
Monday 2 June 2014

Give-away results

OK there's been time enough for all the people who wanted to enter the competition to do so. Now is the time to decide who is winning the most sought after reward of all : an unloved model modelled and painted by no other than me with the winner's touch.

Having received nuemrous propositions, I've decided to list them in an Excel Sheet. Why would I do that?, well I'm a engineer during daytime so numbers the lies you can get out of them is part of my job and skills so I guess it came as the way to go for me. That and it is very convenient to actually draw a winner from the list.

Sooooo, here are the entries and their associated propositions :

Looking at the Charts you probably realise that some models inspired the contestants more than the others : 

 But let me show you in a more graphic fashion :

Everybody loves a good pie chart right? No? Ah OK, guess my love of numbers is not shared by all...

Funny to see Aenur and the imperial preacher were the 2 most wanted models with the Slaanesh Daemonette a close 3rd.

So maybe you'll like how I chose a winner ?

Oh yes you're right, with Excel's random command (that's the french version but I'm pretty sure the english one has it too :D)

 Just add a little database search in here...

And we're good to announce the winner! (simple as that).

All it took was a lunchbreak of typing and a few formulas here and there, why give the task to an anonymous online random generator! 

I have to say if I had a D25 I would have obviously opted for it but I'm pretty sure you'd have missed the pie chart even though you won't admit it.

Well you must have understood by the heavy Spoilers in the pictures above who the winner is . I am very happy that Mr Gates via his microsoft software decided to award Warlord Paul of this random because though I've had very friendly contact with most people on the list above, he's been a very enjoyable person to deal with via all this blog/forum/facebook/interwebz thing. (that and his proposition is one of the rare I can actually achieve in a reasonable amount of time...). 
I'm also very happy that the model to get some love is one of those which would have been the least likely to get some attention from me so it's actually a triple win !!!

Now I have to find a way to tie this :


And this :

 You can see there is already a little idea spawning here...

I've actually strated prepping and basing the model and there should be just some little conversion job to make this one look good...

Next post will probably be about another Rogue Trader adventurer OR maybe about the Grey Sensei I'm building for BOYL2014... Only time will tell...


  1. Congratulations Warlord Paul! I am indeed very interested to see how "gunslinger" and "Time traveler" feature in this figure.

    1. Well, I've thought of something inspired by Iron Maiden's "Stranger in a strange land" and I think it will work nicely if I manage to make it right...

  2. Now that's a nice pie chart!

  3. Haha, congratulations, Warlord! And of course I'm also eager to see what you get here, but for sure it will be epic!

    1. I think this one will use a little shortcut in the production line. I don't want to make the winner wait and I already have plenty of ideas !

  4. I'm really looking forward to what you manage to put together out of this :)

    1. There will be a little convesrion job and some clever painting but I think it is quite an achievable one.

      Thanks Jonah!

  5. Congratulations to Warlord Paul!

    I can't imagine how you'll manage to use that theme on this model, so it will be fun to see the result. It certainly seems like a challenge.

    Personally I'm hoping for a neon pink hoverboard like in Back To The Future 2 :p

    1. It all depends on the gunslinger/time traveller ratio in the end !

      Don't expect WIP shots this time, I want the winner to have a full surprise so pics will only come when he gets his reward!

      I was hoping noone would mention the neon pink hoverborad... might keep this for later... ;)


  6. Doh! Missed another giveaway. Congrats to Paul, and nice use of Excel.

    1. I'll make one for the 200th followers ;), don not worry!

      I would have been interested to know your entry for this.
      Oh and I'm glad someone appreciate the Excel part.
      Thak you Sean!

  7. All this talk of pies makes me hungry. I can't wait to see how this all ends up :D

    1. It ends up in a very cool futuristic/fantasy time travelling gun shooting but I can't tell you more than this...

  8. Hé bien félicitations à Warlord Paul ^^ !!

    Merci pour ce petit concours très original (en fait t'as voulu échapper au irezumi n'est ce pas hein ?? Dégonflé !!! XD)


    1. Je dois avouer que j'étais soulagé d'échapper à certaines idées périlleuses mais k'avoue que certaines d'entre elles dont la tienne m'ont inspiré et pourrait très bien voir le jour. Je pense ce serait le parfait moyen de me sortir de ma zone de confort.

      Partie remise? ;)

      Merci à toi.

  9. Congrats Warlord Paul. Like all the comments above, I am very keenly looking forward to seeing the execution of this figure!

    1. No pressure on me! It's not like everyone expects me to make something worthy for Paul now... Oh and it's not like If I was foolish enough to try to nail it before BOYL to give it to him in person...

  10. Dear Conrad,

    Its is with much honour and gratitude that I receive this award from you. I have been nominated 3 times before so I will do my best to answer your award the best I can. My talent with words is very limited (especially with english ones) but I will do my best to make the answers enjoyable.



  11. Thanks for all the congratulations people! Apologies for being a little late to the party, just got back from a family holiday. Looking forward to my most excellent prize! Well done to Mr A for his awesome competition.

    1. Don't hold your breath because I'm an unreliable lazy bastard but you will get him in the end ;)
