
Monday 12 December 2016

Flasher dwarf... or squat...


Ok, sorry for the lame introduction, and by introduction I don't mean... erm... nevermind. So, here's fun one. I've been lucky enough to get a flasher dwarf and I do have to say that although it would have never occured to me to look for it, I didn't say no when I got the chance to paint one.
I think most people will agree both the style and subject are at the very core of the oldschool Citadel style.
The model being unreleased, I have no idea about who sculpted him although I'd be tempted to say a Perry.

Yeah sorry for the disappointing rear shot but this guy is all about the full frontal.
Style wise I wanted to tie this guy with my Rogue Trader setting more than with the warhammer one so instead of adding him a bionic eye or nipple, I instead just chose to give him fluo green dyed hair and beard. I thought this and the environment around would be just enough to tell what kind of a space hobo this guy is.

Here's just a appetizer shot of the kind of environment I'm thinking for this guy, I think you get a pretty good idea of the concept now.

Funnily enough, although I didn't intend to paint him before others,n his very simple colour scheme and the fact I paint in batches means he got finished before others so if he's done, I just better share.
I suppose I can try to make every painting session count till new year's eve !


  1. He fits the environment perfectly! Hilarious!!!

    1. Glad you like his cock and roll attitude bud !

  2. Yeah, the sculptors in the early years had such a wicked sense of humour :D

  3. I will never look at a squat the same way again!

    1. Just like I'm sure you'll try the pose next time you're in the bathroom. ;)

  4. At first glance, I thought the green hair was an odd choice. After reading the blog, however, I love it! It makes him seem even more skeevy and lecherous.

  5. Hahaha, wtf? Seriously? I didn't see this coming! :D

    1. Better watch out, you want to see it coming to avoid it !

  6. Thats a fun model. Better suited to a more contemporary environment than a fantasy one anyway I would have said. I mean, thats a modern jacket.

    I never had a n interest in that miniature before, but I would like one now. Thats a vote of confidence right there I think.

    1. Isn't there something compelling in such a blunt model. Not a single drop of nuance here.

    2. All the more appealing because of it I think.

  7. This is the kind of model I adore... hideous, vulgar and hilarious. I want him and my naked Abdul to go on a rampage of exhibitionist destruction, leaving a trail of burnt cars and facepalms in their wake. That's what I want.

    1. That's a vivid idea right here mec, a full gang of guys who don't fear shame nor cold nor bullets.

  8. Hahahaha... That green beard really hits the spot. Lovely facial expression and I like his red nose too.

    1. He's a fun one, I like his round belly underneath that fat beard, I believe that for once they had to think about dwarf anatomy a bit better. ^^
      Cheers !

  9. It's so great to see one of the really rare (but pretty famous) squats get the deluxe treatment like this. I've never seen one painted before, let alone painted in such living colour. Congrats!
    I love the red nose. It just makes him that much more seedy.

    1. Ah cheers ! I think I might have seen one on solegends or other places but you don't see them much indeed.
      Thanks !

  10. Haha, brilliant mate - compelling, hypnotic, subtle yet overt... and strangely festive! No? Oh... just me then... ��

    1. It's the kind of models that bring far more fun than I should feel honestly but the pleasure/effort ratio is beyond comparison !
      Cheers !

  11. Fun sculpt! Love the green and the comments. Full frontal indeed....

    1. Aha cheers, everybody loves a good space hobo right ?

  12. LOL .... what a brilliant piece. XD
