
Monday 15 June 2015

Pierce Gavestone - Helmawr Gang leader and Jokaero

Pierce Gavestone (with caryatid) and Gordo the Jokaero

Back In April 2014 (yep that's more than a year ago) I was in my preparations for BOYL14 and much of my attention was on confrontation.  A year or so later, not much has changed (on the hobby front  only) with me still preparing myself for BOYL and with my attention still highly focused on confrontation.

You may remember from a post at that time that I had modelled a couple of Imperial nobles but my studies on confrontation and the whole Necromunda setting and a few interesting trades lead me to consider a whole Helmawr gang.

For those of you who are a little less familiar with the background of it all, Lord Helmawr is the Imperial commander of the whole Necromunda Hive world. His position makes him very influential and important. He has to rely on many mercenaries and bounty hunters to work in the shadows for him (like Venators to cope with the pyskers and mutant threat) but also on his own gang for tasks that require unquestionable trust.

Imperial commander Lord Helmawr

You can already get from the picture above and from their privileged position that Helmawr gangers will most likely be showing off and sporting outrageously distinctive outfits...

The main inspiration I used apart from the picture of Helmawr himself is this beauty from John Blanche...

I did mention it when I first built the models a year ago but what I see in this illustration is those :

I did not try to stick exactly to the original concept (always hard when you're not a pro sculptor plus I wanted to give it my own touch) so I came up with this concept :

A mixture of Imperial guard bits (both cadian and catachan), some old Empire halberdier right arm, an empire swordmaster pair of legs, a little putty work and here I was. The Caryatid was a very recent addition and I owe it to Chris from Antipixi's Hobby blog who had the kindness to send me some as we both share a particular fondness for confrontation (and with who I had the pleasure to share some games last year at BOYL14).

The little monkey (a Jokaero for our purpose here) next to our Helmawr ganger is a simple Empire state handgunner powder monkey traded from Paul over the Sho3box against some other critters :

Picture taken from Bits and Kits

I simply drilled through the powder barrel to remove it and inserted a lasgun taken from a scion sprue. The little device at the end of the left tail was simply stolen from a skitari backpack (useful box if there ever was one) to sci-fi this little guy up.

Painting wise, I knew I wanted to use a traditionnal Blanchesque palette but with my own style (far much cleaner and far less inspired let's face it). So the most important colours were of course red, white and black with some added iron and gold.
The caryatids were painted in a soft blue as explained in the background material. I'm usually one to let such intel aside if I don't like it and I do not feel compelled to slavishly follow what's written in any book BUT I loved the look of it AND my pal Axiom had used the same colour on his own so I loved to keep a certain consistency between our projects...
Being in a blanchian mood, I obviously couldn't help but paint checkers somewhere and what better place than that shoulderpad ?
The very last touch came in the form of a fly on his cheek to echo renaissance practices and Kirk Hammett's beauty spot.
I also tried to paint Gordo's left eye as bionic but at arms length it just looks weird... probably should have added a more evident piece of technology to clearly show the bionic eye but Aren't Jokaeros meant to be experts at miniaturisation ?

I'm realising now that I must have been a little inspired by Jon's Magpie dandy at some point when I painted my Helmawr leader (right hand on hip, left hand holding a cane, silly hairdo and caryatid on the right shoulder) :

Picture borrowed from Magpie and Old lead
I have to admit I only realised it very recently (when I decided to glue that caryatid on my own model actually).

Pierce Gavestone is one of Helmawr's favourites and owes it his position of ruler of Hive Worncall. Born in a noble necromundan family, Gavestone has always been a witty individual quick to manipulate others and reluctant to dirty his own hands...
His great eloquence and charisma (and many sordid plots) though have helped him gain tremendous prestige in the penthouse levels of the hive right to some of the deepest layers of it. He likes to maintain his unique look and has already had surgery to get artificial abs he likes to show around.  He's been heard a lot referring to himself as "the Duke of Worncall" and the few that have had the mediocrity to mock him "the douche of Worncall" have had to pay that pun with their lives.

Being a great spook consumer, Gavestone has built a complete drug cartel in the necromundan system with the blessing of Helmawr who gets incomes in the process and the assurance that the drug market is under his hand...
Pierce Gavestone is like many aristocrats and likes nothing more than to brag about the most audacious of things. That's the reason why he can be seen at times getting with his gangers on the field. Though his combat skills have no real influence in the outcomes, his far above average intellectual ressources and incredible prestige will often come as a great advantage during combat. He also seems to be blessed with an unrivaled luck (or by some mystic powers he gained from the massive doses of spook he's taken). Whatever the truth about him, he will always make the balance bend on his side when around and the dedication of his men to protecting him will mean he will never be an easy target.
Pierce Gavestone has gained the company of a caryatid very early in his life when he was just a young man building his own world of manipulation and intrigue. He had already gained great prestige at that time and being followed by such a creature at such an early age increased his aura even more. The creature has never left his side so far and it is not unusual for Gavestone to be seen discussing with other creatures of the sort (when most hive worlders have not even seen one in their lifetime).
The noble (in title) ganger is often followed by his own personal Joakero  Gordo who maintains his gear (especially his concealed protection force field) and designs or upgrades weapons for his most trustworthy gangers.

As you can see above, I painted an extra "free" caryatid to play as an objective, NPC or just to give a caryatid to a character who doesn't have one. The one I gave to my Helmawr leader has been slightly converted to raise the chin up which meant I had to resculpt the whole mouth and breasts (not a particularly funny or good job but that will do). In the future I will give some other particularly deserving characters caryatids and will try to convert them in the same way to keep some individuality.
The model is a Reaper winged familiar and I realise as I type it never occured to me to file the little horns away from the first two..., well too bad, I knew I couldn't stick 100% to the fluff anyway !

