
Wednesday 25 January 2017

Fatally deviated Nicola...

Ok, Long shot for this one, you folks might remember the side scrolling game of Advanced Heroquest I played in Ireland some time ago... you don't ? Aw come on ! Here you go.
The game was played with my friend Paul and GMed by master Crooks.
We had plenty of models to paint for this game as well as for the Frostgrave campaign we would have later that week.

But as things happen, Nicola didn't make it in the final cast. A couple of Nipponese got lucky instead and while I was being my annoying self from the couch in Paul's launge sipping my glass of wine, my esteemed colleague was sweating blood to get his models done.
He left up Nicola aside (a good move really) and managed to get 3 others models nailed in the evening instead.

Due to my link with the very reason Nicola was a thing in the first place, I ended up with a half finished space female cashier...
Now the funny thing is that despite knowing and enjoying Paul's work for a long time know, I still have to admit I just don't pain the same way. It's just not the same process. with the bases done for all parts I was struggling with how to continue. Even just the choice of colours to use was a problem.
Last night, it just became unbearable to have this one still unfinished so I decided to man up and do what I had promised to do : Get those half finished model out of my table.

In the end the model is OK although I know it isn't close to what Paul would have achieved... I lust adit I also too shorcuts after struggling with the white jacket.

Here's the models as they were intended for the game though :

Jimmy Bennett, Nicola and the space hobo monk
While I was at it, I also took a shot at Nicola with her stunt double for the game. I have no idea how I'm going to use a space female cashier in the future but I'm no too worried though...

There's more to come this week if time and weather allow it !


  1. I'm not fond of the model itself but this white ios just brilliant. Nice take on the hair :) Yet, I'm not sure whether this lady's gun should be considered dangerous or not.

    1. Unless you can find a way to cover someone in price stickers to death, the gun won't be very dangerous I'm afraid. ;)

    2. This could be a horrible way to die :)

  2. JB you've done some great stuff in your time. But I am crying right here. That's hilarious. I haven't seen FD in years, but oh my.

    "Starring Mikey from the Rock Group Boyzone"
    "You killed moi fadder and now oi'm goin' Te kill you."

    1. I suppose you're one of the most qualified people on earth to enjoy that team work. Bear in mind that most contestants in that game have watched that movie about 3 times... ;)

  3. She's straight out of Vegas. Or possibly Nashville! The tight black leather trousers look great with the stark highlights. Good job both :)

  4. Great to see Nicola finished finally JB, thanks for having my back.

    I dont remember how I had approached painting the jacket to be honest. Wun way or de udder, dats Nicola!

    1. It's always ice to get this rewarding feeling of closure and it's another occasioon to have a laugh with Jimmy after all.

  5. Cool colour scheme JB! The black pants and her shades look cool. A great looking mini tart mate :D

  6. Replies
    1. There are a few weak spots honestly, but the overall look is not too bad ;)

  7. Well you inspired internet searching and lead models being bought. So I would say ace job my friend. ;) LOL

  8. Man, I used to love the price gun when I worked in a shop as a kid... so satisfying :-) Cracking job mate, she'd make the perfect unwilling heroine in so many games!

    1. Price guns are cool indeed ! ^^
      Unwilling heroine is fine with me !

  9. Personially speaking I love her. Who's to say on a billion worlds there is not one that evolved fashions to look like 1980's Las Vegas!!!

    Love the shading on the hair.

    1. I always try to find a game for each of my models, here time will come !
      Thanks mate !

  10. Haha, she's more than OK, man, cool job on her!

  11. Lovely work on the hair and skin tone. And those glasses ... wow!

    1. The eyes distract th eattention from the jacket ^^'
      Thanks !

  12. Lovely work on her, I really like her glasses. I have never seen ‘Fatally Deviated’ so to me she looks like somebody that would be hanging out with Jerry Cornelius and/or Star-Lord.

    Her name actually makes me think of the big bag in the movie ‘Bunraku’ (have you seen it? If not I think you would like it)

    1. Fatal deviation is one peculiar film but it's fun, really. I'll try and watch Bunraku. ;)
