
Monday 26 October 2020

The Nuln Spearman - Tribute


So after painting one the rarest ork in the world (Tribute), I could only try and paint some even rarer model and what more iconic and elusive model than the nuln spearman ?
You've probably heard about it and know its legendary status as the simplest and yet most unachievable models to come by.

If you don't, well he was just your average C-series fighter back then, released amongst models you can very easily get :

f4crossbowswd102.jpg (41076 bytes)
Taken from Solegends

But he never actualy made it into general production and a mere listing on ebay is enough to make the usual old school pages foaming and wondering.
And I like that all the rawkus is about one of the most simple models of the range !

Now of course I still have both kidneys and had to go with a resculpt proxy but I have to say this guy was pretty close to the original because painting it made me feel like painting the other fighters of the range so something must have been done right !

Now with 15 members I guess this band has pretty much every option ticked and I have to say those fancy shirts are a little tiring...
With the new list for free people released in the WD, I reckon I could do with a few dwarves to broaden the racial span of the band (and to get a little more firepower MWAHAHAHA) so who knows what's next for those ?


  1. Brilliant new addition! In many ways this is my favourite of all the humans in this band (the ogre is of course the best overall!). There's something about the understated pose combined with that enigmatic helmet that really works. He looks completely and utterly no-nonsense and capable. The painting is delightful - going for that charcoal black armour really was a genius choice.

    1. Painting it, I realised how totally up your street this guy is because of all the reasons you mention, he's really grown on me as one of my favourites !
      That feeling of no BS amongst a bunch of arrogant and flashy extroverts makes him unique. I'm glad you like him, thanks !

  2. Toujours aussi extra. La photo de groupe est terrible et les teintes de bleu offrent un rendu super. Bravo ;)

    1. Merci à toi c'est gentil !
      C'est un projet sur lequel je me suis beaucoup amusé et pour lequel j'ai encore une ou deux idées en tête !

  3. Amazing looking model (and gang of friends). What color combination did you use to get the white/grey/green of his sleeves?

    1. The off white sleeves are Prince August stone grey, I absolutely love that colour and use it everywhere, it does have a greenish tint but feels more neutral than hot yellowish off white or cold bluish off whites I reckon and it works well next to reds.

  4. Funny, i'm currently painting a version of the Nuln spearman too

  5. My god... what a lovely bunch of classic models. Fantastic work, as always.

    1. Thanks ! They've been a pleasure to work on !

  6. Excellent, I really love your colour paletes, they all feel very painterly in the best way. Where did the miniature come from or was it a custom sculpt?

    1. Thanks, painterly suits me fine !
      The model is a fan resculpt for non profit purposes, I had the chance to get one and had to paint it ASAP. :)

  7. Top notch work fam. He’s my favorite paint job so far out of the whole Warband, and I didn’t realize it had grown so much these past few months. Nice work on staying productive 💪

    1. Cheers mec, he's oddly grown up into my favourites as well, I think I still have a couple of models in me for that band to really cover any option ^^

  8. Très bel bande de péc... gens libres ! Le lancier s'intègre parfaitement. Comment as tu pu récupérer un proxy resculpter ? ^^

    1. Merci !^^
      C'est une sculpture de fan en hommage et j'ai eu la chance de faire partie des heureux bénéficiaires !

  9. To me, the colors on show here are so soothing to the eyes. And its a great color scheme for the minis concerned.

    1. Thanks, I really wanted something less flamboyant than what you see, wanted to let the sculpts do the talking instead.

  10. Hi, where did you source this resculpt? I've tried searching but found nothing..

    1. Hi, this was a private sculpt from a fan with extremely small number of non commercial copies, I'm afraid there aren't any left now.
