
Monday 4 October 2021

Negavolt Cultists - Blackstone Fortress

Hi everyone ! It's a weird time right now at home with some real life getting in the way but good stuff ! I have a fair few unblogged painted things so I'll try and clear the desk (and mind) of that unfinished business !
Keeping my 2021 resolution to finish the content of the core box of Blackstone Fortress, here are 4 new villains, the Negavolt cultists !

Since the traitor guards are coming soon, I wanted to test some speed painting techniques on those to gather a bit of XP. Almost all parts you see have had only 2 coats of paint with the exception of the red cables. It's either just contrast/highlights or glaze/wash or sometimes just one wash or contrast coat with the cables getting a wash and two highlights to make them pop a bit and the glowing parts getting 3 shades of red.
It's not spectacular from up close but at tabletop distance it's more than enough to get the effect working and that's where I'll try to go with the 34 cultists on the table right now.

Unlike the beastmen, those models are very samey-samey which is a pity, as a whole, I think the models from blackstone fortress are some of the most clever and neat design from the past few years and the combinations and variants you can find with the beastmen or psykers is excellent. I wish the negavolt cultists had got that sort of treatment bt they remain excellent models which really convey the right mood.
All in all, despite not looking at the box art, I've managed to get a very similar colour scheme, guess that's what suits them !
Anyway, they were fast and rewarding models to have done so I'm pretty chuffed, more to come soon so happy painting you all !



  1. The skin is very good with the pale color and spots of pink. I always like your growing effect too. Something I need to work on a bit more.

    1. The skin is really just a wash of blue shade and agrax mixed with some medium over the wraithbone undercoat, I just picked a few points to highlights and glazed the knees and scars in crimson carroburg and that was it !
      The glow is a very lazy succession of washes of deep red, bright red then orange in increasingly focused areas. Hope this helps !
      Thanks !

    2. Yup the pink spots make the skin seem like it's had a LOT more work done on it. Which is the secret of good speed painting ;)

  2. Funny, these are my least fav sculpts in the box and I have been having a really hard time coming up with a good scheme for them, yet you’ve somehow made them look far more appealing. (Not a fan of the studio scheme at all.)
    Love the skin colours and how they contrast with the leather/cloth dark areas and your usual red spot colours in the tubes fits perfectly.
    Looking forward to those traitor guard

    1. I love the pose and how the tech parts integrate with the body, my only concern being the reverse dreads and the lack of variety in poses. I reckon one really need to think about how the different parts contrast with each other hence why I opted for bright red cables and leather straps on the body.
      Cheers !

  3. Not easy minis to paint, I think; yet you made the most of them and managed to make them stand out. Really nice

    1. They're actually easier than anticipated, especially since I was using speed techniques, I actually reached the end way earlier than expected (no innuendo) whic is good !

  4. Bien creepy comme il faut, j'adore !
    Faut que je me trouve des équivalents à imprimer en 3D pour peupler ma forteresse noire. Avec de la chance je trouverai des modèles plus variés.

    1. Comme d'autres figs sur lesquelles j'étais sceptique dans la boite au départ, ils s'avèrent vraiment bien une fois qu'on les a peints et compris mais c'est vrai que 4 poses identiques, je trouve que les hommes bêtes ont été mieux gérés en variété.

  5. Love this greyish green vermillion color combo. It just works for me.

    1. Thanks, a little complementary colours often go a long way I find !
