
Sunday 21 October 2018

Zodgrod Wortsnagga - Orctober is here !

Well you know what month this is, not only my birth month, it's Orctober ! Now I've taken part in this Orctober challenge for 4 years now and I have to say I'm always looking forward to it !
I'll be honest with you here and admit I never was an orc fan in the first place but painting them has made me love them and now there a sort of happy hobby place I like to get occasion to go back to.
So like every year, I just needed the right excuse and this year it was provided by an absolute gent who sent me this bad boy.
Now Zodgrod Wortsnagga has got to be one of the most "red era/herohammer" orks of all if you look at him, his head and mane just make a third of the whole model and are as big as the rest of his body.
The miniature is a sculpt from Kev Adams and although he is not credited in the catalogues (he had left the studio then) the style leaves few doubts and a little e-mail to him left none.
The model is honestly insane. There isn't a single square millimeter that's not packed with details, the skin is covered, in warts, scars, bandages, jewels... there are added items like pouches, squigs, rings, anything, if you hate flat surfaces, then this guy's the one for you. It does make paiting him feel like you're painting 3 models at once but there's also this weird joy from finding new details

Painting wise, selecting the colours was pretty obvious since I wanted him to fit in with my other orks so yellow armour, reds, burgundy mesh and blue pants. The funny thing about it being that it made him pretty close to its glorious original colour scheme !
I only checked after locking mine so it was fun to see this case of parallel evolution. The pink hair was a sort of daring to myself to do something I never do. Colours wise this model is going against all I'd naturally do with more colours and more clashing between them than I'd like but orks allow just that !

Now of course, Zodgrod has some friends and I think I'll take the time someday to get back to the basing of the older ones I painted so that the whole force looks consistent and nice (and for the sheer pleasure of a group pic !)

So thank you all ! October is well advanced but it's a good month I find !


  1. Ooomph! Check out the hair squig on that flash git! Lovely job, and very in keeping with his Snakebite roots! :D

    1. ah thanks !
      I wanted to be true to the character while giving him a more modern take and my thing. ^^

  2. That pink hair is perfectly garish. I've never seen the rear of Zogrod either - who knew he had a bag of sqigs?

    I really like the way you've treated the scars and warts with a subtly fleshy tone.

    1. I left scars and warts till the very end because I knew it could potentially make the whole thing a mess and I'm glad I did, I went with something more subtle than if the rest was easier to read.
      I'm glad you like it !

  3. Fantastic! I never liked the blue beard scheme used by the Eavy Metal team. Your pink version works so much better!

    1. Well thank you, it honestly gives me cold sweats to paint too many primary colours on a models ! ^^'

    2. I think you do it just right. You use strong colours, but everything is being "broken" so it doesn't look to bright or cheesy.

    3. I tend to play on saturation to avoid clashes and make colours fit with one another indeed. ^^

  4. Lovely work as usual. I love the mix of colours in this bunch of models.

    1. I'l only allow myself to do that with orks to be honest but it is fun !
      thanks !

  5. Way back when in the mid-90's, Orks were the first army I ever collected and Zodgrod Wortsnagga was one of my most favourite miniatures. You have done a wonderful job on him!

    1. Cheers Becca, I love the madness of those orks, they're somehow bigger than life all and it's very pleasing I find.

  6. Right, this colour scheme works unbelievably good. Had you told me about it, I wouldn't have trusted the result. But it certainly looks fantastic :O

    1. On the paper it's pretty much everything I dislike but you know ! ^^'

  7. What an excellent choice for Orctober! Nice work confirming Kev as the sculptor as well. Love the care you took with the paint job, and the chance you took going outside your normal palette.

    1. Cheers mec, it's good to paint outside the box a bit every now and then. ^^

  8. Lovely paint job on him. I forget, are you in the anti back banner camp?

    1. Cheers mec. As a matter of fact I'm not sure where I stand regarding back banners, I surely love banners but just rarely miss the opportunities (or in this case bits) to do them right. ^^

  9. I love that weirdboy and minderz - they are just great.

    1. They're absolutely great, I really should get the other trio.

  10. Great work! Fantastic figure as well which I have always just assumed was by Kev Adams without realising there any question about that. I really like the purple hair too!

    1. Everything says Adams about it but the catalogues so there was a doubt amongst others since the Perrys did some of the orks of that period as well.
      It was nice getting the answer from the goblin master himself !
      Thanks !

  11. Excellent paint job on such a classic miniature! Everything about him says "ork", and it would be interesting to see some contemporary Orks produced in this style.

    Old Wortsnagga is one of the first Orks I ever got, as I bought him with the 2nd edition boxed set to help buff up the grots... naturally he remains just as unpainted now as then.

    1. Kev Adams still sculpts, the goblin on the left in the last picture is actually a recent sculpt of his so he still has the magic in him !
      I still have plenty of orks but it's fun to just pick a few every now and then. I enjoy the process that way.

  12. Elle est trop excellente cette fig... Bien mastoc. Belle mise en peinture en plus 😄

    1. C'est bien barré et exagéré mais avec les orks je trouve que ça passe crème. ^^

  13. Always enjoy your orks JB. You paint them in your own style, but with enough of a nod to the classic images of our childhoods that they aren't outlandish.

    The pink is fantastic. He looks bloody fruitloops.

    1. I realise I see orks as 80's punks like those you find in heavy metal comics like the Incal or such with a mix of filth and flashy colours, I like a good dose of no future/YOLO in my orks I think.
      Thanks for the kind words !

  14. Brilliant! Though I can't relate to not having the original 'Eavy Metal scheme fixed in your head. "You gotta have blue hair." Your scheme with the dirty metal and the bright colours does put me in mind of "Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets". Lovely work.

    Zodgrodd was such a chunk of lead when I was a child I was actually disappointed with his rules. He needed the high level stats of Kev's other chunkbaby Ghazghkull and the wargear. His uniquest selling point was he gave you access to super runts that there weren't official models for, so he wasn't that exciting. Though it's a fun modelling challenge now. I'd really like to do a version riding a boar, like his banner depicts.

    1. The mounted version shouldn't be that hard to do with his spread legs I think (that's not helping much I know).
      I'm lucky that I wasn't really into orks at the time so I can take a fresh look at those models without being too contaminated by the 'eavy metal paintjobs !

  15. You're absolutely right ... Zodgrod Wortsnagga is chock-full of details and in a very good way too.
