
Thursday 31 December 2015

So long 2015...

This is the time of the year where like all my fellow bloggers, I feel compelled to telling you all about this past year and what I hope for the year to come...

What I have painted this year :

Models painted : 108

Despite having had a good month and a half without any painting done, I've somehow managed to get far more models done this year... Odd, but nice. I guess this 3rd year of intense painting for me has proven useful as I feel a lot more confident and can do many things more efficiently now. Plenty of room to improve of course but I love the journey as much as the destination so that's all fine for me !

Definitely the most unexpected project and one of the most enjoyable of this year for me !

I have painted a lot less "commitment" models for challenges and events but for a first time I've taken commissions. I can't say that this has affected my painting in a good way but some commissions are far more motivating than others. All in all I'm quite happy because I've mixed many things without losing too much focus, Rogue Trader warbands, some chaos for 40k and some fantasy was on the menu this year and I liked that so I think this won't change though I'd like to try new scales (54 mm and 15 mm) for fun.
You can get a good look at my Rogue trader gallery to see a good part of what I painted this year. and I've actually added a gallery for my Chaos Renegade army as well. A gallery for my Fantasy warbands should soon follow.

What I have played this year :

  • a couple of games of Munchkin (Cthulu version) which I  like
  • A lot of games of coups d'un soir (yes AGAIN)
  • Many games of Neuroshima Hex which is absolutely excellent
  • Very little if any video games including the solo campaign of Diablo III and a few hours online plus some hours here and there of GTA V.

The real thing is that this year has seen dar more action on the table top !

That's about 10 games all in all so not much I'm afraid but so much more than what I was used to ! But more than 10 games, I've actually met many gamers (about 30 during games I'd say) thanks to those games. Some I had the pleasure to play with for the first time and some I already knew and was so happy to see again. I've played with gamers from Canada, Australia, Ireland, US, UK, Germany and of course France !
The best part is that I already have games booked for 2016 implying people I really like and models that will get a chance to play their first games !

Do I want more of this in my life ? No, I NEED more of this in my life.

Personnal side :

  • I have moved home again (just the 5th time in 5 years).
  • I've got into Kendo competitions and liked that a lot, I found a real good spirit with both partners and opponents and enjoyed this other side of this martial art.

Apart from that, there have been a few events this year that left a bitter taste and pretty nasty scars, some wounds are still here, some are gone but the real focus of this year is how genuinely kind and supportive some people have been to me this whole year. It sounds cliché and overheard to the most cynical (I'm usually in that lot) but if it wasn't for some human gems out there things this year would have been far more different. I'm really willing to give some of what I've received back because I feel this is is the only way to make this stupid world of ours acceptable and even enjoyable at times.

I guess everything's not wrong when you manage to finish a model started 2 years ago...

Blogging and life on the net :

Funnily enough, it seems I blog at a steady pace on a yearly scale as every year I end up with about 70 posts. I've never forced myself to post myself to post because I felt I ought to (the idea seems too odd to me) and some posts have been separated by weeks while others have been separated by less than a day !
I've managed to cross the 200 followers milestone this year and hope I'll be able to cross the 300 in 2016 ! Getting more people who follow is obviously not a goal in itself but the new people and the comments are a way to have a feedback on what you do. Blogging is all about sharing so I'm hugely interested in knowing what's liked or not and why. I've had many ideas from comments and have made real connections with fellow bloggers. I just can't see the point of blogging without exchanging ideas.

Collecting :

Though I've never been a collector but always more a painter/modelist than anything else, I've managed to get my hands on some pretty cool stuff including some nice confrontation but even other things :

Projects :

First of all, let's have a look at what I had planned last year :

- Space Skaven -> All converted and primed but one
- Rogue trader robots -> One robot done
- Chaos Grav attack -> DONE !
- Helmawr gang for confrontation -> DONE !
- Chaos Dwarf Allied contingent for my 3rd army -> Erm, well...
- Loads of venators (lead and plastics) -> Lead ones painted, plastic ones nearly all converted and ready to paint.
- Some Space fleet -> Erm, I've collected a fair few and have got my hands on all I need to play but painting still has to happen.
- As many chaos renegades as I can -> I've actually painted more than I previously had so I guess it's good
- More NPCs and civilians for Rogue trader/40k/confrontation/necromunda -> I have no idea how many I've done this year but I can call that job done for sure ^^

So what is 2016 going to be made of ? Well I guess a very similar look with added tastes and flavours ! I'm really happy hobby wise so I won't try to fix what's not broken, I'll try to integrate new techniques and projects just to avoid hobbying in circle but with the amount of fresh and cool stuff around I know I'll want to explore new shores !

