
Wednesday 31 May 2017

Shadows over the outpost

Following the adventures of Inquisitor Greyfax last Saturday, I got to play a few games of Shadow wars with my Shadow Legion.

For the record, they were played as skitari just because it was the closest thing I could find and it did work very well although I had to learn to play them in the first place.

The Shadow Legion has been contracted by guard an outpost where a delivery of a high importance is to arrive. They do not know the nature of what they're supposed to guard and they do not care, the orders were simple : kill all thos too daring, curious or careless to come nearby...

The very first encounter didn't wait for long and a band of ork pirates came from the western border which the Legion had deliberately left weaker to channel invaders

With their usual careless approach of things, the orks got in the place and proceeded to the landing pad.

The amount of crates and containers all around was fueling their ambition to the max, they'd surely win a lot on this hit.

Other place, other time, they did not sense all of the setting was a trap laid by the legion...

The decoy craft was guarded to force the orks out of their covers...

High on their feeling of superiority and probably some other sources, the orks move closer to what they thought was their objective...

The ork scout should probably have examined the barrels laid all over the place though, he might have realized they were all explosive and placed at strategic points.
The troopers underneath would learn the same lesson the hard way...

With a gruesome smile hiden by a mask, the Legionnaire with plasma carbine aimed at the barrels of Prometheum...

Meanwhile, another of the invaders who had decided to climb up the platform got thrown out of it by a volley which made him jump to escape the shots... only to fall 10m below...

With his plasma weapon jammed, the specialist decided to stop the charge of the ork coming from the flanks on his own.
The orks had already suffered too many hits to continue any further and even their flawed intellect could grasp the inevitability of a disaster.
With their leader dead in a gigantic bowl of fire, the orks retreated and left the place to its former silence.

Not long afterwards, some of the hybrids who had just rebelled on Prastok tried to seize the opportunity to earn something to help in their rebellion, weapons, food, gear, anything would help their cause at that point...
The Legion was already prepared for more though.

From the experience learnt with the orks, they quickly secured the strategic points.
Without any surprise, the outcome was very similar, the hybrids proving to be far more organised and dedicated to their goal though.

So here we are, 4 games of Shadow wars played over the Week end, some with only 2 players, one with 3 and another with 4. I enjoyed all of them and was glad to get the rules in my hed once and for all. I really need to play to get things, I just don't get rules otherwise.

This was also the perfect opportunity to play with some very nice guys I like and to play with models which had never seen a tabletop yet so that's multiple wins at once as far as I'm concerned.

It's definitely got me even more excited about all this than ever !

Of coure, this is not all we've played over the Week end so expect another battle report for the Oldhammer side of the WE !


  1. Replies
    1. Those were quick (an hour or so each) but very fun games ! Exploding barrels, guys falling from 5 inches and that sort of non sense !

  2. Perso, je suis pas trop SF mais le fait d'avoir pu assister à vos parties avec (il faut le dire) une belle table bien soignée et des gangs de fous avec pleins de convertions... Ca donne envie, en fait :)
    Un gang d'arlequins ou un gang de d'hybrides...
    Peu importe... Bravo et merci de nous avoir accompagné durant le week end!

    1. Franchement l'investissement est minimal (moins de 10 bonhommes) et on peut bien se marrer ! j'ai l'intention de peindre des vieux harlequins ou autres !
      Merci à toi !

  3. Un terrain très impressionnant et vraiment magnifique...bravo!

    1. Merci, c'était la première fois que je sortais tout donc j'étais rassuré que ça le fasse à peu près. ^^

  4. Nice table and nice reports ! Unsurprisignly, your bands look ace on the table :)

  5. It's good that you know the rules so well, you can tutor me at BOYL then :)

    You must have had a blast playing with virgin mini's too. Always a joy!

    1. I don't know them well really, just enough not to look like an utter idiot like usual. ^^
      We've had some fun time really !

  6. Great looking and entertaining game. Thanks for posting

    1. Cheer smate, I really wish I had taken more shots, I realise I missed the fun parts !

  7. I learn games the same way. (Glad I'm not alone.)

    More great footage of some fun play and more sweet looking models and terrain.

    Has me more and more excited to play my own (First outing) tiny campaign this weekend!

    1. Many of us do I reckon.
      Hope you have some good fun for your campaign !

  8. Thanks for the photos: minis and terrain look superb!

    1. Well thank you sir, it definitely was a worthy hobby WE !

  9. That terrain is so beautiful! So gritty, but with the Mars-like ground, everything really pops. Your post is the best possible advertisement for Shadow Wars.

    1. Ah cheers ! I think it misses a road or something to make it more alive but I'm working on it !

  10. Great. Skitarii list, got it. I made two gangs, one Genestealer cult and a certain rogue trader I'm playing as astra militarum (IG).

    1. Good choices, both play very differently so double fun !

  11. The game looks like good fun, and as mentioned by everyone else, your miniatures and terrains look exceptional. Lovely.

    I particularly like the dusty residue that you added to some of the terrain pieces, it looks great.

    1. Thanks a lot ! I'm all for those small things which add a lot !
