
Friday 17 November 2023

BOYL exclusive Navigator

Hey all ! Next in my quest to get all the BOYL exclusive models painted : The Navigator, this one is a bit special since it's the latest one (at the time of writing) from BOYL 2023 but it's a first in BOYL history since it 's the first multipart model !

This one has been sculpted by Time Prow and follows the pattern of switching from fantasy to sci-fi and the other way round every year.

I'm always very fond of NPC models without any wapons and although like many I have the old Rogue Trader Navigator, it's cool to have one going extra on a floating sit !

Painting wise I kept it pretty simple since the character has a rather simple outfit so Gave him a black and white suit that let me use more colours on decorations such as the collar, the headband or even the cushion of the seat.

I get a lot of satisfaction knowing with all the navigators, astropaths, pilots, Steersmen and officers, I probably have enough crew for a couple of ships now !

I'm just one model away from having a fully painted complete BOYL miniatures collection and the last is actually in progress so it shouldn't be long now !

Check this one with the former sci-fi BOYL exclusives like the Null Steersman, Olivia Neutron Bomb, the Helsreach mayor or Psycho Sam !

 Happy painting to you all !


  1. What a treat for a Friday! The paint job is perfect (and happily different from mine!). I wonder how many other painted copies there are out there in the wild? I think I've seen 3 or 4. I really like that orangy-red you've used for the collar detail - it's a great burst of colour and frames the face nicely.

    1. Thanks, I wanted it to look like some sort of rising sun with the white of the tunic, I haven't seen many either yet !

  2. I think there was an early 2nd Edition piece of Artwork done by Mark Gibbons (that was only published later on in one of the collected art books) of a Navigator in a very similar pose, floating chair and all....although that one was bald if memory recalls correctly.

    It's a lovely little miniature by Tim Prow (I love his Skaven) and a wonderfully muted paint job done by you. 🥰

    1. Cheers ! I don't thik I've ever seen that artwork by Mark Gibbons, I had a few seconds deciding wether to paint the top of his head as a cap or actual hair since Navigators aften go bald but after all, I found he could be wearing a wig with head band or whatever !
      Can't rob a man of his hair at my age !

  3. I hadn't seen the mini before, and I find it really cool. Interesting painjob and great overall effect :)

  4. Great addition to your BOYL collection. Your crew is a fine looking bunch - they just need a ship to pose inside now! ;)

    1. Funny you should mention a ship, I've just painted a few shuttles and I have a bigger ship in the works as well !