Will this guy see some paint this year ? Most probably I'd say ^^

With all my best wishes to you and yours, let's make 2016 one hell of a good year for everyone !


  1. Nice review JB. I look forward to playing with you again in 2016.

    Keep those lovely models coming!

    1. Cheers mate, It's been a genuine pleasure to be around the lots of you this past 2 years and I'm looking forward to more of that really !

  2. You've had a great old year of Hobby JB. Lets hope 2016 is even better! Keep it coming

    1. I owe it to you guys really, great emulation and fun is the best of motivations really, I can sense more of that !
      Cheers bro.

  3. You've been a very busy boy JB.
    I love how almost everything you do is converted or altered in some way and to a lot of people probably wouldn't even realize that your stuff is " Warhammer"...if you know what I mean.

    1. It's true a lot of models are on a blurred line but I think it's important to make your the models yours. Let's make 2016 a great one too !

  4. I've really enjoyed your output this year JB. Your lovely painting, excellent eye for figures and all round approach really appeals to me.

    It was really good to share our BOYL experience and the Rogue Quest project. I look forward to repeating them :)

    I hope 2016 goes well for you too.

    1. I've really felt like this year was hand in hand with you and others and that really fueled me with energy and ideas.
      We're getting better at this so 2016 should be a great year, I know it's going to be in great company so it's already gonna be a good one from where I stand !

  5. I always enjoy reading your blog and seeing the wonderful development of your ideas across a range of different systems/backgrounds. I also appreciate how you contribute to others work too with comments, praise and advice. It's always very appreciated. I look forward to what you provide in 2016, well done JB

    1. Cheers Stuart, very kind words ! I really really like how everyone can develop a personal style while getting ideas from others. I have to say I've never enjoyed this hobby as much as now that I'm sharing it with good willed individuals really !
      Here's to the best of new years !

  6. Brilliant year JB - so many stand-out models, so much inspiration! Looking forward to seeing what you produce in 2016 :-)

    1. Cheers, with so many good projects out there, it's really a treasure of inspiration we have !
      Looking forward to sharing a bit more with you this year (Rogue quest take 2 : the monsters ?)

  7. Eh, j'ignorais qu'il y avait eu un événement Oldhammer à Lyon cette année ! Si ça recommence l'année prochaine, j'irai faire un tour, 100 km, c'est faisable :p
    Sinon, belle année de peiture. Mon préféré, c'est la bande de champions de la Loi. Superbe choix de figurines et de schéma de couleur.

    1. C'était une première mais on s'est vraiment bien amusé et ca a été l'occasion de se connaitre avec Nico et autres donc ce serait génial de t'avoir l'année prochaine ! Si on refait qqchose cette année on te fera savoir. Comme je suis à Grenoble on peut même envisager de se trouver un créneau !
      Merci pour les projets, j'ai pas ton endurance ni ton niveau mais de voir des projets comme les tiens ou d'autres est super motivant.

    2. La Drôme est à côté, ça doit pouvoir se faire :)

  8. A wonderful collection of pieces with some exquisite conversions there JB. A year to be most proud of. The element that catches my eye the most in your work are those lovely pale tones you have used, particularly on the yellow skin. The tone reminds me of the old school painted, Paul Benson, who was well noted for doing a great deal of pale skin tone on his models. That palanquin looks very promising too, and having painted one this year, I know how challenging (and rewarding) the model is to complete. I found that breaking the model down into sub-assemblies made things much easier, especially those nurglings at the base!

    1. Cheers ! I have to say I'm not super confident with bright colours so I tend to use with extreme care . I've already painted another palanquin twice so know full well how challenging this one can be. As you said, I've kept the palanquin seperate from the nurglings to help painting and the rider is actually magnetised to let me change riders as I see fit (and help with the painting), it's after all many models in one !

  9. A very productive year.

    Really looking forward to see what you produce next year.

    Happy new year.

    1. You've been busy yourself too ! It was a great year hobby wise and I'm glad we got to get a fun game involving so many cool kids !

      Have the best of years !

  10. Salut! Et bien voilà un beau bilan Monsieur, beaucoup de projets aboutis et de belles pièces. C'est pas donné à tout le monde :) Je te souhaite au moins la même chose pour cette nouvelle année ! A+ Nico

    1. Merci à toi, tu t'y connais en projets aboutis, ton bilan doit pas être dégueu non plus !
      Je te souhaite une super année aussi et espère u'on va pouvoir se recroiser rapidement !

  11. Thoroughly enjoyed discovering your blog this year. I love the inventive painting and your enthusiasm to share ideas and techniques. Looking forward to more in 2016!

