
Tuesday 24 May 2016

Cyber hound for the underhive hunters

Quick one today, I've had this model for some time now (since last BOYL actually). This little fella here was a kind gift from the kind Crooks.

The model is a marauder hound (you can tell from the big proportions and exaggerated expressions) and it came damaged in a trade. My good bro decided to grant him some bionic eye to fix him and offered it to me when we met.
I only took the time to prepare it yesterday and managed to add a bionic ear with his blessing (though I had forgotten he had given it).

The paintjob was a very rapid one as you can tell and I tried to get the chalky texture you'd normally avoid with a rough drybrush over the blended areas, just o enhance the feeling of fur.

The hound is perfectly fine with the venators who already had a pittbull accompanying their leader (for now). This is renewing my interest for the venators and I should soon start to paint more when I'm done building the ones I have in progress.


  1. You have done that poor mistreated hound full justice mec. His head had been split in half through some misfortune but we had the technology, we rebuilt him. And he is wonderful. Now I have to paint his brother!

    1. It's all about teamwork mec ! Paint his brothers and with Paul's they can form the most powerful trio of miniature super hounds the world has ever seen.

  2. I really enjoy the opportunity that a damaged figure brings - and the team effort on this one is a great result. Excellent subtle conversion, and really nice paint as ever!

    1. Cheers, I do love teamwork and I'm eager to work on some more stuff initiated by others !

  3. New try, with more proofreading :) -> Looks like doggy found a new home ! Very nice conversion, and you're right, he perfectly fits your venator band. I like his grumpy attitude and the bionic apparatus you add perfectly suits this mood I think.

    1. It's funny thing sto giv efacial expression to a dog but I like the comic look of it really ! Thanks mec !

  4. Great job - both on painting and conversion!
    Been looking for such thing for my scavvies a while back.

    1. I think the conversion is Just simple and efficient enough to work. The model can adapt to plenty of situations.
      thanks !

  5. Very cool mate, fits right in with this crew!

    1. It does yeah ! I didn't want him to steal the show but he's looking good (same sculptor, that has to count for something). I'd be tempted to try some Boltgrave action with those now...

  6. Great work as always. I hope i can finish my ONE venator before you finish building and painting a whole bunch of them!

    1. You'll get to it, it's taking me ages to complete this warband!

  7. Very nice for a quick one! Keep him off the Venator furniture though.

    1. Lol, it's already ruined the backyard shed ! ;)

  8. Haha, the conversion works perfectly, nice quick job!!

  9. Lovely stuff JB. He looks like a suitably fearsome beast.

    1. Not the most impresisve model of teh collection I reckon but one of those usful models to have around and definitely one of those you love to have painted because they're teh result of a valuable friendship.

      Thanks !

  10. My favourite Citadel/Marauder miniatures pooch of all time.

    Making the poor guy into a mecha-mastiff so nicely makes me want to acquire more of those dogs.

    +++ BARK-BARK +++
