
Monday 25 February 2019

Gerork - Just a regular ork from the G squad

Right, so for plenty of good reasons, I haven't got to sit and paint a model in a while so I took the opportunity to fix that this week !
This felt almost awkward after nearly two months so I decided to paint an ork because they're one of those happy places.
And because I wanted it to be festive I picked the most stupid ork I had in my collection : an ork farting in his hand /scratching his butt (never decided which it was).
For the colours, I just picked the same colours as all my boyz so no brainer. I did paint the bolter in a very Red era style though, simply because I wanted to paint red. ^^

Now this guy is probably not going to te be alone and he might get friends in the future, a special unit I can't quite speak of now but let's call it the G squad :

Oh yes, the G Squad...

Let's let him play with his friends for a bit before some more fun !


  1. Way to get back at it about that fart cloud. ;)

  2. Fantastic looking model. Lovely painting.

    1. Maybe not fantastic but it really got the ball rolling again ^^

  3. Great work--a triumphant return. And, bolters should always be red.

    1. I'm not sure I'd paintthem all red but every now and then there's a good opportunity to paint them that good old red. ^^

    2. I guess not all bolters need to be red. There are Blood Angels after all who would look a bit funny with red bolters ;)

  4. Haha, best pose ever! Agreed, he needs some friends!

    1. No modification whatsoever, I just stuck the arms the way they were meant to be !

  5. Really coll and bright painted Ork, red guns for the win.

  6. Orks are my happy place to!!

    1. There's something of a happy no brainer thing about them right ?

    2. Brings me straight back to the early 90's.

  7. Nice! I don't remember the guy with the big water cooled machine gun. G squad looks like it will be fun. (I had to fight not to type G-Force.)

    1. The G-squad won't be my thing exclusively but I just can't say more atm ^^

  8. Good to see the JB back at the brushes. An ork day is always a good paint day, and this guy is real nice. Ren wunz shoot fasta!

  9. To add a third possibility: maybe he's sat on a cold bench and he's stood up to check if it was just a cold bench or if was also a wet bench.

    Forging narrative!

    1. His might be wet, that's how far I'll dare to elaborate...

  10. Ce choix de langage du corps un peu cruel le fait malheureusement passer pour un gland alors que le sculpteur a réussi à faire passer tant de vivacité d'esprit dans ces boulettes de greenstuff qui lui servent d'yeux... Bref bon choix de sujet pour ton pinceau, malgré tout je te félicite, j'espère qu'il y en aura d'autres :D

  11. Il se gratte les fesses ... pas de doute (^_^) A+ Nico

  12. It is so hard to get back to the table after a few months off . . . and I find I am ALWAYS in that place. (Two gobbos on my table right now for exactly that reason.) Nicely realized sir, and good luck reigniting the . . . mojo. Maybe give him a hand flamer? Pointed back, else he end up carrying your own nick?

    1. To be honest, I've only had a few pauses hobby wise over the last years so I've never had to regain mojo like this. I do tend to exhaust myself on big projects but completing them usually pays off in the end. ^^
      I've always find treating myself with reward models every now and then keeps the enthusiasm high !

  13. The red works ... the ork looks great!
