
Sunday 16 January 2022

Rogue Trader Ork Kult of Speed and Artillery

Alright First of all, Happy new year to all and best of eerything for 2022 !
Long time no see huh ? Well I've moved house and been well occupied with real life stuff and MIGHT have take a bit more than I could chew after the last orks I painted !
But in the end, it's all done and that's a huge bit out of the pile and in the cabinet so I'm pretty happy with that !

The previous Wartrak and Scorcha were such a blast to paint I immeditaly went looking for some more and boy I didn't go light handed on this one !
I wanted at least 5 bikes, a buggy and for some reason couldn't resist a squig catapult !
Oh and my wartrak was missing it's rear Hopsplat gun so y'know.

They all got painted in a batch but le'ts start with the Nob on bke because let's face it, he's the most fabulous of all !
The model itself is probably bigger than the bike he's seated on but he's clearly living his best life !

Now of course he had to have at least 4 bikers to boss, these bikes are so tiny yet heavy, the bikers are gretchin sized but the whole is just as fun as the scorcher and wartrak were, perfect Kev goodness.

Also missing from the previous batch, I needed a Field splatgun for my wartrak to pull so here it is with its mek/runtherd, don't worry, the grot servants are in the pipes but I intend to paint all the diminutive greenskins in a later batch.

Now the buggy is a model I've often disregarded as inferior, too thin and weird, the orks on it are clearly not amongst the best models, let's face it but in hand it feels so great.
I realise it doesn't look that good in photos and is more than fine IRL. My new photo set up might not be at full capacity here.

Now the petty among you might think a lascanon is ot very orky and I would like to differ. Orks are practical beings, if it deals insane damage then it's good, I am convinced the lack of noise is countered with hidden loudspeakers that play a loud KABOOM everytime it shoots, easy fix.

Now the squig catapult was a absolute obsession when I finished the previous batch of orks, don't ask me why, I don't know, maybe it's that illustration or maybe I just have too many squigs and feel mean ?
Anyway, it's a fun model and I reckon a fun one to play as well so I don't need much more reasons than that really !

With a new house and new year I thought I could make a milestone and see how the ork force (not army) looks so far, I'm probably midway through what I have in mind so that should give you an idea :


  1. I always thought that Ork las-weapons (and later Zzap weapons) sounded like the Blasters from Star Wars as the Orks in question skimped on the usual safety features like proper heat-shielding, so whenever it was fired, you had that loud KACHOOO sound as the laser beam literally (and loudly) scorches the air around it.

    1. You know orks will find a way, they're the kind to stick a warp engine in a fuel rocket and launch it from 2 planks nailed together after all 😁

    2. I know! Orks will always be my first love! My ultimate hobby goal once I've gotten into a good headspace is to build a retroclone Ork army with the new range. :3

  2. Every single figure here is a winner. I particularly like the way you've handled the hop splat gun basing. The boss is my favourite of the bunch though - love that flaming skull banner.

    1. I have a huge fondness for that Nob, embracing orkyness to the fullest, the field gun is annoyingly standing on its own when not pulled by the wartrak but I opted for practicality 🙂

  3. I'd have thought that the loud cracking, zapping noise would be pretty satisfying! Anyhow, it's all very nice. The yellow and the rusty metal work particularly well together. They're all very characterful models!

    1. I guess they'll want to be on the safe side but I love how easy going they are, thanks a lot

  4. Looks like there's plenty of room to stick some scratch built speakers on that buggy!

    1. I do have the goff rockers in the ork pile for extra sound !

  5. Really enjoyed this post JB! The new additions are so cool and remind me that I have an old biker ork that needs a facelift.
    Tho I will say, don’t be surprised if on the table they are not as swift as other ork speedsters - “red wunz go fasta” afterall! ;)

    1. Sacrifices had to be made, da "red sturz" are trying to be eco friendly and opted for a more respectful colour for the environment, red wunz go fasta but I'm pretty sure yellow wunz go fartha 😁

  6. I am totally loving these! I have been considering painting my original Ork Warbuggy and this might just push me to do it. What size oval base did you use for it?

    1. It's a 50x90, same I used for the scorcher actually, it's a great modeldo it !

  7. I thought it was mandatory to have a Grot beside the gun shouting 'pew pew kaboom', just in case.
    Wonderful paintjobs, seriously, they all are ace!

    1. We don't share technological secrets like that but indeed, it's an easy fix !
      Thanks mec !

  8. That's a lovely selection of Orks. I love how you have mixed the rust effects in with the the cleaner look which the later Rogue Trader Orks had.

    1. Thanks, I wanted something fun but grounded in "reality" so to speak, I sometimes wish I had gone fully into the WWII approach but you and Nico did it brilliantly so targetd that RT/2nd ed vibe instead with a twist.

  9. Absolutely fantastic models highlighted by some great paintjobs. Congrats on the new house.

    1. Thanks, there's probably as much coming up in the future so it's great knowing it works !

  10. Splendide as always ! I really like your ork force which is varied but still offer a nice united group to the eye.

    Happy new year and may Gork and Mork be with you !

    1. It really is just cherry picking and painting what I like visually hence why I'll never consider this an army sinc the only consideration is the rule of cool ^^
      Thanks mec

  11. A belated Happy New Year to you and yours. It's a brilliant start to the new year with these painted orks :)

    1. Best of things for 2022 for you and yours too ! I'm looking forward to the varied projects you have.

  12. Gorgeous miniatures and gorgeous paint job! The boss on the bike is really impressive. Excellent variation on warm colors such as red and yellow in combination with the rusty metal and green of the skin, which does not clash at all. Does your force (not army) have an orkish name?

    1. Thanks !
      The Nob on bike is a very cool model indeed, I've kept my green skin quite desaturated to let the yellow and red do the job and avoid a rainbow effect, the Clan is called "Da Red Sturz", I see them as an in between of various shades of orks I like such as bad moons, blood axes and death skullz and I guess evil sunz now ^^

  13. You beauty. This is such a lovely Kult you've built up. Really strong on era purity. You've got crisp tight painting in the high focus areas, and loose impressionist painting in the low focus areas, but your colour choices there still makes these really visually interesting to explore all round. Love them.

    1. Thanks a lot !
      I'm glad you noticed that point because putting the focus where I want it has been the exercise on those precisely. It saves a lot of time but also makes the model with one foot in the very recognisable look of the era I'm targetting but the other in a somehow more down to earth, It's a fun process to work that balance over every unit and hence why I want to paint as many different ones !
