
Sunday 29 July 2018

Summer work - More Venators !

Summer is not exactly the easiest period to get any hobby done let's face it. Too much bathing, sun, seeing friends and all. It's just not a productive time. We can make it worth though by trying to cease the opportunities.
And avoiding temptations.
First temptation this summer was this big box of old Lego I found in the garage...

The addictive power of those tiny bricks is just as powerful as back then. Damnit !

Private commission from my son, not for sale.
Now I had brought stuff to add putty to since it's easier to transport than a hundred of paint pots.
I found this silicone mould I turned into a palette for Green Stuff and boy it's a tremendous help !

Now I'm fully committed to finishing the Venators after doing their new leaders so I worked on bulking the gang up a bit.

Now BOYL is in merely a week and I'm hot as chili about it. My friends and I have plenty of good stuff planned as usual and I took the charge to run a Mordheim multiplayer game on Sunday morning. That means a few dirty tricks and special events... 

I'm really looking forward to it to see people and have some fun. I'll also come back with plenty of ideas for projects of all kinds !
Next stop on leadplague will be the post BOYL sequence with battle reports and all !


  1. Those look bad ass! I am so jealous

    1. Cheers, they'll be great when they're painted !

  2. Omg that heavy conversion! Yus!!!!

    1. Funny how a simple head swap makes all the difference heh ?

  3. Hey, those are nice conversions! How many Venators do you have by now??

    1. Getting close to 20 with those I think, which isn't enough I know...

  4. Lego is where one's creativity runs amok :)

  5. Really nice work JB. Did you draw those illustrations on the cards?

    1. I shamelessly stole them from the net and poorly pasted them with MS Words...

  6. Is there any more ubiquitous item used in conversions than the legs of the humble Imperial Guardsman?

    Seriously though, that's a great use of the Redemptionist minis from the original Necromunda range, it gives them a whole new lease of life.

  7. Have fun, we'll wait here to see the battle reports !

  8. Nice greenstuff work. I'll be interested to hear all about BOYL, especially the Mordheim stuff.

  9. All hoods and masques.... such a great look. Good stuff mate.
