
Monday 4 June 2018

Caryatids - Hive angels or demons

Every new release for Necromunda seems to be aimed directly at me. I guess I'm either someone super important or more likely we live in an age where people like me have the chance to be targeted right at their weak spots in the entertaining industry.
And I have to confess amongst many others, one of my weak spots is naked blue winged mutant babies... That's just how I roll.
Now I'm ashamed it took me that long to get this one painted honestly but I will probably come up with excuses if I have to.
Now this one was even better since it was a freebie from the latest Colony 87 KS so it was a shame not to have it painted really !

Now what made me paint this little cute demon ? Well 2 things actually, the first one being the fact Caryatids are getting fashionable these days. They're making a come back ! Just remember what they were in Confrontation :

Oh and wait, just look at Gang War, the latest supplement to Necromunda :

That's right, that's just how spoiled we are. 
Now the second reason is that a friend of mine had organised a painting challenge on a french page and it was so cool even though I only had one day left to enter, I just had to find something !
Now you might remember I did a 2 colour model a while ago, well this time was even harder, just one colour aside from black and white !

The jury and contestant are of a much higher standard than I am likely to ever be but it felt nice to take part and play a bit. I realized though it would have required some time to do something worthy !
I didn't learn as much as in the first one because I basically just had an hour to spend but y'know, I'll give it another try someday because I believe there's a lot to learn for a lazy guy like me from such an exercise.
I'll see what kind of character attracts this little fella in the coming games.

I'm quite happy to see that despite not thinking about making this one match with the older ones I've painted, it actually does !

Now if I had a little more time, I might have refined the blending a bit because you can still see the grain from the undercoat (on the photos only though). ^^
I think I would have tried a few tattoos since they're canon although I have to say I don't really fancy them having those from a visual perspective but you  know, it could be fun.
May has been a very productive and rewarding hobby month so I'm pretty happy about it and June is already heading to be a productive one if I want to meet the self imposed deadlines I've set myself !


  1. He's perfect! Very tasty indeed :)

    1. Never thought I'd enjoy running my brush along a mutant baby's blue genitals but here we are. ^^'

  2. Replies
    1. It might be tricky to get one but who knows !
      Thanks !

  3. Looks great! I love the Rogue Trader guy with the lizard, too.

    1. Cheers, I have to say I still like him too !

  4. Looks great, but leaves me wondering how you pain so much so fast and so well!

    1. This guy is on a 20mm base, he's really small and I only had 3 pots of paint so there wasn't much to do ^^
      I do work on several projects at once and although I know it won't suit some of us, it does work for me. ^^
      Thanks !

  5. The grain from the undercoat kind of makes he mini look like it's skin's made of some sort of living granite or other stone, ties in well with the idea that the Caryatids resemble animated gargoyles or cherubim.

    1. It's weird though, the detail on the head is painted but the grain on the underbelly is just the undercoat showing a bit but the latter isn't visible IRL (my eyesight isn't THAT terrible) ^^

  6. Yus! Will these be making it to Boyl?

    1. The caryatid could be yes, don't know if I can unlock one in the timeframe we have but just to have a gross baby flying around yeah ! ^^

  7. Awesome little buggers! I had just mentioned them being in Necromunda to a couple of friends recently.
    1 colour and black and white, eh? Looks fantastic :)
    That might be a challenge for me to try out sometime. I did a 5 colour challenge a while back and really enjoyed it.
    But 2 and even 1 colour!?! Sounds like it could be fun trying to figure something out.
    And you've just reminded me I haven't shared my 5 colour one on the blog, might have to get a post of that done sometime...

    1. 2 colours was quite simple but one colour is hard, I would pick a warm colour if I had to do it again !

  8. Loved these so much when I was a lad I even made one out of putty. It looked like shite mind. A mini of one though would be so cool to add to my collection.

    I think the blue looks really nice. For a 1-day painting effort, I'm rather impressed mate.

    1. More like one hour actually ^^
      I never was talented with putty so I won't throw anything at you and yes this part of the fluff has shaped my tastes !

  9. Who can possibly object a single thing to a tiny adorable winged blue baby... with a gun?


  11. “Les nombreuses canalisations d'air sont infestées de créatures étranges appelées cayatides. Ce sont de petits humanoïdes bleus ailés existant en grand nombre dans les ruches de Necromunda. Beaucoup des habitants des ruches pensent qu'ils portent chance car ils s'attachent souvent à des personnes puissantes, et ils semblent même s'attacher à des personnes allant devenir puissantes. Inversement, le départ d'un caryatide "familier" est vu comme un présage funeste - cet homme est ensuite vu comme quelqu'un attendant la mort.”

  12. C'est énorme !! Oo

    Je ne savais pas que ces trucs là existaient à Necromunda !!

    Comme d'hab' une nouvelle couche de très belle peinture pour ces schtroumpfs volants ^^


    1. J'aime beaucoup le fait que pour la nouvelle mouture ils vont puiser dans le vieux matos pour en sortir une synthèse. Ça permet aux anciens de pouvoir tout inclure et j'avoue que j'aime beaucoup. Il y a à redire sur un paquet de trucs comme partout mais sur ce coup c'est vraiment le genre d'initiatives que j'attends pour un jeu comme çà donc je suis ravi. ^^

  13. He's a great wee guy, and looks brilliant for such a simple palette. We really are spoiled.

  14. Superb to give life to the Caryatids! Soo cool!

    1. The heart of the underhive truly is beating !

  15. Well done on the one color challenge. I also reminds me that I have a bunch of unpainted Colony 87 lying around. Oops.

    1. Don't tell me about the Astropolis sets ^^

  16. Considering the one color restriction ... this is excellent work!

    1. It's really worth trying with more time I believe, we'll see another time I guess !
      Thanks !

  17. Wow, very cool! I recall collecting those issue of White Dwarf at the time and I eas eager to play that game, but I couldn't get anyone to commit to start collecting it with me at the time. Years later, Necromunda was released, an thougn I enjoyed it, it lacked some of the depth that Confrontation had promised. These Caryatids were part of that depth that was missed. Glad to see it make it back!

    1. I agree confrontation and Space fleet then really expanded the 40kverse to something more than just war between marines and orks and helped deliver something deep.
      That's why I can't help but get back to those all the time. ^^

  18. Great work; I always liked caryatids...nice to have them back :)

    1. Thanks, I've always thought they were a really nice piece of the background indeed.

  19. Duuuh, the penny's just dropped for me that this is what inspired that particular Colony 87 model. I thought Jon just liked the idea of Cherubs with guns.

    Freehanding those swirls onto the smooth surfaces looks like a fun challenge!

    1. I can't date Jon's love of naked mutant babies with guns so i'll just assume it's a post confrontation thing.
      I hate freehanding with a passion but you could do them proud I'm sure. ^^
