
Tuesday 28 March 2017

YO HO HO and a can of Spook ! - Dave the Space Pirate

Just a quick one today after the very heart warming response to my Inquisition band. I've decided to paint a space pirate for fun because pirates are cool and space is so space pirates have to be extra cool right ?

So starting with this guy from Vialudibunda

You can get this excellent undead pirate captain from Vialudibunda
I started removing and adding stuff to turn him into a proper space pirate captain :

Added a few bits of putty here and ther eto fill gaps and give Dave a pair or glasses (time does take its toll...)

Throw a couple of sprays in for a nice zenithal undercoat and here you are ready for some painting action :

Painting wise, I kept things pretty quick and to the point to be honest as I wanted him done soon enough, The colour scheme just happened and now I realise in hindsight how he looks like he's part of the national irish pirating team... could be worse I guess. ^^
I haven't based him either and I haven't even tried to say anything with a pirate voice (apart from teh title) because I simply cannot do it. Others will surely fix that in the future though.

In the meantime, I'm working on a bit of scenery and possibly the biggest project I've ever worked on. It's gonna be great I swear, as long as I don't lose the remnants of my sanity in the process. Wish me luck. Please.


  1. For conversion purposes, I might have kept the peg (i mean mech!) legs down to one but hey, perhaps space pirating is riskier than high-seas buccaneering? Anyway, stellar job as usual and let's see what you're hiding in your sleeves with the teaser...

    > ...and possibly the biggest project I've ever worked on. It's gonna be great I swear,

    Is it gonna be yuuuge? ;)

    1. It's gunna be yuuuuge, lots of people say it's gunna be great, great people. ^^

  2. He's certainly the most handsome mini you've worked on in a while. Debonair even.

  3. Very effective conversion. I particularly like the legs. Where is the servo-parrot ?

  4. He's really cool mate! Nice use of the base mini there :-) Good luck with your super-secret- mahoosive project too JB... I'm intreagued!

    1. you better be but don't hold your breath, it's still in the early days of building and I haven't planned a single thing so I need to be extra careful about not screwing up everything... ^^'

  5. Stripey trousers always win in my mind.

    I like him - he looks like he most likely is drunk 90% of the time, obnoxious but think's he's sex-on-legs.

    1. That guy is living the dream for sure. ^^
      Thanks !

  6. Excellent! I was going to complain about the lack of a hook for a hand, but I guess that the flechette gun still has its original mechanical hand? So that should work.

    You should face him off against some space ninjas and see who comes out on top...

    1. No parrot and no hook I'm afraid but the flechette gun still has the bionic hand of course !
      Now I need to find cyberninjas of course...

  7. Haha, for sure I didn't expect this use for the mini! Could you save part of the original head? It would make a fantastic pirate servoskull!

    1. I did save most parts for future uses but the tricorn was kept so I need to give it the top of its skull back !
      Thanks amigo !

  8. This is cool! Very cool indeed!

  9. Sanity is for the weak :) Nice conversion, what (or in the case of a pirate I should say whose) pistol is he holding in his left hand?

    1. The gun is from the admech ruststalkers/sicarian guys, a wonderful kit to pick bits from. ^^

  10. A unique and well-thought out orange-blue-green combo. Fantastic!

    1. Cheers, I was helped for the colour scheme ! ;)


  11. Weirdly I feel mild shin and knee pain whenever I look at this guy, like he and I both need to have our knee and heel shock-absorbers replaced.

    Thats a really good interpretation of the brief too. Lovely.

    1. Schock absobers ? what next ? Pain relief ?
      Don't be silly please. ^^
