
Monday 8 September 2014

Space minotaur - Rogue trader

Here he is at last ! I received this wonderful model just before leaving on holidays in August and it has been patiently waiting for my return , half built on my modelling table until I picked him up for some action !
You may remember that model from a post of late. It is a model made by Diego Serrate who is filling blanks in our collections and in what the early 40k universe has to offer.

The sculpt is clearly an excellent one and it proved very pleasing to paint really and this made the job real quick (far more than I expected since I nailed this one in under 5 sessions).

Painting wise, I knew I wanted a black armour to tie the model with my chaos renegades and this meant I had to find a good contrast with the main skin. The deep red was an almost evidence because it's a colour often associated with bulls and it gave the model the feeling of inner violence and bestiality I wanted it to have.

On another hand I also wanted it to be "apart" from the renegades, with a more mercenary look than the other troops. Giving him a gun that felt different was my way to make him stand from the rest.

I don't know why but I like to paint rusted metals on my models and for this one it was almost an obligation. I just can't imagine a minotaur spending much time polishing his armour and taking care of his gear. I think he has very robust equipment made to sustain the damage from battle as much as from himself...

Here's a little detail of the rusted respirator in th eback (enjoy the shiny effect with th elight, poor p^hotographing skills and use of anti-shine Matt spray...)

As I said, the gun is a really good opportunity for me to make the model stand from the rest. I opted for a gun that looks like it's been bought on some black market from an illegal dealer or something. This is why it is painted in camo green with the traditionnal yellow and black stripes on the chainsword blade.

I HAD to add some little Rogue trader reference at some point, you know I had to...

And now just to give you an idea of the scale, here are some pictures with the mino along some other folks. I'll soon take a pic of him next to the renegades but I need to add them a few things before. This shouldn't take too long though ...

Just so you have a good idea of its size, here's the mino beside a terminator on an elevated base... Do you see how big it is and imposing it feels ? No? Yeah I understand, Maybe I shouldn't have picked the first model at hand...

Here's the minotaur along what you'd expect him to fight along, a mutant beastman. The model is a bit tall so it might not be the best scale shot either I agree.

And here he is next to the regular guy you could find in any good underhive, having the minotaur pop up on a confrontation table would be quite a challenging sight wouldn't it?

OUtweighed and outgunned...

Now please don't ask me what is coming next but something definitely is. I'm back at full throttle behind the brushes but rigt now I'm working on multiple models at the model. We'll just see who makes it first to the varnishing station...

Oh and I definitely have to do something about those pictures, I think I need more powerful bulbs, unmodified pics are all too dark and the corrections I do (or Google does) always end up killing the colours. I'm confident getting more powerful bulbs farther from the model would be better ...

Now on to find a good Space Theseus model...


  1. He looks great JB - the red skin is an excellent choice. Do you have any other beastmen for him to hang around with.

    Looking forward to seeing the mystery project!

    1. Thanks !

      I don't have any mutant friends to offer him atm. I might consider getting a handful of Phagons or maybe some kitbashes from IG and beastmen but for now, they are not high on my priority list to be honest. I like hims as a loner ;)
      Obviously, if Diego was to sculpt a pair of friends for him, I'd happily give him companions...

  2. Lovely choice of colours as usual, JB. Only just noticed your bases are grey! Love that!
    How do you pull off that beautiful rust effect? You do it well!

    1. Thanks Ed !

      The grey bases were an idea I found to make my black renegades stand and to make them look even darker by contrast. Th esort of pinkish brown on top of the bases is accidental, I didn't expect the brown I used then to go pinkish when lighted with bone, I liked it because it had a vintage sci-fi vibe so I kept it. Now, I just base all my Rogue Trader models this way to tie everyone.

      The rsut effect is really simple, I take old brushes from which I cut th etip to make it flat.
      Over a tin bits (or its equivalent now) base, I brush randomly spots of swamp brown (or any dark brown) making sure to leave metal appearing underneath, I then do th esame with some light brown, then Cadmium red and finally some bright orange, maknig sure the spots are always littler than the ones before and making sure the tarces of the older layers still appear. I then just paint some edges in boltgun metal with e few tips in mithril and it's good, it 's a very rapid solution that allows you to do a lot in little time even if it implies lots of steps.

  3. Great work JB, the big guy looks great. A Space Theseus would be fun, very much in the vein of Ulysses 31. Theseus 41 maybe?

    1. Thanks ! The moment I wrote "Space Theseus" I knew there was no other way but to go down the Ulysses 31 way !

      I'll consider this with attention.

  4. GREAT!! Sooo great JB! The red is a good choice for him, and the weapon looks super cool too. I really want to see him with your renegades around.
    Now the must to be ask question, plans for the Fishman hunter?? :)

    1. Nothing like getting nice words from the sculptor of a model you just painted !

      I'll do a picture with the mino's background and story an dpics with the renegades oon, I just need to fix a fexw things on them !

      Th efishman is all ready but since I've built him a little gang to accompany, I'm waitig a bit to see if I can find a coupl eof other models to add or if I'm good as is. He shouldn't wait too long though, I have a technique I'd like to experiment on him to make a convincing fish skin ;)

  5. Oh my! Absolutely awesome! I love the vibrant colours and the overall aspect. Wow! I'm on my way to get my second Mino finished, but it's way too far from your standards (sob sob). Bravo, maestro!

    1. Thanks Suber ! I should have taken 2 of them like you did to let them breed in the leadpile and maybe I would have found some new little minos !

      I'm looking forward to your new minotaur, the first one sort of inspired me but in the end I wanted to tie him with the reneagdes so I left the checkers aside for instance. Oh and I would love to add phagons as you did ;)

  6. Remember guys that a second one and a leader will come not so late....

    PD: The leader is sooo cool and brutal!

    1. Here's another one :)

    2. I'll pain the second one and the leader as well, you know that !

      Brutal you say? What a good idea ! I've never expected anything refined or delicate from this lot !

    3. Oh yes, and don't forget Spanish Suber as well :

  7. Bravo - wonderful work that man. You've decided me - I must have that model!

    1. I knew the overexposed photo and shiny effect of teh varnish would win you to our cause !

      I really like how this one can totally play the good or bad part and in any setting really. Just the kind of perfect models to have around for added muscle and fun.

      Thanks a lot !

  8. Just read this. Try setting your Exposure Value (EV) to +1 or more. Also the light part of the background may be making the figures appear dark. Try a dark background too.

    1. I think you're on to something here, I'll try these. Thanks alot Sean !

  9. What's the recipe for the skin, JB? Its lovely (I'm surprised nobody else has yet asked)

    1. Can't remember quite well but I think it started with the fondation red followed by an agrax earthshade wash and then highlights with Mephiston then evil sunz reds. That's a sequence I like a lot I have to say.