In the coming days (or weeks depending on my motivation) I'll add 7 more gangers to this crew, some being actual Helmawr ganger models from Citadel and some others being kitbashes like this one above.

Hope you like those, you're going to get a full plate more !


  1. Great work on the hair JB, looks very natural & 80's...awesome!!!

    Very creative use of the mini kits too, he looks perfect. Bang on the money once again :)

    I gotta ask though, where's that lime green T-rex on your painting desk destined for? :D


    1. Wow, you manage to comment less than 10 minutes after I post ! Excellent ^^

      I'm glad you like the hair as in all honesty it was kind of a leap of faith for me. I'm not particularly confident in my sculpting skills and I wanted the texture for the hair to be 'right'. I hope I'll manage to replicate this texture on other models because it took paint well and looks rather convincing to me.

      The dinosaur has been painted last year and you can see the result here :

      He has since been frosted with varnish along other models just before last year's BOYL though and I fear he's unsalvageable now...

      Thanks a lot mate !

  2. Wonderful JB! The whole look is great...There's a really nice desaturation to the colours that gives a very subtle look. The pair look great together, the conversions are very natural, especially the hellgun under the jokaero's arm.

    I confess I like your powder blue caryatid better than my bright blue one. Maybe I'll repaint mine ;)

    1. Glad you love them, I hop you hold no grudge for the striking resemblance with the Magpie dandy, it only appeared to me after gluing the caryatid in place ^^'

      The jokaero was inspired by Paul who traded me the model (didn't even know it) for some other critters and I knew I had to make a jokaero out of him. I did try to give him other kinds of items but in the end the gun was the most convincing option to me. I'll probably want another more vanilla Jokaero but I like having some diversity with a slighly different one both in style and morphology.
      Until recently, I thought I wanted my caryatids to be pale grey but yours and the fact blue would offer a better contrast convinced me to keep the blue idea. I think a brighter blue caryatid for a Bratt is perfectly acceptable, maybe you can change the tone on the others to come ;)

      Thanks a lot Jon.


  3. Very authentic looking JB, well done.

    1. Cheers ! With all the others to come, I hope I'll manage to keep a good overall consistency without killing their individuality.
      The idea of finishing something started more than a year ago is also quite soothing I have to say !

  4. I remember seeing that figure on your blog ages ago. it's nice to see him finished. I think a confrontation get together is in order, we all have gangs on the go and we need to set them against each other and spill some blood!

    I've got one of those powder monkeys sitting around somewhere, I'll need to see if I can dig him out and do something similar with him at some point, I've also got the more recent Jokaero fig and some JD apes as well. And ALF. He needs painting as well!

    1. The recent Jokaero is one of the models I need to get my hands on when I find the opportunity, but maybe some JD apes could do too. I hope I can bring the Helmawr gangers for Jon's underhive gang (don't know If I'm playing those or the venators) and I would like to manage a little Necromunda campaign where I live.
      Anyway, still work on the plate ;)

      thanks !

  5. Intriguing couple ;) Seem that your are enjoying some '80 hair style recently :D

    1. Aha, very good, I hadn't even thought about it but it is true !

  6. Very nice work. I was thinking that looks 80's big hair fantastic at the first glimpse, glad to see many of the homages point that way. I think the caryatid re-sculpting turned out just fine. It looks like it's in it's 'natural' position.

    1. Cheers, to be honest, I like the position of the caryatid better my way but the resculpting process wasn't thought a lot and was more a trial and error process hence a less than satisfactory surface.
      Now I have to finish the others !

  7. Nice work! The little powder monkey is one of my favourite bits gw has to offer and I'm glad you had the courage to convert him. A replacement of the barrel always appeared quite complicated to me. Chapeau!

    1. Removing the barrel really is easy as pie, I just drilled trhough it with a large drill and removed the leftovers with a modelling knife. A really fine model I agree and worthy of getting modified to fit in the grim darkness of a far future.

  8. Someone has a 80s hair fetish methinks...not that there's anything wrong with that!

    He's great, your red is rich and nicely done (it being the colour I hate most painting, I usually notice a good red!)

    1. I was born in 1981 so the 80's fashion must be coded in my genes. I've dreaded painting red for a long time until I found the right colours to work with it (for my Khorne champions) and now it's one of teh colours I like to work on most ! I'd liketo get the same confidence with yellow or pink for instance but I totally get what you mean.

      Thanks a lot man.

    2. Funnily pink might be my favourite colour to paint ;-)

    3. Now I'm getting a sense of déjà-vu ;)

  9. Loving this! Should really get back to the kit bashing at some point...

    1. I have to admit I do not particularly enjoy painting plastics but those 2 have been quite fun actually and the easy going conversion process was a delight, I have about 5 other kitbashes on the queue for this group, I hope they'll work as well !
      Thanks a lot !

  10. Great stuff, an excellent conversion and lovely paintjob


  11. Absolutely delightful, an inspired piece indeed! Looking forward to see the other seven!

    1. Cheers Suber, well you shouldn't be waiting too long as I have finished the 3rd guy and with the 4th almost done ;)

  12. Wow. Great idea and great conversion. You really nailed the glam-haughtiness of that style of hive nobility. The hair and abs with the sunglasses and the staff...whatta jerk. I love it.

    1. He's the kind of guy we like to hate isn't he ?

      thanks a lot ;)
