
Tuesday 24 April 2018

Slaanesh Renegades

I'm still painting more recruits for my renegade army and this month, I thought I could add some of the Slaaneshi. After all, I've already  spent some time on Slaanesh this past year so it was time for me to get the marines done !
And since I had to paint 400 points I thought I could just as well add that Dreadnought I unboxed a while ago...
Now the Slaanesh Renegades come in 9 plus the heavy weapon bearer which makes a perfect unit of 10 ! I know 6 or a multiple thereof would have suited them better but bear in mind this is a "count as" Black Legion so 10 men squads are totally fine. And I say they are.

Five of them are assault marines and 5 others are standard shooty types. As you can see I've kept the colour scheme pretty identical to most of the army with only a bit of bone, purple and leather here and there to give just the right vibe. And the flesh of course... Mmmm, the flesh...

Now although I've already painted one before, I was genuinely happy to get another chaos dreadnought under my brushes... just to remember what an awkward sculpt it is...  It does look cool though, it's not in the details but the whole vibe. I just love it.

Now since I had painted one, I decided to update the painting to match today's standard especially regarding basing and weathering. Now the standrad for the whole army is purposedly set quite low to make it achievable and to play on the mass effect rather than on the individual quality of all its components.

That said this does not excuse one bit the real mess I did with the plasma OSL which looked OK IRL late at night but now looks awful. I promise I'll fix this soon.

And since I was updating models, I took the opportunity to update the chaos terminators and the other squad of renegades. I might have spent more time updating the renegades than actually painting them in the first place...

But the whole purpose of this all is that I now have plenty of stuff to pick from to make a god specific force ! I'll work my way through the other gods of course but this is taking shape in a way I like a lot.

I have to think of a way to get the whole army (I guess it IS an army now) on a table for a good group picture. ^^
This is going to be fun (and take a loooot of time).


  1. Replies
    1. I hope I can bring the full army to BOYL this year ! ^^
      They should look good as a group !
      Cheers man.

  2. Really great looking chaos army you have. Loving the paint work on those two old dreadnought models, very cool.

    1. I honestly cannot wait to field the whole lot of them at once on a table. It's been a while since I last did that and although I'm a skirmish kind of guy, it does have a big appeal to have a massive army in fornt of you. ^^
      Thanks !

  3. Cracking work. Love to see this as a group shot, either isolated or on terrain.

    The style of that Dreadnought fits in so well with the classic renegades. I love the shot of one of them standing at the back of the group on infantry.

    1. There's something deeply pleasant about their weight and sinister look. I could totally get a third. ^^
      Thanks man !

  4. Awesome, as always. I'm a great fan of your grayish armour. Who shall face such a mighty army ?

    1. I like to think it's more on the black side but it is a light black... XD
      I don't know when I'll field it as a whole but it should be soon enough !

  5. Hot damn JB, this is a sexy group of renegades. It's rare enough you see renegades painted, even rarer Slaanesh ones. I loves it.

    Those dreadnouoghts are still super cool in my eyes. They may be a little clunky, but I still prefer them to modern chaos dreadnoughts.

    1. They really are unique, I love them. I've painted a fair bit of Slaanesh and I might get tempted to paint something else now although I do have plenty of Slaanesh demons...

  6. If you wanted to add to their number for variation you might like these guys.... some of which were designed by myself. I had a lot of stuff in my 1990 sketchbook that never got fully finished or used in RoC.

    1. Those are really cool indeed. I have a complete collection of the old ones I'd love to get completely out of the way but these would make perfect characters. There's plenty of your art that should have made it into an actual model. ^^

  7. It's an incredible army you're building here JB, and it's the best mix of fast technique combined with great attention to the important details. Those flesh areas and purple claws really make the slanneshi renegades sing.

    1. It's exactly that, trying to focus on details that matter and making the rest "look" good rather than "be" good. ^^ I'll try and see how much of it left I have to paint. ^^

  8. Incredible ...and inspiring! Thanks for sharing!

  9. I am in complete awe of this army! Your theme and over all paint work is exceptional.

    1. I have to get to over 90 models so I'm keeping things simple but I'm glad people like it. It helps keeping the mojo up !

  10. That's a good looking force. The unified them of subdued colors with some rare bight highlights really makes them pop.

    1. Thanks ! I might do the Nurgle guys next so I'm eager to see how they're going to stand from each other while still fitting visually. It's a tricky balance. ^^

  11. Tu prépares tes 1000pts de V2 pour les arenes? En tous cas, ça tape fort :)

    1. J'ai 900 points rien qu'avec la vache alors bon... ^^ J'aurai de quoi faire ^^

  12. You are my hero. I simply cannot deal with the fact that a totally black set of minis transmit so much. Amazing.

  13. Chaos is a weird one, colour choice wise that is. On the one hand they're supposed to be "chaotic" ala not look uniform. But if you follow that mantra through to it's logical conclusion you'd end up with a rainbow force. It's a trap that many fall into, myself included. I think the trick is to let the sculpts be the focus of they're chaotic appearance, not the paint.

    They look bloody amazing mate :)

    1. It's exactly my thinking behind this all, the sculpts are all different and have so many styles (even with the variants). I prefer to let the sculpts talk rather than the paint.
      I like to think those come from the eye of terror and not from the Coppacabana. ;)
      I do see the point of painting them in individual colours from a painter's perspective but I do mean to paint all of them.

  14. Nice to see some more of these. I've said it before, your take on a non-pastel Slaaneshi look is amazing JB.

    1. Cheers ! The marines from all different gods may very well look the same ni the end but at leats they'll fit with each other in the army ! ^^

  15. A great looking force. I just love that Keeper of Secrets you did. I think you owe it to your fans to write up a tasty battle report. ;)

    1. I'm planning on having most of my chaos force on a table for the french Oldhammer event in a few weeks if you can wait that long. ;)
      Thanks !

  16. Noice .... very, very noice!!! :)

  17. This army really is enviable. I remember when you were still collecting the last few of them a few years ago, so it's just brilliant to see them being painted and gamed with now.

    Top marks mec!

    1. The intent always was to paint them all although the willpower wasn't exactly up to the task. I feel like I can do it now, baby steps but each of them a bit closer to completion !

  18. I've been using your original roundup of these renegades to guide my own collecting (thanks!), but I hadn't realized you were pushing on with painting them all. I love the neutral scheme you're using to tie all this old pewter together - it not only looks great, it also showcases all the weird deviations well and pulls a lot of strange sculpts together into a cohesive whole. Huge fan of this project and pretty jealous of the end result, keep it up dude.

    But if I have a single critique, it's that I likely would have gone with 30mm rounds for these renegades. I've been rebasing my Tzeentch ones recently (for AOS mostly XD) and even these stunty CSM look pretty nice with the extra room / place to put their toes.

    1. I started them a while back when 30mm bases were not common for me, I've based the heavies on them but I should have put them all on them, you're right, it does suit them better. I'm not a huge fan of 32 which are too thick imho.
      Thanks for the feedback, I'm motivated to get on more renegades now.
