
Tuesday 12 July 2016

Warpriest of Law - Champions of Law season 2

A bit more champions of law today but this one has a little something special !
I've been in contact with Gretchin from Greenstuff Gretchin recently and we've been sharing common interests and ideas for future projects. You might remember she and Axiom did a joint project about an astropath and she's proposed me to convert a champion of Law !
Given how talented she is, I was obviously thrilled !

Just look at the miniature I got from her :

From a Jes Goodwin High Elf champion, she managed to make a very sinister looking warpriest of Law. I really like the idea and find it suits the whole theme really well. That arrow of law sculpted on the forehead is just incredibly thin and neat, tremendous skills at display on this one.

I really like the fact the eyes are not visible since it evokes a form of blind justice (or blind application of Law in our case) that fits the very strict take of my champions on what's right...

The painting was quite straightforward as usual and though I did consider painting the hood white at some point, it wouldn't have looked good with the white fur next to it and another hand it would have been associated with other concepts I don't really want around my little guys (however cruel and narrow minded they are in their imaginary world).

Since I had no eyes to paint in blue, I decided his sword would be an enchanted one which suits the higher rank of this guy. He'll be a perfect leader for the light armoured members of the band so I'm really glad to have him. 

Many thanks to Rebecca for her absolutely charming and unexpected offer, I really hope I did her model justice and I'm eager to return the favour to her !
Go check her blog HERE, you won't waste your time and will probably get plenty of excellent ideas !

Oh and since I had some requests, here's a pic of the whole force so far :


  1. Incredible team effort from both of you. The sculpting is seamless - if you hadn't shown the WIP figure, I'd have struggled to see which parts were added.

    The painting is, as ever, beautiful. I wholly agree with the decision to paint the hood black. It avoids any nasty historical comparisons, but also sets off the law rune. I love his big glowy weapon too :)

    1. I actually realised she had touched a few places on the "before" pic which I'd never have suspected once undercoated.
      What a chance !

  2. Axiom has it right. If you hadn't shown us the before-paint pics, then I wouldn't have guessed it was a conversion.

    Lovely stuff and that group pic is so cool!

  3. Very nice! I used to be a lawyer and I would always tell clients, Don't expect justice from the Courts; you only ever get law!

    Cheers, W

    1. Cool quote and one that fits these guys so well I'll use it again if you don't mind !

      Cheers !

    2. Feel free to use it ;) You had to manage client expectations, and if they thought they would be vindicated by justice they always ended up disappointed! Justice is what you get from (perhaps) God, judges only relentlessly, tediously, and often pointlessly apply the law!

  4. Oh wow! He really does look beautiful! Truly divine painting! ^^

    Plus black hoods are commonly worn in the courts when sentencing someone to death! ;)

    1. I owe it all to you !
      Thank you so much !

    2. Actually, I found another old-ish miniature in my bitz box that I'm very tempted to send your way once I'm done with it! ^^

  5. Replies
    1. Believe me they're not here to play nice !

    2. As I used to say to my buddies who are police and when I was in the military when people would protest or insult us. "No body likes the Hall monitor."

  6. Cracking job as usual JB, and high-5 to Gretchin for such a cool convertion! Brilliant :-)

    1. Cheers, that's a wonderful gift she offered !

  7. I really like the sculpt - I would have never known the origin of this figure if you hadn't shown it. The painting sets it off perfectly too

    1. I'm not super knowledgeable about elves so I would have struggled myself to be honest !
      Thanks Ashley !

  8. Excellent work the both of you! JB this warband keeps getting better. Gretchin does awesome work...heading over to check out her blog. ;)

    1. She truly does, she's got plenty of excellent stuff in many different vibes as well !

  9. very clever conversion! love it

    1. One I wouldn't have thought about but which works wonders really !

  10. The teamwork really paid off, I particularly love this one. I believe the whole concept about the eyes is the key here. The interpretation of the guy is so cool!

    1. Yep, I agree, I wouldn't have thought about this myself but it does set the vibe on this one !
      Cheers !

  11. I like it JB :) Can you throw some of your painting mojo my way please? You've more than enough for one :P

    1. Just tell how much you want of it... ;)
      Cheers Bud.

  12. Such a nice looking conversion, really well painted too - lovely

    1. Thanks, great models are always a great help in achieving a pleasant paintjob !

  13. Thats a great team effort, well done to you both.

    The group shot is oh so impressive looking JB. I cant wait to get a game in against those guys.

    1. We missed an opportunity only to make the following one greater !

  14. Great painting on the details on both the front AND back of the mini! :)

    1. Cheers, I always feel compelled to paint both sides. ;)
