
Saturday 3 July 2021

Rogue trader Ork Nobz !


Hey everyone ! Sometimes a painter needs a little break and a good hobby hug in his comfort zone. Mine are definitely somewhere in the arms of Jes Goodwin models or Kev Adams's so after painting a lot of models from my desk and requirements for Blackstone fortress, I felt like fueling my mojo up with some classics and I opted for some bad ass ork nobz from Kev Adams. This will make my orkish force grow even more and the colours are a no brainer since I'll just replicate the same old recipes on this colourful project!

First of all, I just HAD to paint Ghazkul Thrakka's first iteration from Mike McVey for the army Andy Chambars had rolled up :

Come on, you surely remember his first version :

Now since I've also painted his second edition version, it is quite nice to see how the second ed version was such a nice echo, I think I had missed how faithful it is (apart from the regrown eye apparently)

Next is a classic Dok model, I really love the crazy look on his face, a proper maniak.

Next is some sort of former Snake bite hunter, I have to say he was pretty fun to convert and I have a special fondness for him.

Now here's a classic amongst classics, the Blood axe captain is so good it's actually the second one I've painted so far.

His gigantic flamer axe went to a mek ho I guess can make the best of such a gigantic and impressive weapon :

And now of course a family photo along the chaos version I did some time ago for my ork renegades.
Maybe they're the same guy, who knows ?

That's it, pretty straightforward, I didn't reinvent anything here, just moved on a bit further on my ork force and painted something fresh I meant to do.
I've been pretty  careless with those to be very honest, I could have spent a bit more time blending more, detailing more, refining plenty of things but I wanted them done and the heat around is starting to make painting tiresome with the brushes splitting, the paint drying on the wet palette and becoming chalky. I think I'll consider my next models with those criterias in mind to favour projects I can do with washes, glazes or rough drybrushes, the weather isn't exactly blending or refinment friendly and won't be for a couple of months I 'm afraid.

I hope you folks have a great time and happy painting !


  1. Looking good! I like the variety in the group. Amazing really that a weapon swap and different colour scheme can completely change the look of a model as with your Blood Axe nob. What is the bolter arm on the Snakebite? I like that it's not clear if it's a bionic arm or power armour component!

    1. I'm not really sure where it's from, it came with most of those models in a bag of bits and broken models, it's definitely orkish from a later period but can't point where exactly, it just felt like the right part for the right model at the time ^^'

    2. The arm's from the old Nazdreg model, from I think late 2nd/3rd edition. 2nd ed Orks were my first army, and yours look like I wished mine did back then. Always a treat to see, thank you!

  2. You know I'd never actually noticed that Ghaz 2 shared the skull boots with Ghaz 1, even more of a homage than I realised!

    1. I know right ! I just discovered so many common points, so much fun.

  3. Dude they're so good. The blending and details are so fun. They don't look rushed as you've claimed, but I guess painters know their work best. I can definitely see Kev Adams models falling into the hobby hug category.

    1. Not much blending here but I'm glad they work nonetheless, we're often our worst critics right ?

  4. What an outstanding group of Nobs! Each one is distinct, yet they all tie to gather through your superb paint jobs. I'm trying to decide if Ghazkul or the snakebite is my fav... I'm leaning the snakebite. Something about that headdress, power claw, and eye patch.

    1. Gaz is a classic but I have a special fondness for the snakebite which just happened to "click" when I assembled it.
      I'm glad the colour schemes keeps working as I expand the band and I guess a group shot is long due now !
      Thanks !

  5. Good to see some love for some very cool classics mate. That was when orks actually had character… ah the good days

    1. They really are quite something, The new AoS orcs are pretty great tbh but these have that right mix of michief, goofiness and madness you just can't beat and Kev is it at the very top of his game.

  6. I adore these old Ork models. So much character and so many fun details. And you've brought them to beautiful life with your painting; I love the unusual colour scheme and the spot yellows.

    1. They're a treat really, there's so many more I wanna paint and Kev's models work so well, old or new, his consistency makes them all fantastically suitable.

  7. Ooooh, I most definitely love these models. They do have that 'something', don't they? They look special, and your personal style make them stand out. I love them.

    1. They definitely have that "je ne sais quoi" that makes me want to come back to them every time !

  8. Painted orks never fail to make my day ... what more excellently painted ones! :)

  9. Hope your mojo got a good shot with these green fellows, they're great !
