
Friday 11 September 2015

Helmawr gang field agents

Quick post just to show a little group of models I finished for my Helmawr gangers.
Making a Helmawr gang for confrontation is a heavy choice. The most easy models to get are the leader which was never catalogued and only sold in the US and the trooper which is a limited edition figure... oh and the basic gangers are unreleased (pictures taken from the CCM Wiki) ...


That leaves you the choice between having a lot of money and patience OR having imagination and a bit of modelling skills. You will have figured out that patience and wealth are not exactly my forte so I've decided to make my own gangers. In doing so, I also wanted to get away from the existing gangers if by any chance I was to get some in future (a man has got to dream).

That's why I opted for an easy kitbash mixing imperial fantasy soldiers and some 40k Imperial guard bits (yeah I know Astra Militarum). The mix gives quite a good compromise of grimdark and burlesque I find and I wanted them to sport masks to make them more anonymous and generic.

Gaming wise they will probably be used as raw recruits for confrontation (the equivalent of Juves in Necromunda)
I simply painted them in the exact same colour scheme as the rest of the band to tie them all together which worked quite well I think. I used the same shoulder pad design for them as for Pierce Gavestone (on the left) to show they're directly affiliated to him and report to him.
In all honesty, the paintjob on those plastic kitbashes was quite loose without any will to spend much time. That's why the highlights are way cruder than those on the rest of the group and why I didn't try to make them any better than this. I find they're more than OK as is as their main purpose will be in game when the others are better sculpts and will always be cool for more scenarised shots and all.

That brings the total of models for this gang to 8 and I still have one model to add though I'm not sure I want to add it, now I'm seeing the group as it is... I'll paint it anyway (it's half done) and will see where it goes...

I'll determine the winner of my little give-away this WE I think as I've gathered 25 ideas (just like last year).
Then I'll have plenty of cool projects, I just don't know in what order to take them. I'll just listen to what the models tell me and we'll figure out something I guess !


  1. Very clever kitbashing JB. You've been restrained with your parts selection which enhances the uniform look. And of course the painting ties them very nicely to the previous models.

    I quite like the anonymity of the helmets - they have become a supporting cast of nameless grunts to assist in the exploits of your more flamboyant main cast!

    1. Also, did you sculpt the kneepads? Nice work :)

    2. I didn't want those to steal the light from the far more characterful others (they wouldn't allow it anyway) so making them look similar and anonymous felt right, glad it works as intended.
      The kneepads and shoes are sculpted yes, for some reason, many of those bodies come with bare feet...

      Thanks ;)

  2. Brilliant. You really have a properly sized game for those now, fantastic.

    1. I still might want to add a guy to the lot but size wise I think the gang is good enough already. It gives me the will to do a bit more noble models though for scenario purposes, the challenge being to paint them in a different colour scheme which won't clash with those either. Great challenge I think.

  3. You've improvised well here JB as it is truly difficult to amass a gang of these fellas. The gang is starting to fill up quite nicely. Those other boys will come your way eventually!

    1. Cheers Ed, as a matter of fact I'm not expecting much about those gangers but if I were to score one or more I'd definitely be happy t ppant them as I really enjoyed painting the LE one which is in the exact same style.
      I'm loking forward to seeing yours now ;)

  4. Awesome conversion. The colors do really contribute to miw the models and the scions heads on fantasy bodies provides a great retro gothic look !

    1. Cheers ! Honestly I'm not a fan of the "over the top" grimdark but I do like to have a bit of Blanche gothic here and there. it's why I chose the most basic lasguns and some pretty simple heads to keep it in a sci-fi setting more than in a science fantasy one if that makes sense. ^^

  5. Nice job JB. They really fit together nicely. Trouble is, we need to figure out how the hell we're going to get some games in? Not and easy job!

    1. Yep, I suppose sorting out a solid version of the rules and then finding a way to make a campaign has got to be figured out...

  6. Well, those are real nice stuff. The choice of pieces is great, you got the real vibe both on that and the colours. Cool!

    1. If you say so then it must be true !
      Those had been waiting half finished for to olong, glad they're done ^^

  7. Great work. Those heads fit perfectly, and the sculpted details are very uniform, which is key!

    1. I made the sculpted bits as simple as possible to be able to replicate them easily from a model to another. Looks like old and new can sit next to each other without clashing too much !

      Cheers ;)
