
Sunday 6 February 2022

Mörk Borg - Wretched Royalty


Hey all ! So just a quick one today (always ice to have a bot of a palette cleanser in between bigger projects).
If you've been paying attention lately, there's been a great interest over a small RPG named Mörk Borg. It's set in a very grim, macabre yet somehow grotesque and fun setting with a very strong visual identity. The rules themselves are very light and sandboxy which I absolutely love and over the past month one of my gaming buddies has had the kindness to run an online series of games for us to test the game.

If you haven't seen this yet then the rock you've been hiding under was very efficient !

There's been an absolutely insane amount of publication around that game (way too much for me to even consider keeping track of) and gaming material from official and fan sources.

But what's the very first step in playing a game ?
Rolling a character, that's what, and my is this a fun process with this one. Following my friend Sho3box"s example (check his stuff out), I rolled my character using SCVMBIRTHER, an online random character roller. The process was pretty simple, knowing what classes my friends would likely have, I opted for the wretched royalty and rolled until I didn't have too many followers (one roll went up to having the main charater, a jester, a servant, 4 monkeys and a pony...).

So here's how Kratar was born !

Looking at this and the general mood of the game, I knew exactly the kind of guy I wanted so went for a quick conversion based on a model from the excellent Andrew May and his 2nd Kickstarter.
The first iteration was somehow promising but lacking something...

I shared it with Sho3box and realised something : "Who the fuck was I kidding turning it up to ten ?"
And so I pushed things to 11 as you do :

Painting wise, I went for a very restricted palette with loads of earthly colours, I decided to paint little parchments on Kratar's clothes, they're surely pages from his mother's diary with pages showing he loves her and some showing he hates her. So far he's been a very fun individual t play especially with his unfortunate comrade Niduk : 

Check Niduk's backstory

I'm really eager to follow his adventures although I'm fully prepared to him meeting an untimely gruesome death because that's how this game plays ! If he does, then I'm just a fresh roll and new model away from having fun with the lads !


  1. WOW! I especially love the cloak paint scheme! So sick! Any chance you could provide us with a quick paint recipe prett please?

    1. The cloaks are started with a German green and a dark brown with brown wash (gw) then highlighted with bone to desaturate the colour. I often do that with either greys or bone colours 🙂

  2. Nice! Well, not nice, but impressive!

  3. That Niduk - a homicidal, dangerous and revolting creep who sleeps with his bear trap - manages to come off as relatively likeable in context, is a tribute to how unpleasant Kratar - an entitled jackass - has turned out to be.

    Pathetically, I think that Niduk probably craves the attention of the bourgeoisie...

    Those figs are fun!
    I have a plan for Wretched Royalty of my own, but it will be a while before I get to it I think.

    1. I like how classic comedy duos rely on manichean tropes but those two have a far more twisted dynamic that's just as fun

  4. Dammit, that's glorious. It looks tattered, yet imposing. Difficult balance, but I think you got it right!

    1. I wanted the exact crossbredd between hobbo and prince ! Thanks mec !

  5. The reds here are used to good effect indeed ... the greens alone would look nauseating but with the reds as contrast, the color scheme works well.

    1. Cheers, the green is really an overtone from teh stone grey I use and the german green/grey in the clothes but it makes a good base to make the reds pop I reckon.
      Thanks !

  6. Damn, the rock over my head must be enormous cos I haven’t heard a peep about this game… looks and sounds very cool tho.

    The mini is fantastic and very in line with the game’s aesthetics, bravo. I hope he talks to those skulls when he gets stressed during downtimes?

    1. Cheers ! The vibe is stringly set in the mood of those black metal bands you'd only hear about in obscure fanzines so it makes sense not everyone got aware, it is a huge center of attention and publications atm though !
