
Tuesday 9 October 2018

Group painting, old chaos warrior and 200th model of the year !

So the other WE I was at the Octogone again in Lyon, a gaming convention. This year, I wasn't trying to promote Oldhammer (much) but took part in a painting get together with some pals !
I have to say I rarely paint in a group and have always had a lonely way of modelling but I have to say it's quite fun to have friends around you can share painting tips, paint pots, glue or whatever in a joyful mess !

Now my buddy Graou asked me a few days earlier if I'd be OK to paint him some old lead on Saturday and he offered a few amongst which I immediately picked that old Goodwin chaos warrior. I've already painted it before and I knew I was able to finish it in the short time I had. ^^
Since me friend wanted a paintjob that had my "touch", I shamelessly picked the colours I like using the most with a little twist.

The reds are my usual recipe with extra care to blend the colours smoothly (as smoothly as I dared in the limited time) and the dark grey was highlighted with blues rather than cold greys for a change.

Our painting table was full all day long and the best thing is that the inititation tables were crowded as well with people of all ages and horizons which really pleased me, I want to believe this hobby is getting inclusive. ^^

My friend Adrien had his amazing Necromunda table with him :

And obviously, I had brought my secret weapon in order to make it !

I think what pleased people the most though was to see me spill not one but TWO pots of shade (agrax then Druchii) in under an hour...

Graou was kind enough to take some better photos of my (now his) model for you to enjoy so thanks to him, I cannot wait to see it surrounded by the models of other more talented painters !

 Oh and lucky man I am, Florent Maudoux was here to sign copies of the RPG based on his Freaks' squeale comics. He's a former illustrator at Rackham's so he's got quite a good wargaming pedigree. He was a delight to chat with and I came back with a smile and nice drawing of his !

So this is it, a fun day with lovely folks and the opportunity to paint my 200th model this year in the best of places !


  1. Only 100 more to go and you can make a movie ;) (awful) jokes aside, nice work! I've spent a few extra minutes drooling over your blacks (wich I will try to replicate (badly) sometime soon).

    1. The secret to my blacks is that I never use any black ^^
      Thanks !

  2. Replies
    1. It was a great day with all you can ask for !

  3. Very cool. 200 models? You are a beast! It is very encouraging to see all the kids and women painting there.

    1. Thanks, I totally agree, very encouraging indeed !

  4. All those children and ladies too! Fantastic! My son's girlfriend and her family even play D&D - our cozy nerd corner in this world is getting crowded and I love it!

    Love that mini and for a "quick" paint job, he looks smashing JB.

    Have one that I shamefully chopped up to make into a Slaves to Darkness Chaos Marine that I plan to paint. Some day...

    1. Honestly, chatting with a woman well into her 50's and enjoying painting a Stormcast was great ! New people mean new ideas and fresh air which can only be a good thing imho.
      Thanks a lot and you know we want to see that marine now ! ^^'

  5. It's great to see another take on the same mini you've already painted. But this post isn't really about the mini, it's about the great event which introduced a whole load of new people to painting. I think every gaming show should have a set-up like this!

    1. The model was a consequence indeed, what I'll keep from the day is that our "community" could evolve into something I like even more. ^^

  6. Chaos warrior is one of my favorite ones. I still have unpainted copy and you gave me great idea of color for him. Looks great

    1. He's a Goodwin so you can't really beat that can you ? ^^
      I've gone for something really classic with the bright red and bluish black and checkers but it still works !

  7. Happy 200th and a nice drawing too!
