
Saturday 7 May 2016

The Brattish rider

OK, this time I wanted to do something a little different so after quite a dose of fantasy, I thought I could go back to the familiar shores of 40k and confrontation.

Since I had been challenged on the Scale Creep to do a dragon, I thought this would be the time to do something refreshing. I've been meaning to use this dinosaur for 40k for a while now and until recently, I didn't really know what to use him as.

My previous idea was to use it as a baggage mule fr some ash waste nomads or something in that spirit but it would have involved working on my nomads which despite being a very motivating idea, meant too much time involved. I needed a stand alone figure. While talking to my good friends about this, I just tried to stick a spare Bratt on the dino...
The idea of having a dino on the dinosaur seemed stupid to me, it just didn't make any sense... at some point, I realised (helped by the others) that "makes no sense" was probably what I was looking for actually.
See, I'm slowly trying to build a little piece of the Rogue Trader world (the way I see it at least) and the idea to have a fringe world with red deserts populated with strange creatures and inhabitants is very appealing to me...
Here's a little drawing I did with my daughter, I was just trying to find the colours and tone, nothing more :

The idea I have in mind is post-apocalyptic and science-fiction in equal parts with loads of colonisation idea too. Having a traveller fit for this world seemed cool so I tried to make a knight of the future which had to make riding a dinosaur something casual and normal.

Here's a little picture of how I had to break parts (finally broke the left arm as well as you can guess), just cut every joint of the legs to pin and reposition as well as I could.

The rider used to stand a bit better on the mount but the pin going through his crotch broke and I never could fix that, now he has to sit a bit more on the back which doesn't look as good although the difference is minimal.

You can note on the picture above how damaged the dino is and I don't know if it's leardot or anything but the metal has surely suffered from heavy oxydation that has left scars all over the model. I've tried to remove as much where needed but the painting was exactly enjoyable on the dino for this reason.

As far as inspiration goes, you might prefer solid pieces like John Blanche's, thos ereally say it all for me. Not only are these my favourite kind of his varied style but they are so full of elements to pick and get inspired by...

Of course, my palette is slightly different to JB's and my painting style is not exactly Blanchitsu either but as always I'd rather take the spirit than the form :

With this model, I hope to have started my fringe world setting well. I have a gaming mat to be delivered now and I really hope the new scenery I'm preparing will help make something more evocative than the usual blue gradient backdrop I'm using for now. Need to push things a bit further really.

In the meantime, here's a couple of friends I could see my brattish rider hang around with. I have some proper bratts for confrontation planned (partly thanks to Evo) and I'm going to make them something else. This one is just a loner, outcast or adventuring sort.


  1. Very cool JB. The mount is perfect for RT. I remember being annoyed that you snapped it up before me ;)

    The subtle yellow markings on the dino are really nice, and there's a great contrast between the eye-popping colours of the Bratt and his natural coloured mount.

    But you know that cool Bratts ride bikes, right? ;)

    1. Aha, at least I used the model and just didn't let it sit on the leadpile !
      Bratts on bike yeah but it's been brilliantly done before so I try to avoid any competition ;)

  2. Inspirational work JB, I love the way you're able to create work from your imagination and other visual resources so successfully. I think you have to put a lot of thought into it before you even embark upon the modelling and painting, which I'm finding quite enjoyable too. Basically creating your own context for your own models. Well done mate!

    1. I tend to overthink things a little, trying to squeeze as many things I can but some other times I just apply paint until I'm happy... This one started a bit differently from what it was at first with a full orange suit. It just didn't fit.
      I'd like everything I paint to be a little coherent in the end when I finally have a table to put them on ! ^^'
      Thanks a lot !

  3. Impressionnant et majestueux, monture et cavalier, j'aime beaucoup!

    1. Merci à toi ! Pas facile de travailler sur le dino qui était complètement vérolé et oxydé mais son cavalier était bien sympa en revanche.

  4. That's an amazing piece! I like seeing the WIP shot of all of the pieces - that's something we don't always get to see on blogs, but really should be shown more often. I'm always interested in the process other modellers go through when making their figures.

    1. I often forget to take WIP shots but I'm trying to be a little more careful now. It does help to show the work done and I do like to know how other do as well.

      Thanks a lot !

  5. Wow and double wow! I do like a nice mounted fig. Great use of those legs too, JB. Not an easy thing to pull off.

    1. Cheers Ed, I thought you'd like this one ! ;) The legs ended up being easy enough to convert once cut into small parts, it was only a matter of gap filling after that really. I have many bikes to use to make that sort of conversions again now and I'm eager to try that with many models.

  6. Great conversion and paint job. The long rifle seems suited for a nomad.

    Like Odie, I also appreciate the WIP shot with the bitz, sometimes those are more inspiring than a finished figure!

    1. I hear loud and clear about the WIP, I'll try and post more now ! ^^
      the long rifle was an evidence right from the start, I only struggled to get the right pose with the left arm and legs.

      Thanks !

  7. Very cool JB - the rider looks right at home there, and I love the subtlety of the dino scheme, it's a lovely piece! Looking forward to seeing where this thought process leads mate :-)

    1. Cheers, nice to read !
      I'd love to make the scenery happen before long to really get the thing rolling. It's gonna come sooner rather than later I think. ;)

  8. Very nice - having done it before, converting a standing figure to riding is no mean feat! Looking forward to seeing your terrain too... ;)

    1. It's not always a piece of cake but for this guy it was OK, apart from taking care of not ruining any detail, it was quite enjoyable.

      Thanks !

  9. I don't think it's lead rot JB, just poor casting. I "think" I've had a case of lead rot once, but I'm not sure. It's always the first thing that springs to mind when you notice some irregular markings or colourisation on a mini isn't it? :) In my expert opinion I reckon your safe :DDD

    The concept is great too buddy, I like the image of a wasted planet being stalked by dragon riding dudes....awesome stuff as per usual :)


    1. Nah, don't think it's leadrot either, no sign of powdery stuff and all but the wrinkles everywhere are clearly a sign of oxydation (it's an alloy so other metals might oxydate after all).

      Glad you like the idea mate ;)

  10. Extremely cool conversion and paintjob. The nomadic appearance and the Blanche vibe look really great on this one!

    1. Ah, thanks amigo ! That's the sort of project I could see you come up with easily so that's nice !

      Cheers !

  11. Or maybe he's a well-dressed Gorkamorka mutie? Where is the mount from?

    1. AHa, I love the idea ! The mount is a Ral Partha dinosaur from the mid 70's (Tom Meier sculpt IIRC)

  12. Brats were always cool. Would love to play Confrontation again - such a fun and deep rules set with great gangs to choose from.

    Brats riding dino's is a natural in my mind as Skavvies riding on the backs of bigger Skavvies and Techs mounted in Aliens-style lifter-mechs.

    Good stuff mate.

    1. Cheers !
      I have to say my fondness for confrontation is almost infinite really. It's a setting you can broaden a lot and definitely the most pissed opportunity of GW ever.
      Scavvies and techs will have their turn but right now I'm working on another iconic gang... ;)

  13. For a moment there I thought he was that ape general in Planet of the Apes. Must have been the 'hair'. Excellent work yet again! The way the colours come together is something else. :)

    1. Thanks, I love a good slice of post-apoc from time to time and this guy was scratching that itch exactly ! I wanted him to keep a strong character so I went with bright colours for his jacket and hair. i'll have more in this line but with more muted colours.
