Ever opened a copy of one of the realm of chaos books when you were ten? Ever tried to own each and everyone of the Jes Goodwin chaos champion? Ever spent days lurking on ebay for a complete Kaleb Dark or chaos toilets?
You're at home here.
You might remember me painting a fan sculpt of Ymgarl Genestealer earlier, well I was lucky enough to get a clear resin cast of it ! How awesome is that ? Very much indeed.
Well hello there ! Today's post is rather special because I'm ticking several items from the bucket list at once ! I'm on the verge of turning 40 and 1994 was a formative year for me in terms of music, comics and models but amongst a few gut punches, I remember Titan Legions was one of those obsessions for me along listening to Infectious Grooves :
The gigantic robots, the completely insane cover box, that was pushing all of young JB's buttons like few things had before. I had a love at first sight with warlord titans in the early 90's like any sane kid but I just never got a box of any and I decided to spend my limited funds on blisters of chaos goodness bit by bit.