
Sunday 13 September 2015

Champions of Law - Suck my axe !

After last Sunday's model, I'm giving you another champion of Law today. I honestly don't know if this will be a tradition or something but for the time being I'm enjoying picking whatever chaos warrior or champion I have under hand to paint it like a servant of Law.
This one is kind of special to me. For many years of reading the pages of the Red catalogue, I've always known which models I wanted. Those familiar with my tastes will know Jes Goodwin's models have a special place in my heart and especially anything chaotic he made for the Realm of Chaos era.

The famous red catalogç
The model above had always been one of the best for me, with a slender body and a very aggressive facial expression, a warrior showing malevolence and might without being ridiculously big or anything, just the perfect balance for me.
The best part of this is that my good friend Seán  kindly offered the model to me when we met at BOYL 2014.
For about a year I've been thinking about how to paint it... painting it to integrate my regular chaos army was tempting but I just didn't want for it to be lost in a tide of other models and I didn't really want to paint it as a one shot that wouldn't be integrated in any other project.
It all made sense with that little project of making a Lawful warband arose !
With this project I can :
- paint cool Jes Goodwin models
- make a little break from sci-fi with fantasy models
- make a manageable small project in little time.

On top pf that every model will be fully visible since the warband will remain a small one (don't think I would exceed 10 models.

Painting wise I kept the exact same palette as for the first model and I even kept the fur pattern I had been advised. The eyes were given a glowing effect to represent the holyness of the champion and the shield was quickly decorated with similar patterns to those on his predecessor's.
The paintjob was quite a quick one, I prefered to get on with it quickly to just enjoy this little pleasure to get it done and see the warband growing rather than spend evenings. It's not perfect but I like the balance and the result/time spent is fine by me.

Here's a shot of the 2 guys next to each other. I really fancy the direction this band is taking and I cannot wait to explore more opportunities. I'll probably try to give them more exotic company like a beastman a daemon or wizards and all. I'll try to stick with Jes Goodwin chaotic models just for fun and to see if it works all the way !

I hope you like them, I enjoy making them at least ! To those who prefer the grim darkness of a far future, rest assured, you'l get some soon too ;)


  1. Very nice JB. So who's up next? :-)

    1. In all honesty, I have no idea ! I'm considering a beastman or something exotic but I might just as well pick a cool human, since I have a Champion and a warrior, I might try and make a thug/marauder next just to see, don't know really, that's part of the fun of this project, I know by picking any Jes Goodwin chaotic model I'll have a good coherence and the colour scheme is already here.

      Thanks ;)

  2. I like that you have picked a colour scheme that is consistent with the legacy warband also :) These models work as there is nothing overtly chaotic about them such as mutations and the like

    1. Well, the models don't look as green in real as on the photos (there's no green at all on those in fact) so it's not exactly the same as the legacy warband. It would be quite OK next to it though !
      I agree with you the models work because they don't bear any obvious mark of chaos and it was a very good idea to design them so.

  3. Sympa comme projet, je suppose que tu as le marauder du Chaos de jes avec la capuche et la cote de maille sur le visage? Il est vraiment cool. Les chevaliers de l'empire de Jes on aussi beaucoup de charme. Bonne continuation A+ Nico

    1. TU sais que t'es fort toi ! C'est en fait celui que j'envisage de peindre en prochain ! SI je fais des cavaliers par contre il va falloir que j'aille taper dans l'empire en effet car ceux du chaos ont un autre style et sont plus dur à changer d'allégeance juste en changeant la couleur...
      Heureux que ca te plaise ;)

  4. I always saw him as more of an Evil Fighter than a Chaos Warrior but you have done well with him JB and he fits nicely in with Macekiller.

    1. He could be a norse too or many other things I think, that's teh beauty of this sculpt. I really want to show Lawful warriors are not necessarily "good" but more extreme than anything. As much as I love my lawfully good paladin in DnD, I find having Warriors of Law as "chaotic good" is more to my taste.
      Thanks Ed !

