
Wednesday 26 April 2023

Imitation of Life Bunker Doors

Hey all, quick one ths time, I was lucky to get one of those printed by a friend and finally took the opportunity to paint it !

Those are printed from STL's from the most excellent Imitation of Life you can follow on Facebook or even on Patreon. His stuff is amazing and makes me want to get a 3D printer even just for his stuff (matter of when rather than if). So amongst some cool prints I picked those two because I reckon I could knock them off pretty rapidly. 

Tuesday 18 April 2023

Stargrave Campaign - The Unreal engine

 So last week , I was lucky to get the opportunity to meet up with some friends for a whole extended week end of gaming. I hadn't seen several of them since 2019 due to real world complications so it really wa s a tremendous pleasure to see them, push some lead, talk non sense, empty some pints and catch up.

The game we focused on this year is Joe McCullough's Stargrave, the sci-fi version of the famous Frostgrave and I was really happy be hapy to finally play a game I had been waiting for for years. There were 10 of us and 6 to 7 tables with a dedicated scenario each so plenty of opportunities to explore the game, level up the bands and experience the wonders of dice roll drama.

Tuesday 11 April 2023

Colony87 Starport Ogre Crew


In the middle of preprations for a WE of Stargrave, I picked the opportunity o pick some Colony87 models to put on the table because frankly, who doesn't love NPC's ? I'm also all for taking any excuse to get models painted so when my friend Sho3box mentionned he was making a Starport table, I jumped on the opportunity.

Thursday 6 April 2023

Rogue Trader Mercenaries and Pirates

Hey all, so I have a Stargrave campaign coming so it was time to dust off the band I had designed for the game some time ago. Looking at the troop choices, I realised I didn't have much choice in terms of weapons so sinc everyone else was painting their bands, I felt compeled to painting some more. Since the whole crew was built on Rogue Trader classics, I had little choice but to exapand with other Rogue Trader classics. So I decided to scratch an old itch and get some mercenaries and pirates done, giving me more carbines and big guns to pick from (I'd still only be able to pick 10 anyway)