
Sunday 14 May 2017

Scatter terrain - Munitorum armoured containers

An unsual for me this time : terrain. Or to be more precise, terrain of the scatter kind. 
See I have a gaming WE in a couple of WE and I have offered to bring terrain to make a table for some 40k skirmish action. Problem is, I'm quite poor in stuff to populate my tables still.
That's why I decided to finally get this kit done.
See, this kit is quite special, I've got the habit to regularly go on Hobby buying embargos. Rules can vary but they basically forbid buying any more unpainted model in order to stop the growth of the leadpile and to save a bit of money at once.
Like the idiot I am, last year's embargo was breached when I bought this set (terrain, not models) before realising since it had to be painted, it therefore the embargo contract. Just for the information, this year's embargo was breached by the purchase of a 3 quid eldar space fleet sail I used and painted for my eldar fleet.

Aaaaanyway... I wanted those containers done and I got them done :

 It took a bit of planning to get them done like I wanted though...

First part (which is one of the most annoying ones for me) was to release every single bit from the sprues (well not all of them actually) and remove the mouldlines and injection points.

Something I really wanted was to have the interior visible for scenic shots so after a white prime coat, I washed the interior panels and weathered hastily (you don't want to spend much time on parts which will be barely visible later).

Did the same for the floor/ceiling panels as well and inserted pins in the ceiling panels as well as in the doors.
Now GW's latest kits have all been wonders of model design really and it's really impressive to see the thoughts that went in some of them, truly admirable from a technical point.
However, I was quite displeased by the total inability of this kit to let the doors open or close at will like for most vehicles kits.
The doors are so thin they don't even make the process of making them openable easy. Some 1mm wire carefullly pinned in place did the job though although a few cuts in the floor panel will be unavoidable to let the doors open.

After painting the inside, I built all the containers.

I knew from the start, I wouldn't use all the bits. The kit is full of "40k gothic" pieces that are a little OTT and out of place for what I want and moreover, they can be used later to make other kits a bit more grimdark and tied so I left the control panels, imperial eagles and weapons aside for future use.
A quick gap filling with milliput and the containers were ready for painting.

Here you can see the magnet I placed in the doors to stick to the pin above.

The pins aren't exactly elegant but painted black, you practically don't notice them and from above (like you usually se them on a table top) they're invisible.

Since I was in a scatter terrain mood, I also got those parts painted. They're miscasts kindly offered by Curtis from Ramshackle Games.

The munitorum kit also contains some crates and barrels that are perfect to make the table a bit less flat in between buildings., I'll probably need more of these at some point but baby steps heh ?

All in all, I'm quite chuffed by all I got painted although I realize it's clearly insufficient.

I do have more in the plate and very little time though... ^^


  1. Nice. I keep meaning to pick a set up to make a shanty town; turn one into a bunk room, another into a trading post etc... so I'll be nicking your pin and magnet idea!

    1. They're honestly great apart from the open/close issue. Even the inside looks cool and I seriously consider getting a set to make to use the side pannels like wall of a building.

  2. You cannot ever have too much scatter terrain in my view. I love painting it too!

    These bits are great! The door solution on the containers is neat, and the whole set really does look the business.

    1. It's a lesson I've learnt from you and others, it does make all the difference. I'll keep that in mind now. ^^
      Thanks !

  3. Looks great! I've really been enjoying the new terrain kits - especially the cranes they just released. As others said, you can never have too much terrain!

    1. I'm eager to get my cranes and paint them really ! I'm starting to really like this terrain thing now !

  4. Good stuff. I can't beat a good bit of scatter terrain.

    I find a spot of weirdly coloured lichen does a sci fi board some good as well.

    1. It's something I never think of desite seeing it from time to time and it does work wonders indeed. i'll try and remember it, thanks !

  5. Your terrain work is equally good! Great eye candy all around.

    1. It's a painful process though !
      Thanks. ;)

  6. They weathered up nicely JB. I think it's always a little hard to know how much terrain is enough though isn't it? The stuff you've done, as well as the others in the pipeline, are a great addition to the pretend battlefield :)

    1. I'm starting to believe the more teh better, simple as that. ^^

  7. Wow, those look great! I was umming and ahhing over getting that kit as it's quite pricey imo compared to similar offerings by other manufacturers, but I think you might have encouraged me to pick up a set.

    Am glad that it seems SW:A has you excited to paint stuff!

    1. I've kept the grimdark vibe low on these and kept the paintjob rather similar between them to save time.
      Funnily enough, SW did make me consider getting back to future skirmish indeed !

  8. Looking great! I'm getting the skirmish terrain bug myself at the moment ...

    1. It's good for both games and scenic shots, 2 good reasons to paint more I reckon.

  9. Great containers and other bitz! I have been considering getting this kit too (for the same reason), but first had a rummage around my various bitz and came up with a ton of those old 40k barrels and the like... guess I should paint them first, even if they are not nearly as nice.

    1. Good thing with the barrels is that you can paint them in no time which is nice, I really could use some more.

  10. Your simple touches like making the containers multi-coloured are what make them really special.

    I also think its brilliant that you magnetized the doors. Magnets are really changing the hobby.

    1. I really believe scenery being what models interact with, it should be a bit modular to adpat to the different situations in game. Not always easy to implement though !
      Thanks !

  11. You can keep Sector Imperialis, these are just amazing. Really good look for an abandoned industrial area.
    As a painting newbie with an unhealthy backlog, can you expand a bit on how you did them?
    The mis-cast shanty containers are awesome. Are they custom, or where do they come from?
    Dusty Rider