    1. Very kind words sir, I'm only a late follower of yours. ^^'
      I think it's all about sharing ;)

  12. Hey Asslessman I just wanted to say thanks for all the inspiration, I wish I could paint like you! Your work is damned fine I especially like the heroes of law project.
    If I may, I really think your Helmwar gang would make for some amazing 4th generation genestealer a in a invasion force. They would look in a genestealer cult too don't get me wrong but they have so much character, they ARE what I envision for 4th edition genestealer hybrids.
    I look forward to your posts in 2016 they really help my work days fly by.

    1. Cheers for the kind words man !

      I hadn't thought of the Helmawr gang that way but now I cannot unsee it ! I really like the idea hybrids blend in many layers of society.
      I hope future posts bring as much as past ones, with all the great inspiration around that should'nt be too hard ;)
      Have a great new year man !

  13. Looks like a year of proper Oldhammerness.
    Jb you are one of the brightest members of the community with ideas, inspirations,and reference. Not only on your blog and the comments of mine, but everywhere. I'm looking forward to seeing what you have cooked up for 2016. Wishing you well in the New Year my friend. ;)

    1. Wow, that's really nice to read... I've had a pretty rough shitty years on many points this year but little soldiers and many excellent people around it like you have really helped make it bearable and even enjoyable.
      Thanks a lot and keep up your enthusiasm and excellent ideas and models, it's always a delight !
      Have a great 2016 dude.

  14. Wow, what a year!! Just wanted to wish you all the best for the incoming 2016. A toast to a year full of your creativity and inspiration. Bonne année!!

    1. Gracias my friend ! Your impressive outcome and your exquisite enthusiasm have been a real delight throughout the year so I'm eager to share another one along you ! Have the best for 2016 !

  15. Nice productive year! Thanks for the kind word, it was a lot of fun playing a game with you. 2015 was so shitty hobby-wise for me, it was probably the gaming highlight of my year!

    Bonne annee 2016!!

    1. It was nice meeting a brother form the other side of the atlantic !

      Bonne année to you too !

  16. All the above of course, JB. What I love about your blog is a kind of element of surprise. A bit of a "Oh wow! One of my favourite fig! Didn't expect to see that!" thing. Great to see such a harmonious vibe within the community at the moment. Long may it continue into 2016. I see great stuff ahead. Really great turnout this year mate. HNY!

    1. I don't see no reason for things to change really, I just care about good willed people and there are plenty around. I really appreciate being able to share with people like you who have a real personal approach and proposition.
      Thanks for the kind words and here's to more in 2016 !

  17. A great output - I have enjoyed reading along (even if, shamefully, I have not commented on everything). Keep it up ;)

    1. Cheers, we've got so much to follow it's hard to keep track of everything ! Have the best 2016 possible.

  18. fantastic year all around Asslessman...a great inspiration to us lesser mortals. And I cant wait to see that chaos marine palanquin painted up...what a genius idea!

    1. Cheers Chris, you've offered us some pretty cool stuff yourself ! The palanquin still requirs some putty wor but chaos renegades should get some proper love this year. ;)

  19. Great hobby year JB. It's been a real pleasure to meet you this year and share some games. Your blog is really inspiring and a pleasure to read. I am really looking forward to your 54mm paintings in 2016 as i love this scale myself and have a few big dudes to put paint on. Promise my psycho sam is on its way, i was just too badly organised to finish it in 2015 ;) Wish you the best for 2016

    1. Cheers mate, pleasure was completely shared and I'm looking forward to your psycho Sam ! Inquisitor has been left aside for too long now, I need to scratch that itch !
      Bonne année à toi !

  20. have kept up with things via facebook, hoping to get back on with the blogger and hobby stuff soon, not painted much in ages, but did get some ramshackle robots put together and photo'd, so may get a quick post done of those?
    all the best getting as much painted and constructed in the coming year as you did this one! I love the chaos lot, and can't wait to see the palanquin/marneus finished!

    1. Sometimes you'e gotta to follow the pace, not force it, I guess...
      Thanks a lot Jess', I really hope to have as much chaos I can done this yearn it's a very special project for me.
      All the best for this new year. ;)

  21. I got here later last year so haven't been able to enjoy your work until recently, but what I've seen has been very special and I'll certainly be coming back regularly.

    Keep up the great work sir.

    (And you're a git! I thought I would been the first to use Calgar on a palanquin! O well, I will draw inspiration from your own great design! ^_^)

    1. Pleasure's shared !
      Rest assured Calgar will onmly be one of the 3 riders I put on this palanquins, I've actually magnetised him and the 2 other 40k riders to change them as I want. Marneus also doesn't fit on the seat which needs to be modified (I'll cover that in a post).
      Bets of years to you !
