
Wednesday 23 September 2015

Aenuroid - The sword of grim darkness

Aenuroid, the cyber assassin
And here's another model done for a little group challenge ! This time there was no choice for me but to participate since I'm partly responsible for it taking place !
I've had an Aenur model for ages like many of us who once bought the WD that had him in it and like many people, I've never had a go at him because I simply didn't really know what to do with it...
That was until I bought the Adeptus mechanicus Skitari box and decided to try the simplest of conversions on him : a head swap.

For some reason I really liked the idea of making the conversion as simple as possible and the fact I've been playing Dishonored a lot may have been an influence...

I posted the conversion on the 'emporium of rogue dreams', a FB page about sci-fi models from mixed origins (2000AD, GW universe, Starwars or others) and thanks to Evo Von Himmel, it quickly escalated into a modelling challenge for all to come up with their own vision of the model.
You may have already seen Jon/Axiom's excellent tech priest on his blog and I can tell you the other entries (the competition is ending this month) are all wonderful !

Next time your painting a circular design with checkers... make sure you have an even number of segments and don't rely on luck alone like I did...

Modelling wise I kept the conversion simple as I said and I only removed the dagger to replace it with a gun when I was 80% done with the painting. This may come to you as an evidence but it was obviously a very silly idea which made me ruin a good deal of painted areas...
Anyway, since I wanted the modeling to be quite simple, I took the opportunity to push the painting a little and decided to try some freehands on the cape. This is obviously an equally silly idea to want to have a try at freehand on such a base with all the folds everywhere but hey, being silly has never stopped me from doing anything so far (unfortunately).
The 2D photos actually show the inquisition symbol a little more distorted than it is in real and apart from a little symmetry issue I'm actually quite happy with how it turned out.
The palette is one I've used on the Helmawr gangers and the imperial noble as well (maybe I'm in my Blanche period or something) but this time I made it far more connected to the 40k universe than I usually do by painting an inquisition symbol on it. I wouldn't be able to explain why though. That's a familiar design I suppose.

As always, Lord Sergei of House Kalente knows how to make things happen...
 I also tried to make the sword look futuristic by bending it like a katana and by painting it with transitions like I did on Camilla's sword, the result is not as good though and I should definitely try to work on my blending on small areas like that.

Being a rogue trader with an inquisition assignment lets Camilla pick amongst the Imperium's finest agents, the support of a cyber assassin is always welcome as far as she's concerned.
All in all this was a fun project and I cannot wait to see the other entries that are to come ! For once I had the feeling to paint something a little different in terms of model and painting style though it may not shox since the palette is a familiar one. I tried my best at blending the red on the cape (which I then totally messed with the stains and all...) and he freehand on the cape was also a very nice try, all these are obviously time consuming but from time to time I do enjoy going whee i don't usually go painting wise just to learn new things and see how I can make my work a little more fun.

Next model will probably one of my most personal models ever and the start of a nice little project too (yes another project started I know).


  1. The headswap is a simple but effective conversion. And I like the mud spatters.

    1. Less is more sometimes though when I see the other entries I realise I could have gone a bit further ^^'

  2. He looks great JB!

    As Mr Preacher already mentioned, those splatters look ace! How'd you achieve that effect? The bent blade is a simple but very effective way of changing the style of the mini too.

    I'm very envious of your freehand work JB, but the alignment looks a little strange. I'm not sure if it would have looked better skewed a little to the right or not? Coz if I look at the cloak again, it looks correct. It only looks a bit "off" because the right hand side of his cloak looks like it's swept in a wider arc. It's very difficult to try to explain :(

    Don't mind me JB, it's probably just an optical illusion or too much alcohol consumption on my part. It looks great, wish I could paint freehand like that.

    Well done!

