
Sunday 15 January 2017

Base building from French Model Workshop

After building my base building from French Model Workshop the other day, I used some spare time to get it painted. A couple of hours playing with the spray cans and washes on Wednesday and an hour or so playing with pigments and some blister foam and here I was !

As you can see, i went for something quite sober and heavily weathered to fit in a cyberpunkish setting.

Weathered concrete and rusted steel on the menu with a few graffitis on top of it...

The interior is kept sober as well so I can add furniture when needed.

I really like the roof door that lets you move from a level to the other. and the piece that makes you turn the ladder into an elevator or just to show how far a model as actually climbed (and is likely to fall...).

I took this opportunity to play with some models and see how it looked on a table :

Sneaky attack Vs inhuman reflexes...

" - FREEZE !
-Alright alright !"

"- AHA ! See you never sucker !
- Boss, is he escaping on the roof ?
- Ahaha, let's let him believe he won this one..."

So that's it, another piece of terrain that I'll be able to upgrade in the future and which does provide with something a little less OTT than the full gothic GW kits (Which I fancy a lot tbh).
In the meantime I have a load of projects to work on again !


  1. Smashing! I really like it with all the texture you've added (spray, foam, posters graffiti). Excellent addition.

    1. Cheers, I'm glad to have something different, hopefully, this type of building should blend on other tables than the city one I have.

  2. Hehe, being myself an avid buyer of these MDF buildings, I cannot but say I love the result. Looks functional and atmospherical. Nice job!

    1. You're actually one who made me look at them a different way, those are especially well designed so I'm eager to add more now !

  3. Very nice to see the building with some models. Il helps having a good sense of size and playability. "Prezenz" ^^

    1. Cheers, having minis around is the very least to judge the worth of it ^^.

  4. Very cool really got me looking at these! ;)

    1. There's a watchtower coming that's especially groovy. ;)

  5. O that looks so good. Simple but with enough weathering and fun posters (Love the "Join the PDF!" one best!) to make it a perfect in style and grunge to match your minis collection.

    1. I had much better ones but didn't know where they were, they do add a little je ne sais quoi. ^^
      Thanks !

  6. Impressive! Posters are a super easy way to add personality to buildings, and they're so easy to make. Plus you can print off an entire city block worth on a couple of pages, for cheap! The grafitti here is quite convincing too.

    1. Totally agreed yes. They're a nice way to give a good vibe. thanks !

  7. Very realistic and well weathered ... to add graffiti is a great idea too.

    1. Well it's more graphical than anything but it does serve the purpose ! Thanks !

  8. Thats great JB.

    A step by step would be very interesting to see, although I appreciate that getting the photos taken at the right time etc is time consuming.

    1. It wouldn't be such a chore really, taking pics between steps isn't that long.
      I did actually made sort of a step by step when I painted my imperial ruins which were painted the exact same way :
