
Saturday 16 January 2016

Boyz n the scrapyard - Colony 87 Junker

After the mechanic from a couple of posts ago, let me introduce to the 2nd model from the 2nd wave of the colony87 range from Jon/Axiom. This model, like the previous one is based on sketches from Will Beck and sculpted by Michael Anderson. Like the previous models, this one will come in handy to represent a junker or rogue mechanic.

You can see below the model is very faithful to the sketch and I find nice to have models with a different bulk in this range. His broad chest and large head really give you the sense he's not here for fun...

 The jumpsuit and tabard really make that one look tough as nails which I find is the strict minimum for a character like this ! No weapons on this guy and yet you can sense you shouldn't pick a fight with a man holding a pair of cas canisters and a welding rod like this.

Painting wise, I chose to paint the jumpsuit to be in the same vein as a previous model and because I know that the orange jumpsuit echoes the ones some prisoners in the US wear. It's a way to give a sense of menace and toughness without resorting to tattoos (wouldn't have had much space for those) or weapons. Besides I think orange jumpsuits for guys working in a scrapyard sort of make sense since you'll want to be seen (like workers on construction sites).

Like for his companion from the range I considered weathering and adding stains but I prefered to let the sculpt talk for itself :

I couldn't resist weathering the gas canisters  though as shiny tools would have looked really weird... (I'm all about contradictions). It was also a way to make them look as what they are.

So here we are : first third of the range painted ! The others are on their way and you'll discover them all before the Kickstarter launches. With the next models, we'll get away from oil stains and scrap metal to encounter some more scientific characters...

I couldn't resist showing you the junker along one of the models he'll likely be playing, my LE space white dwarf who was also painted to use as a junker. Do I need a scrapyard now ? Well... I think we all know the answer to that... It will come I promise !

More Colony 87 goodness and Frostgrave in the future, with a couple of unexpected models as usual !


  1. That orange jumpsuit is so rich, so vibrant - it reminds me of this old Australian TV commercial where this mechanic's girlfriend cleans his overalls so they are perfectly clean and all his mates at the garage make fun of him. I wouldn't make fun of this guy though, he'd stick one of those oxy tanks where the sun don't shine...

    1. And now I feel bad for not weathering him... (goes in the corner of the room to sob)

    2. Everything is going to be okay mec - you can get out of weathering him by painting his girlfriend, all his mates laughing and the bucket of grease he smears all over himself to disguise the cleanliness. Easy!

  2. Oh yes, another winner. I do like the way his physique fits so well with his occupation.

    1. Yep, there's a real match here I find, the bulk, the stance, all go in the same direction to make this character real.

  3. Perfect! The orange overalls are ideal for a dock worker or penal labourer. Mine will certainly be in orange too.

    Michael really captured the heavy-set nature of the character with this guy.

    1. Glad you like them ! The orange jumpsuit really was and evidence for this guy, the leathery tabard and the rest just followed really. I'm eager to see new versions and yours especially !

  4. Nice one! Like the prison orange! /Hans

    1. Cheers, some bright colour to show he's a toughy seemed appropriate !

  5. Absolutely magnificent. I also use orange for these industrial looking garment. In fact I have something that vibe on my workbech right now!
    But oh, man, right now I need Colony87 minis even more!!

    1. Cheers Suber, I'm eager to see what you have up your sleeve now ! Do not worry, the wait won't be long now !

  6. Nice job JB, love the colour choice, he looks great! Of course, there is an alternative interpretation for this guy... I'm sure that blowtorch would be really good for extracting confessions for the Inquisition...

  7. Dude these pieces of art you shared in this post are brilliant!!! Screw the so-called contradiction in weathering, they might look good with some additional weathering but I know for sure they look excellent without!!!! :)

    1. Thanks ! It's a sort of relief to have someone behind me on this point ! The rat is sublime indeed. Will Beck is one talented chap for sure.

  8. i like miniatures to add some life to a piece of scenery, a gaming table or to use as an objective, in games. Those miniatures are perfect for this. They do not carry any guns yet are perfectly in the mood of the far future.
    I love the way you managed to paint the orange suit !

    1. That's the excat same reason why I love this range so much, so full of opportunities !
      Cheers, I'm quite chuffed with the orange jumpsuit myself. ^^

    2. You're right, this orange suit is really great. And the miniature is awesome too :)

  9. Cool stuff; great painting; and sadly more stuff I will HAVE to buy!


    1. You have no choice, I won't lie about that, but see the good side of it : they're wonderful models !

  10. Really good colour choices on this one - From his dark skin, to the yellow gas canisters. Am really looking forward to seeing the rest of this characterful range!

    1. Cheers,they're a delight to work on really, I have 2 of them almost done and 2 halfway so you won't have to wait for long ;)
      Thanks !

  11. Fantastic! I was getting worried that I'd missed out on the next wave of Colony 87. Whew! I absolutely want to support great projects like these.

    1. Thanks Sean, and don't worry, you haven't missed anything yet, the KS is due for Febuary and those who missed the first one should be able to get models from it as well.