    1. You're right, the problem is that the upper part of the circle is a little too much on the right side and the fact I tried to respect the shape means I had to paint the sign a little bent on the right. These 2 combined make the right side of the circle look wider because there's less folds....
      The mud is made with some dark brown and an equal quantity of matt medium drowned in water
      then I just added some scorched brown and messed everything with devlan mud before adding the splatters

    2. I reckon painting on anything on folds is extremely difficult. Kudos to you JB, there's no way in the world I could have done better.

      How did you apply the splatters though? Flicking with your paintbrush or a toothbrush? It looks really impressive.

      Oh, I forget to mention about the checkers. Your comment about counting then out first rang true for me. I regretted not doing that when I painted up my Silver Skulls. Ended up having to fudge it on a few of them :)


    3. The splatters... my technique is even worse ! I just load an old brush with thinned paint or washes and just violently blow on it. Absolutely no control on what I'm doing but so far i 's worked quite well and it's funny !
      Not counting your segments when making checkers is a leap of faith that can cost a lot of hair and nerves...

  3. I have two Aenur figures and still stuggle to finish the painting on only one of them... Your take on this lonely warrior figure fits perfectly the grim darkness of the far future. The head swap is simple and tremendously effective. While the inquisiton markings on the back of the capes aren't perfect they stil are miles beyond my own talents.. and it suits the model perfectly. Yet, the gratest part, as underlined by your fellow readers are the splatters : they look great and very realistic. I wonder how you achieved such a marvel, I'm always reluctant to try something like this for fear of ruining my painting...

    1. I'm not looking at making display models but good tabletop ones so even if things aren't perfect, it is not a huge problem really, like any weathering effect, splatters require to just let things go, there's no mistake you can't correct and if it really was beyond repair I could still start from new after stripping. I'm not the kind to test techniques on test models and I usually learn the hard way but this way lessons stay in mind far more effectively !
      In doubt, just try, you're not risking much !

    2. I probably should follow this advice :) Make no mistake, your Inquisition markings are awesome, the circle alone might be better, risking a freehand on such a trouble surface is an awesome achievement.
      I don't know if it's the link between the original model and Mordehim but, it might be one of my favourite amongst your paintings

    3. And your checkers patterns are also awesome. I almost lost an eye just giving it a try some months back !

  4. Just stunning JB! You've retained the elegant simplicity of the original, while making some very subtle but effective changes.

    The freehand and weathering are great. All in all a wonderful figure, and a great contest too!

    1. Cheers, I was wondering if my lack of ambition would make the model look a little poor but it seems the sculpt is good enough by itself.
      The red side of the cape is for some reason far much better than the other one but all in all I'm quite happy with the model !

  5. Wa HOO! another idea to steal!!! ;0)

    1. Go ahead and check the other conversions to come on blogs here and there, there are some truly wonderful with always that very same base model !

  6. Looks great as always. Hmm ... i really like the idea of him as an eldar corsair now.

    1. Well if it wasn't for the huge inquisition sign it could have been an excellent eldar corsair I reckon, in the vein of Harlock (the Japanese manga). Maybe I can find another one to make it so ?

  7. Simple and effective! And I really like the paint job.

  8. Great! The conversion is wonderful, an example that less is more, as you said. Neat work!

    1. Cheers, these days I'm all about simplicity and getting things done !

  9. Great conversion! It is a little hard to make out what is going on with the pistol, but the head is perfect, and the painting is amazing.

    Fortunately I see you have already explained how you did the mud splattering, so I shan't ask you again, but it is quite excellent, as is the check work.

    1. A poor photo and awkward choice of colours and the gun just vanishes amongst the rest ! The mud splattering is really easy to achieve, it's just a loose application of paint and washes and matt medium helps tremendously to get the control you want.
      Thanks for the kind words !

  10. Wow! I absolutely love this! I saw a few of these back when the comp was running, but somehow managed to miss yours - so simple, but so effective. The paint scheme really works and the weathering and Blanchesque chequers take it to the next level.

    1. Thanks ! He even had the chance to see some action during a shadow wars campaign last summer !
