
Wednesday 27 November 2013

Why try to fix what is not broken?

You know people, being oldschool may not entirely be a matter of taste or even a choice sometimes. If I consider my own humble example, I do have a strong link and empathy towards old stuff but I have to tell you the reason why I'm into all this retro/old/vintage thing

I am an idiot.

I don't mean to say people with similar taste are idiots, most of them have willingly decided to keep some old stuff around for nostalgia or lots of good reasons but mine is just that I'm not adapted to this world.

- I don't have a FB account (yet)
- I don't even have a cell phone (apart from the one my boss gave me by force for professionnal reasons)
- When I go on my blogger page from my whife' smartphone in front of the telly because my painting table is still not operationnal, I only end up screwing my blog outfit.

Now you have the reason why this place looks different. The idea to change it had crossed my mind but my inadequacy with modern technology forced me to do it in a hurry...

I'm only 32 and already too old for this sh*t...

I'm just showing the above picture of an oldschool Nurgle beast because Nurgle is the opposite power to change and therefore should be my patron god. It also makes me feel less guilty since this post is not entirely about whining...
Oh and it reminds me that it was offered unpainted to me by a schoolmate for painting him a whole lot of models for our DnD campaign.


  1. Good work on the nurgly beast, nice new look for the blog too!

    1. Thanks, to be honest , the former was painted quite some while ago when I got back into the business and the latter has been improvised so that It wasn't just a plain grey page and felt not too far from the original look...

      Thanks Paul

  2. Haha, I find almost the same problems about re-doing my blog's appearance. 'Some day...' I tell to myself...
    The Nurgle Beast is superb looking, really love it!

    1. Thanks, looking back at him, I just realise how he seems to wear lipstick and it reminds me I once used inks undiluted which was not the best idea...
      But I still love it and there's plenty to piant before considering stripping this one...

  3. Hey, hey, Mr. A.L.M,

    I'm there with you - no Facebook, no cell phone, as little computer time zappage as possible - keeps the oldschool aesthetic pure and it allows for more painting and gaming time.

    I really like your Nurgle friend! I think the lipstick is wonderful and completely adds to the beast. Makes him seem so friendly.

    1. Thanks private, in fact maybe it's not lipstick. Maybe its lips are just redish because its keeps making too much big kisses to papa Nurgle...

  4. Great work on the beast, I remember I was trying to get it long time ago when I was still into WFB (like 12 years ago?) but back then purchasing minis from abroad was just fu**ing out of my reach.

    Ouch =/

    1. An old job but One I still enjoy. Thanks !

    2. Old minis are the best, especially those with tiny pewter soul inside.
      Such like a this one :)
