
Thursday 13 December 2018

Epic Imperial knights - Lancers

So after painting the paladins, it was only natural to get to the lancers (or the wardens I know) ! Well I picked the tall fellas rather than the fat ones because... I don't know they looked fun and I'm painting them all in the end anyway !
Lancers are the fast guys which you can guess from the tall legs and dynamic poses and I find them quite creepy actually with the german helmet or robotic chicken look...

All of them have some sort of weird atrophied arms of some sort (because their other gun is too big ?) which makes them perfectly odd and asymetrical which pleases me twice !
For the colour scheme, I picked one of the colours that are on the titans and made it the primary colour (like I picked white for the paladins) so that the palette stays the same and they can eventually fit right with the rest !

In Hindsight, I could/should have used a bit of white on them, either on a leg or by dividing the body into halves, that could have helped blending them even more...
So that's 2 thirds of the range done now so time to work on the heavy hitters which should be fun !

My enthusiasm for Epic isn't even slightly vanishing, it's growing stronger every day and I have plenty of cool projects so I'll ride that wave for a while I believe (I somehow knew I would be hooked  from the very beginning hence my reluctance to dip the first toe).
Anyway, I'm having fun, so that's pretty cool right ?

Can you guys guess what colour I'll use for the wardens now ? ^^'


  1. Those are great! The atrophied arms are very weird indeed, almost as if these developed by some sort of natural selection.

    If you lament the lack of white, you could always add some white gun banners to the lancers?

    1. It does make you think about how and why doesn't it ? I love it.
      I think I'll have some work to tie the whole force together when it's done to weather some and add banners to many so I'll definitely consider that at some point thanks !

  2. Fan-tas-tic!! I love this group. That yellow and black scheme is so striking.

    The models are wonderfully gangly and gawky - I can understand why you like them.

    1. Honestly I wouldn't have minded painting a ful house rather than 3 ! ^^'
      You and I both share a fondness for Jes' stuff I guess. ^^

  3. I never played epic back in the day and don't know a whole lot about the range. I don't think I've ever seen these painted up before either. I like their stance and awkward proportions too JB. They kinda remind me of those stilt walkers you see at carnivals.

    The colour scheme really works, don't worry about the white that you didn't add.

    The colour your going to chose next? Pink.

    1. Never played it then and still know little about it but I know I enjoy Goodwin models and big robots !

  4. La ca commence à prendre du volume cette legion 😄 A l'occaz faudra se faire une partie. Comme dis il y a quelques temps, j'ai ce qu'il faut à la maison. Figs et table 😄 A+

    1. Ah mais j'y compte bien ! Je compte pas la remiser au placard direct et j'espère bien pouvoir faire face à tes orks !
      J'ai encore des idées pour gonfler les rangs et m'amuser un peu !

  5. Well done - AGAIN!

    May I ask for recipe for that rotting-yellow?

    1. Thanks !
      I use that old foundation yellow as a base but any desaturated yellow will do, I then apply a thinned wash of brown to enhance shadows and I highlight it with ushabti bones and sometimes like here with a light desaturated yellow (from PA but can't remember the name, I can get it if you want) until the final highlights with pure ushabti bone. At this point the result is very desaturated and pale.
      The last step is to use yellow wash to glaze on flat surfaces and wash in the recesses, I just apply it in the crevices and pull it across flat sections to glaze them and bring back a bit of pigments.

    2. Thanks,

      I see my chaos renegades wearing such colors ;-)

  6. Je n'ai aucun souvenir de ces lanciers, mais ils ont un look terrible. Tout ça commence à me donner furieusement envie d'exhumer les quelques modèles epic qui traînent dans mes tiroirs afin de leur donner quelques couleurs :)

    1. Alors franchement les chevaliers m'avait un peu échapé et c'est en me replongeant dans tout çà que j'ai retrouvé ces gusses et franchement même juste pour le fun c'est un régal à peindre je trouve, c'est chaotique et zarb' mais une vraie détente je trouve malgré les défauts dus à l'âge. ^^

  7. Those old epic knights were so fun... and a bit bizarre! Love the paint job on them!

    1. I find them fun because they're bizarre precisely ! Thanks !

  8. Very nice JB. They are tricky models to get to look and you have succeeded admirably. Just the right mix of bright and dirty.

  9. Superb work again. They look great almong the older entries!

    1. Thanks, only the wardens left to do now before I move onto bigger folks/ ^^

  10. These are so unique ... and they look good with the rest of them.

  11. Good stuff, your enjoyment shows through.

  12. The itty-bitty T-Rex arms crack me up! It's amazing how you've brought out so much little detail on these old models. Someone needs to make these in 40K scale, too.

    1. I deeply love them yes, and they would totally be awesome in a 40k scale I reckon !
