
Thursday 17 November 2016

Rescued by a plastic monopose monstrosity AKA the Heroquest Chaos Sorceror

Over the Scale Creep, we've had a little challenge implying to paint every single model from the Heroquest box. To do that we've had the help of guest stars.
Now it's been a couple of weeks since I last produced anything, mainly because of busy week ends, Marvel series in Netflix and lazyness.
When painting mojo is going scarce, I usually pick a stand alone model to get in the swing of things and this time it was this lovely bloke.
You can read all I had to say about it on our group blog but it was nice to stretch a little and come up with something really !

I'm trying to finish some models for group projects and comitments to come and since I'll soon have watched all the latest Marvel series, painting should flow again pretty soon !


  1. Very nice job. Love the stripes which break the flatness of the model. Great !

    1. I first thought I'd paint a vertical pattern but it would have seemed odd given the shapes. I'm quite happy with the simple yet effective lines.

      Cheers mec

  2. How did you do the gloves? A real carefull drybrush? Or an even more carefull detailing brush layering?

    1. The gloves were started on a dark grey (PA german grey) and highlight with increasingly bright reds until orange (PA cadmium red). The highlights were quite rough without any big effort to blend, just trying to get good contrasts. I then gave a couple of Nuln Oil washes to tune the colour down and make the highlights blend together.

  3. Quite good. The Eye glow effect is great for drawing attention up where it should be, and the greenish skin is sickly yet "magical".

    I got a second of these from my college roommate, and he quickly became a chaos marine with the addition of marine arms and backpack. Without those giant hands, it is an even better figure. (still unpainted of course)

    1. The skin actually has some purple as well but below to give some zenithal lighting vibe and some vibrance. I'm quite content with it although I could have textured it a bit.

  4. Sweet! Wow, you interpretation of the mini gives the guy a totally different aspect than the usual. So cool!

    1. I tried not not look at other examples and just paint it how I felt.

      Thanks man !

  5. You achieved fantastic contrasts on both the blacks and reds in this piece - two very difficult colours to work with.

    1. Cheers, I have to say I've been struggling with red for a long time but now I'm enjoying it, I should probably start digging in other colours to improve. ^^

      Thanks a lot.

  6. Lovely work on surely the best figure of the HQ box. The horizontal stripes on the tabard work well and I think you made the correct decision on the face/helmet. Also a great transition to a proper base. Well done JB!

    1. Ah, yes, I just couldn't get myslef to keep those silly bases really. I think this little challenge has proven that all sculpts of this box can look good actually, I've really changed my mind on many of them thanks to this exercise.


    Et si tu lève les bras en l'air, c'est un tube !
