
Sunday 14 September 2014

Influence you say ?

Small post but I wanted to share with you what came out of a sculpting session with my beloved 4 years old daughter Alice (no it's not one of those "I'm the best dad" or "my kid is the best" blatant kind of posts) :

You can see my work on the left and my daughter's on the right...

While my daughter's work is clearly above any influence and is just a raw display of talent and skill, I couldn't help but think my work somehow reminded me of what Bob Olley could sculpt if he was using child modelling putty using his wrong hand with hsi eyes closed during an earthquake.

Come on, be honest about it, look at those nostrils, look at those eyes, look at all the wrinkles...

I know I'm missing the tiny little details in the ears and the eye lids to be close to the master but there is something.

If I consider the fact it's the first head I've ever sculpted and that children modelling putty is the worst kind you could push... yeah OK I'll keep on painting.


  1. It's an Olley ogre! Keep at it, JB, you'll be up to your daughter's standards in no time ;)

    1. It's an Olley Rasta Ogre you're right. I've convinced my daughter to give me provate masterclasses so I can move one from shameless copy to get my own personal style !

  2. No joke, that looks like something Quentin Blake would draw.
