
Monday 24 April 2017

Death acolyte

So after getting nothing done on the hobby front for more than 10 days due to holidays, visits at the zoo with the kids, going to the sea, seeing friends, having romantic week ends and things like that, it was high time for me to get back on more serious and important stuff.

To get back in the game, a small model was the perfect choice, one I could do in an evening.
You might remember I was considering painting him when I finished my inquisitorial band last time. Well after sketching a list, I needed an extra figure so here was the perfect occasion to break my wish to have an odd number of models in the band...

I really love creepy little guys and fully intend to get much more done in the future (close or distant).

As you can see the conversion wasn't very elaborate,  I just drilled in place of the sword to remove it and inserted some wire to make the shaft of the scythe and blended all that with a bit of putty. Add a couple of tech bits for extra creepyness and grimdark cred and here you are.

In gaming terms, he'll be a simple acolyte in the Inquisiminda rules and I'll see how he band translates to Shadowars : Armageddon (which I got a box of, yeah me !).

This week end will be a full gaming one with a mordheim campaign in the pipes just like last year so keep you eyes open for some cool stuff (from the teaser pics of the tables we'll have, I'm not joking.


  1. Awe man JB that is great! The checks on the power scythe are so baller!

    1. Checkers are a cheap trick but they always seem to work ! ^^
      Cheers man.

  2. Awesome. Another idea for me to nick ;0)

    I do love your inq28 warband.

    1. Cheers mate, sorry I couldn't take a group shot, the others are on display at the FLGS where the campaign is taking place. ^^'

  3. I love little familiars and gribbly dudes, this guy is cool. I like the chequered chain scythe as well, nice touch.

    1. Thanks, little models mean you have to go straight to the point or you immediately go OTT. I really like the exercise.

  4. Hehe, looks gorgeously creepy. Or creepily gorgeous, still haven't decided.

  5. O he's a solid little bugger. Like ABG26, I really like those checks.

    Pre-ordered the SW:A rulebook, so I'll be putting together my own Inquis warband soon too.

    1. I sort of wanted to alter the scythe to hide it's origin without converting, checkers helped hide the lines on it. ^^
      Thanks !

  6. I love the way he came out, very Blanchian!

    1. Cheers, checkers do resonate heavily indeed. ^^

  7. These little figures while not imposing and powerful are the gold nuggets of moderne sprues. In your hands, they just get better :)

    1. I'd even say they're essential, with everyone getting beigger and more imposing, there's a risk of seeing evry model become a parody. With little guys like this, you can convey the very same idea and make all the others looks bigger and threatening. It's also why I wanted to have a relatively human looking leader for the band with more twisted beings as a retinue. It changes the perspective really.
      Cheers mec !

  8. He's a great little dude, all the better for the mean looking scythe. I do have a soft spot for wee familiar types.

  9. Cracking job mate, what a creepy little bugger! The chainscythe is perfect :-)

  10. I'm a big fan of familiars, non-combatants and small dudes. And this figure is pretty much all three of those things (he doesn't use the chainscythe, right - he's carrying it for someone else?). The facemask infill is a clever little bit of work that changes the look and feel of the source model, nicely tying it in with the gas masks of many of the rest of the crew. Lovely stuff!

    1. I can't promise he won't use it for opportunity hits... ^^'

  11. Love the little guy and definitely agree about needing contrast with huge characters.

  12. Your conversions (even though you call them simple) are always a source of wonder and delight for me. Your sense of imagination is a riot. I just love that vial of liquid protruding from his brain. Makes the whole miniature for me.

    1. Well in that particular genre, they definitely are simple, people tend to go way further but that's the balance I like working from really. Suggestion over statement. ^^
      Thanks for the kind words really.

  13. Every single color choice you made here works! I will definitely try to recreate this color scheme in one of my own projects in the future. Truly inspiring! :)

    1. Cheers ! It's honestly the same colour scheme as the others and I have to say the blue/orange one has been a firm favourite for years.


  14. This looks to me like so much more than an evenings work, fantastic.

    The valve sticking out of his head is great! Exposure to theottovonbismark, Captain Crooks etc is having an effect I reckon ;D

    1. 2 half evenings actually... ^^
      You're absolutely right about influences, even this one is a bit OTT for me but I'm being helped getting out of the comfort zone.

  15. "As you can see the conversion wasn't very elaborate", replacing that sword with the shaft of the scythe was pretty elaborate if you ask me! A very sneaky conversion! I wouldn't even attempt replacing that diamond shape with a cylinder.

    1. I think it really was as simple as drilling and filling really, I'm a lazy one !
      Thanks !
