and blue. A full Mechanicus band in this scheme will look very nice indeed I think.

    1. This one i srather simple because he's amll but I'll probably add some more elements to the bigger guys (the usual checkers or hazard stripes). May I'll build this group one model after the other just to let it grow organically.

      Cheers ;)

  3. Got it too ! I never put some paint on it. I just painted the model with the staff in the centre of the second picture. I grabbed both a long time ago but never found any time to paint the little familiar. Your version is great : I particularly like th blue lens.

    1. Cheers, the one with the staff is really one I'd like to paint, since he was first shown in WD, I've wanted to get one. It's not an emergency but given the occasion...
      Any link to your version ?

    2. Old and bad picture but that's all I have at the moment :
      I used it to represent a high magos our group met in the Rogue Trader RPG.

    3. He's great ! Definitely perfect for some RPG !

    4. Having no other use for him, it happen to fit perfectly for that role :) Someday he might see some action in Inquisimunda. Someday...

  4. He's lovely! I'll have to keep my eyes open for this little chap, he'd look great as part of my growing collection of civilians!

    1. Lovely isn't he ? A small group pf us share the love for civilians and I find them great for all sorts of reasons, their poses are often more intersting and they define the universe better than any other model with a gun I think.

      Cheers !

  5. Great little model! I curse myself for passing over one on ebay a few years back. Love your work on the face and the lense.

    1. Cheers, simple and fun, one that can be painted with no hassle, just the kind I like !

  6. I've always liked the servitor models, not least because they add depth to the "onlee waaagh" depiction of the 40k universe. It can seem a bit one note at times.

    1. Excatly, that's why I tend to add characters of this type. In the grim darknes sof the far future there's not only war, there are also people with a everyday life and stories to tell, there are people you can encounter while visiting space colonies and people in the streets. This little fellow just happens to be one of those.

  7. Thanks for the links JB. I'd seen a couple of these guys, but never joined the dots. Quite a few of them are ace minis aren't they!

    The little fat git you've painted up looks cool, he'll add some spice to a game I'm sure :)


    1. Yeah, I'm pretty sure he can be used in some cool scenari either as the thief who stole a precious tome or as th eguy bringing the coordinates (on paper saves) for a Rogue Trader's next mission !

      Cheers mec !

  8. Fabulous job he looks really cool!

    1. Cheers ! It's a night's work or so but a very pleasant model to paint really.

  9. Tiny great addition! I didn't have any memory of this one and I found it quite a charming mini. Your Mechanicus force will be something to remember!

    1. Well it's only a model strong so far ^^'. I hope I'll manage to tie all the models together as they'll come from prety different horizons...

  10. I love that gem effect. Truth be told I'm still struggling with the gem effect after all these years. Sometimes I pull it off sometimes it ends in tears. I know how to do it ... I just can't seem to get my hands to do what my brain knows. LoL :)

    1. I know the feeling, same thing happened to me with eyes and gems amongst other things, it took me years to find that tutorial which explained the very same thing as all the others but focusing on the why more than th what to finally be able to paint gems. There are still things I'm utterly uncapable of painting right though !
      I can't quite believe you're struggling with anything now, your level is on a whole new level for me ! ^^
