
Friday 13 March 2020

Chaos Ogryn !

Quick one this time, my buddy Pete had the kindness to hand me one of those chaos ogryns he got sculpted by Jason from Thunderchild Miniatures so it kinda had to jump on top of the paint queue !

Now funnily enough, I rolled chaos ogryns for my Realms of Chaos band last summer and decided to use minotaurs instead (which I was most happy about tbh) but you know, sometimes you want the real thing !

The sculpt is undoubtedly full of Jason's style, it's a pretty nervous sculpt that goes straight to the point and it is obviously based on this absolute gem of an illustration :

I'm pretty chuffed to have a (really) big boy to go out with the lads, he seems just as cheerful as them !

As an aside, I got me a custom mouse pad dice tray at the colours of my blog ! I'm usually not into fancy bits of gear like that but I needed/wanted one and I feel it was worth getting a pretty one !

I'm really pleased with it and I'll consider l'atelier de Torek first when I want more stuff or a cool nex mat, perfect service and quality.

That's all for now, take care ;)


  1. Great mini - great paintjob! I particularly like colour palette you have used and how it ties the squad together.

  2. That fig has a fun toy like, boardgame piece like quality.

    Great painting.

    1. Couldn't agree more, it's like a larger monster in my pocket or cosmix.

  3. Sweet mini mate, and he fits in superbly with the orks.

    (That dice tray is fab too! Jealous!)

  4. He looks really solid in there with the orks. You’ve done a really fine job on him.

    1. I honestly went quite bluntly on him, trying to channnel the energy of the sculpt, I cannot wait moving him around the table top!

  5. Il est bien classe cet Ogryn. J'en ferai bien un Ogre du Chaos pour WHB (^_^) A+ Nico

    1. Pas grand chose à faire pour le coup ^^
      Merci mec ;)

  6. Il est terrible !! Obscène à souhait !! J'adore :)

    1. Son gros dard qui te plait hein ? ^^

    2. ouiiiiii Oh puissant Slaanesh que tu as été généreux avec ta créature !!

  7. Great skin tones on the ogryn and an amazing looking custom dice tray.