  5. Very nice colour choice! I especially love the very light leather on the boots! However I find that the face doesn't stand out enough. Maybe a light purple glaze below the lower lip and around the nose?

    1. I think you're right, that's the other side of using a limited palette. I'll correct a few things and this detail you mention will be part of them but I'll wait to get the whole band done to find a way that fits to all models. Some purple glaze might very well be a very good solution I reckon (and I wouldn't have thought of it right away).

  6. I'd like to see an albino beastman fighting for the side of Law. Or maybe he could have snow leopard fur...

    1. Mec, you did it again... you've read my mind again. Stop it now... not in public please.

  7. The consistent colors and the birght palette works really well with these models. I'm not fond of the six sided bases but it clearly links the miniatures together. Nice job once again

    1. I know the hex bases are not to everyone's taste but for some reason I quite like them for skirmishers in fantasy. Going for round bases would have been a tad too modern and square bases are just ugly to me if models are not ranked. Those bases give some Oldschool cred and make a good compromise for me.
      The consistent colours do work even though i'll probably introduce a spot colour later on (see comment above.

      Thanks mate !

  8. JB excellent work. I'm really looking forward to how this little warband progresses. Uh oh looks like Capt. Crooks spilled the beans, a beastman! That snow leopard fur has really got me inspired. I might have to borrow that in the future.

    1. Cheers ! The snow leopard idea is not mine in the first place but Sean's so go away and steal the idea all you want ! I'll "borrow" your idea of firy dyed hair at some point too anyway ;)

    2. LOL Look at us being all fashionable. ;)

  9. Very solid paintjob; palette & execution look great. I have seen some of your more magnificent work but I can see your point regarding getting models finished over lavishing them with attention.
    Your output has certainly increased; your Helmwar confrontation gang grunts and forces of law must be projects you have great passion for!
    Oh and since everyone seems to be voting/guessing on what you are going to do next I would really like to see an Angel of Law, partly because it would be nice to see painted, partly because it may force you to scratchbuild/kitbash one...

    1. Thanks a lot ! The recent increase is partially due to a change of lifestyle but also to the fact that I've been working on models that have been almost finished for a long time. It seems I get distracted away from models when I just have those last 5 % to do. I've recently felt the need to get those final 5% done on many models and it's resulted on many models finished in no time !
      The champions of Law are a funny little side project on which I can work during Kid's nap time hence the looser standard and simple approach. I can basically pick any model form Jes and pait it from now on !

      I've tried sourcing some demons of law but they are very small scale wise and though it usually doesn't bother me much, the models really didn't fit with what I have in mind. Conversion will be on the menu to provide a suitable angel as you'll agree this warband simply cannot afford not to have any ;)

  10. I like this sculpt a lot (the hooded sword wielding variant is one of my favourite Jes Goodwin figures). Your painted version is very nice and crisp - a great companion to lawful fighter #1.

    Could a lawful beastman be from a noble beast? Eagle, lion or unicorn perhaps?

    1. Well it seems just like Nico you've already guessed who the next guy will be ! You guys are good !

      I'm really wondering how to go for the beastmen. My initial reaction was exactly like yours to make beastmen from noble figures and I will probably use that idea. I do want them to be frightening like egyptian gods. Finding a lion head suitable for my purpose might prove hard but maybe a minotaur sized creature could do...

  11. I'd love to see a chaos daemon converted into a lawful servant JB. That would make an interesting & unique mini I reckon.

    I like how your warbands building up, excellent stuff old boy :)

    1. There's a conversion in that vein already on the go but I'll wait until I've made more to see which path is the best, I'll use those left aside for other projects ;)
      Quite exciting not to really know where to go sometimes (just sometimes really).

      Thanks buddy !

  12. Those are coming along very nicely, JB. Do you have any intention of adding an elf to the warband? One of the Jes Goodwin Melniboneans (even Elric himself) could be a nice complement & contrast.

    1. VERY VERY right. A menilbonean would indeed be a good addition and painting them in gold would make sense since it's what they're supposed to be. I think there are plenty of opportunities with this warband and I love it.

      Thanks a lot !
