
Tuesday 21 February 2023

Stargrave Loot Tokens


Hey all ! Bit of a palette cleanser today. I have an upcoming Stargrave week-end with friends in april and though I have painted my Stargrave band a while ago, I still haven't used it for its intended purpose so here's the perfect occasion !
Now amongst the few things one needs to play Stargrave, there are of course a ruler/tape measurer/anything to give you distances on the tabletop, dice (of the 20 sided kind) AND because this game is like its fantasy big brother, a treasure hunt game, you need treasure tokens !

So as we saw, there are 2 types of loot tokens depending on the kind of loot you find, physical or data, I kew I wanted physical models for those, not just plastic or cardboard tokens (which are fine but I like the extra immersion actual models provide so went looking for the small bits I had around and found those stretch goals from colony 87's 4th wave, just what I was looking for ! Crooked dice have really made the best of Colony87 and my sentimental attachment to it made those obvious picks.

Now I needed a few extras and after checking several sources including 3D files and all sorts of miniature companies, I just went to check the most obvious place and realised the loot tokens by Northstar were actually just perfect. I know it's sometimes a lazy option to go with the official stuff and I'm sure many will relate to that contradictive feeling to make things our own but in this case these are just exactly what I want, look good (that giant brain is genius) and fit what I have perfectly :

Luckily enough, the tokens were easy to sort in to 2 equal groups of 6 with clearly physical tokens including an alien relic, weird eggs in a nest, weird mushrooms/plants in a mesh, a tool box (that's probably made of some unbreakable space alloy), a box of unobtainum ore and a tank containing a virus/a gene implant/eyes/whatever gross organic bit you can think of :

While on the other hand the data tokens are represented by self propelling hard drives, tablets and portable storage and one giant brain because it's funny.

Of course these might be used later on for all sorts of games as objectives which is also why I based them all, I have somehow decided that anything with a regular base (with black rim) is something you can move/interact with, rest being terrain.

Now I'm also chuffed that all my characters can find their favourite kind of loot too !

Hope you liked these and happy painting to you !


  1. That is a particularly nice selection of items, and the painting makes them all look nicely coherent.

    Great work.

    1. Like often, the little projects without any stake are often the most rewarding, I just painted those naturally which got me to open some pots I hadn't in ages and the whole group took me probably less than some individual human sized models

  2. Those tokens look fantastic!

  3. The brain is fun! In general, this is a nice selection of science fictiony looking crap that your player characters totally should risk their lives to secure. And I like the slightly subdued colors like maybe they've been sitting around getting dusty for a while.

    1. The subdued colours are somethng I can't quite do without even when I'm going for more colourful topics I must say but like you say, they make a fun selection of objectives fro Stargrave or any future game.

  4. Those are really cool. I love the variety of the models. I'm sure a friend of mine had one of those robots back in the 1980s!

    1. The pieces all feel familiar, totally WYSIWYG which is what you want for objective markers really

  5. Nice assortment of tokens painted to your typically lovely standards and yes, perfect for Stargrave.

  6. Now I wonder if I have some of those tokens. I remember hemming and hawing over that kickstarter....did I pull the trigger? Do I own some of those figs? Do I have a lead mountain issue. I know the last answer is definitely yes.

    1. Truth is, I had forgotten I had them even as I was looking for some bits to do tokens, opened my C87 crate looking for the Starport ogres and found those, it soothes the guilt a bit I must say !

  7. Each one of them is charming by their own, but when put together, they look gorgeous!

    1. What Suber said above ... I couldn't have said it any better! :)

    2. Damn, you guys are the sweetest ! <3
