
Tuesday 31 January 2023

Ork Boss on Giant Squig and unreleased ork casualty


Hey all ! You folks know there's never a bad time to paint orks right ? So I've decided that it was Orknuary and  I'd be painting orks. Actually, I was triggered by the release of the new Goff Rocker but more on that soon...

Now a while ago, I stumbled upon an extremely cool idea from someone on a 3D print page and while I don't own a printer myself, I'm fascinated by the opportunities it offers. The model that caught my eye  was this upscaled Gobbla with a Bionik boss on top (the legs being classic Perry snake bite rider legs)

Gobbla is a staple from the red era as far as I'm concerned, I started warhammer right at the end of 3rd and the dawn of 4th so the red era was a huge graphic influence on me.

Now of course the parts here are scanned and therefore of questionable origins, the model that was made was a fan creation for a fan, scanning and printing offer tremendous conversion opportunities so I'm seeing things from a creative point of view.

What a pleasure it is to paint a Kev Adams face that size ! The original was made to stand on a 25mm squar base I reckon, the new one here is taking the best part of a 60mm here and the model still stands which is an incredible testament of Kev's genius.

I'm glad to have this massive center piece and although I'm not very sure how to play it if I ever were to play it in 40k, I reckon I could add a few snakebites to the force and probably get some closure on the whole project (for a while at least)

Oh and while I was at it, I thought it was the occasion to paint this ork casualty, which is an unreleased...simply because it's not a citadel model, it's just a creation from my sweet buddy Heofthreenames, who decided to make the world a better place by wearing short shorts and sculpting some of the missing casualties in the Rogue Trader range so here's the ork !

Thank you all, have a great time and happy painting !


  1. That's a pretty cool idea and a great way to bring back old sculpts but in a new format.

    1. I see it as another tool for conversion, scanning/printin could ideally be the new pressmoulding although the border between hobby tool and pure IP theft is paper thin.

    2. That argument has always been an interesting one. I think that if it ends up being purely for limited personal use by the scanner and maybe shared with a select few without funds being exchanged then it's not such a rub in GW's face. Just have be be clever that those using such prints are not being silly and posting them all over the place to draw the great "Eye's" gaze.

  2. It's a pity that they've not released a 40K version of the Anvil of Apotheosis yet, because there is evidently a need for one.

    I love squigs! ^^

    1. I didn't know that but I reckon a bosson super cyboar would fit, even modern orruks have access to giant squigs it seems !

  3. Ha, at first sight I thought it was a conversion, as I recognised the rider, but then I saw the size of that Gobbla. I needed a few seconds for my brain to understand it all :D
    What a cool job, you really needed this in your Ork Arm... Ehm. Ork Force!

    1. I reckon it's technically still a conversion but with a different method, I like that it allows simple but useful operations like mirrorring, copying parts without damaging the originals and resizing parts to keep.
      I makes me want to add a few snakebites now and I reckon after a few snotlings I'm done with this arm... project. :)

  4. There are so many colors at play here and yet it all works. Great job sir :)

    1. I tend not to think too much about it but orks seem to be the only project where I don't restrict myself much (although I do apply the exact same scheme all over and work with a restricted palette)
      Thank you !

  5. He makes for a brilliant centerpiece! I've always enjoyed your Ork coloring, and this one is another great example! Love that casualty too!

    1. Thanks, we can see a lot of great old orks forces these days so I tried to make mine have their own vibe !

  6. Great to see Gobbla alive and well! Makes sense that he's grown a bit in the past decades, haha

    Kev Adams sculpted a giant squig for Knightmare Miniatures recently, definitely worth a look!

    1. Thanks, the new squigs he's sculpted are definitely on my list now after Gobbla !

  7. Do you know where I could get a copy of the file?

    1. Hi, not really, those were scanned and printed for conversion purposes but I don't have any file.
